CONFIRMED: Ricky Williams Fails Drug Test | Page 49 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

CONFIRMED: Ricky Williams Fails Drug Test

greatwade said:
Misleading thread title. Confirmed: you don't know jack Ships are sailing away....away...the ships are

Confirmed: confirmer....whatever, whatever.....confirmer (think 12" of Snow - informer)
Lol. Dude, I just watched "In Living Color" where Jim Carey did the "Imposter" by Snow.:sidelol:
ohall said:
I am grown up and he is Wicky to me forever more.

Sorry that offends you.

1. I don't think it offends anyone. They're just pointing out that it makes you look worse than the person you are trying to insult.

And, in my opinion, that is equally true of "Frerotten", "Feebley" or whatever.

Just child games.

2. Re: appeals history. The league will not announce suspensions or whatnot until AFTER the apeal has failed. Appeals could have worked a hundred times, you don't know. And stop the "exactly, we don't know", backpedaling. That's not what you were saying. You were implying appeals never work.

3. If you want to play therapy chatch phrase word games, then "no one eveer beats addicition" might fly. But in reality people beat addictions every day.

Do many people relapse? Sure, but not all. The rate at which they do depends on the addiction.
dolfan72734me said:
Lol. Dude, I just watched "In Living Color" where Jim Carey did the "Imposter" by Snow.:sidelol:

my personal favorite:

Let's just say your serving drinks... you say...throw me some Tips. Darts strart flying, hitting him about the neck.

Very dangerous! :sidelol:
Despacio said:
Lets just make this clear, when Ricky left our team in 2004, he left us high and dry. This time, no matter how much the media makes of all this, Ricky leaving does not impact our team much at all. Yeah, great depth, but let's face it, Ricky performed best last year when he got 20+ carries. And now Ronnie gets to show off the back that he is. No more rotation nonsense that look great on paper but not in execution.

I wish ricky did not do this to himself, again. But what I'm feeling right now is a far cry from what I felt the last time he left. The difference is our team is still in great shape. Maybe in even better shape practically since Ronnie will get the chance to fully blossom.

And let's not forget that Sammy Morris is a solid backup.

Well put. Looks like ronnie was was the best pick with the #2, Saban must have seen this coming or at least as a potential of happening. However all this roles out , the phins in 06-07 will be fine
i havent read all of the 49 pages of this post.

Where is it confirmed the he failed a test? I have only read speculation so far.
SirDrums said:
i havent read all of the 49 pages of this post.

Where is it confirmed the he failed a test? I have only read speculation so far.

its not.

Title is Full of shiat
greatwade said:
its not.

Title is Full of shiat

Seriously, Mods why havent you changed the Thread title to atleast remove the word "Confirmed" when it clearly isnt confirmed by a viable or reliable source just yet?

Its all speculation and heresay.
Dolphins_SR66 said:
Seriously, Mods why havent you changed the Thread title to atleast remove the word "Confirmed" when it clearly isnt confirmed by a viable or reliable source just yet?

Its all speculation and heresay.
the MiamiHerald is a very reliable source, so reliable that every other site including ESPN is stating the report
nick1 said:
the MiamiHerald is a very reliable source, so reliable that every other site including ESPN is stating the report
ummm, the reason the Miami Herald says


is that it isn't even their report.

They are reporting another reporter's report. Confirmer...a licky boom d...ownnnnnn..
nick1 said:
the MiamiHerald is a very reliable source, so reliable that every other site including ESPN is stating the report

Reguritating a single report out of Denver is not substantiating it nor validiating it.....and the Herald has backed off its report and now simply says it may be true that a missed test was the cause. ESPN and every other outlet simpy says..."its being reported", that doest count as confirming or validating it either.

Again, until Ricky, Miami FO, or especially NFL HQ states facts, it isnt confirmed.
dolfan72734me said:
But, even if he did get tested in Denver, wouldn't have to be released to the NFL head office or something, instead of a local Denver station?

Yes and since they [the NFL] are being big on not disclosing drug testing info [policy] I hope to God they fry the person who was/is the leak [if this is true]. Fair is fair. For whatever reason this whole thing doesn't sit right with me, and I'm not saying that I am any one in a position to know...but you know what I mean. I guess we can just wait and see. My gut tells me he missed a test because of his travel - but I also think that he, his agent and any attorney on the payroll would have known that all they needed to do was tell the NFL he was travelling, and that wouldhave covered his back side. Then it is the NFL's responsibility to get a testor to him. [at least that is how I think it works].
nopony said:
1 ... [edited by responder to cut down to just relevant text]
Do many people relapse? Sure, but not all. The rate at which they do depends on the addiction.

Actually the rate at which people relapse does not depend upon the addiction at all, but rather their personal commitment to rehabilitation and the support, education and effort they put into it. Each addiction (drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, etc.) is each persons own demon and it is relative to the individual. Relapse rate is more guided toward the program the addict puts into proactice versus the drug or drugs of choice. A heroine addict is no more likely to relapse than an overeater. [qualifications; drug & alcohol counselor and 23 years of recovery in a 12-step program].

This wasn't to argue a point but rather to calrify. Sorry to get off topic.
ohall said:
No some of you simply have no idea what you are talking about.

Didn't you just hear about the basketball HC who was in an accident because he started drinking again?

You never beat addiction, ever, never not until you are dead.

Correct. Hoowever, success comes one-day-at-a-time or even one-minute-at-a-time, whatever it takes to succeed. And that is why it is more correct for a recovering individual to say, "I am a revoering alcohoic" versus "...a recovered ...". Addixtive diseases simpply go into remission and are just waiting for you to give them another chance. And when they become active it is as if they never left, you start off at the same level of intensity where you left off, as if you never even quit. But, you do whatever it takes, whatever you need to say or do to stay clean for this instant in time. OK off the soap box, I am.
ESPN just confirmed that it's a failed test and not a missed test, but go on. beleive what you want
BUT THEN I GOT HIGH :sidelol::sidelol::sidelol::sidelol::sidelol::sidelol::sidelol:
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