Congrats to the Bills/Bills fan here (merged) | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Congrats to the Bills/Bills fan here (merged)


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Congrats to the Bills

not only did they get an all-time steal of a trade from the Pats - who will be wanting Bledsoe back by season end; but they re-programmed Bledsoe into a team player and leader. Bledsoe was outstanding in that game, especially the 2nd half in forcing the Phins to beat the Bills D and not letting the Phins O get off the hook. Great wins for the Bills even when all looked bleak after than failed fake punt. Williams looks like a decent enough HC.

Of course, we may have lost to the Bengals today. :rolleyes:
Thank you Dolphan! I realize you guys were shorthanded but it is still hard to go down to Miami and get a W.!!! I was impressed by Henry and think he is going to be a good one!!!
I still CANNOT belive the Pats were idiotic enough to trade Bledsoe within the division. IDIOTS!!!!! How smart is Bilicheck now? Defensive genious? He can't stop the run! He trades one of the best QBs in the AFC to a DIVISION RIVAL!! I hope Bledsoe runs the score up on that moron. OK, now that I got that off my chest. Good game guys. We were a Jay Fiedler away from winning, but the fact remains that you beat a superior team. I'm impressed......
Agreed and we will meet again!!!! If Fiedler played I am sure it would have been very close!
Originally posted by THATHURMANATOR
Agreed and we will meet again!!!! If Fiedler played I am sure it would have been very close!
well i have to give my props to you too. you took everything that lucas gave you. RW didn't have that many yds, but we'll never know how many he could have had, lucas kept throwing the damn ball away!:rolleyes:
True, true, but compared to how bad our d had been playing I will take whatever they can get!
Originally posted by THATHURMANATOR
True, true, but compared to how bad our d had been playing I will take whatever they can get!
well at least we agree, now party on my friend, it ain't over yet though!;)
I know. Detroit is coming to town this week!!! LET THE TAILGATE BEGIN!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by THATHURMANATOR
Agreed and we will meet again!!!! If Fiedler played I am sure it would have been very close!
If Fiedler played, it would have been a different game, but bottom line your D took advantge of 6 of the 10 or so chances you had for TOs and your O did not give any back and that was the game. Detroit is looking better BTW than when they looked 0-16 the first week of the season.

At least we slowed Drew down in his quest to break Dan's records by making it unnecessary for him to sling the ball all day :rolleyes:
Bills fan here

Regardless of whether you lost or not...this was still a good game between 2 division rivals and your defense really did play quite any defense has play our bills O this year....

A couple of points to make:

- It looks like a really rivalry has brewed between Jonas Jennings our young stud Left Tackle and the best DE in the game Jason Taylor...this should be a really fun one to watch for the next few years

- could really see how PO'd the defense of Miami was that New England traded Bledsoe to the Bills.....what do you guys think of that. It looks to me like he warp speeded our rebiulding phase.

- I tried to tell you guys about Travis Henry...this kid is a top 5-7 back in this league

I wish you best of luck with Ray Lucas....I knew he would be prone to errant throws but I dont think he is anywhere near as bad as he showed on Sunday.....good luck till we see you again in Buffalo...
People go around saying Bill Bellicheck is a genius, I point to the simple fact that he traded Drew to the Bills as evidence that he is not.

That has got to go down as one of the stupidest NFL trades of all time. I hope that the Bills beat the living **** out of the Patriots this year, I hope that Drew throws for 500+ yards in each of their games.

:monkey: bellicheck
Good post, John. Good points, too.

The Beldsoe trade may end up going down as one of the MOST perplexing and idiotic trades ever made.

All the more if Brady remains in a slump this year and NE misses the playoffs altogether while the Bills ride Bledsoe into it themselves (or, worse, win the AFC East).

I'm still amazed. What a stupid trade!
Re: Good post, John. Good points, too.

Originally posted by -81- McMichael
The Beldsoe trade may end up going down as one of the MOST perplexing and idiotic trades ever made.

All the more if Brady remains in a slump this year and NE misses the playoffs altogether while the Bills ride Bledsoe into it themselves (or, worse, win the AFC East).

I'm still amazed. What a stupid trade!
it will still be 2nd to the M Faulk trade which was also financially motivated.

The Warfield trade is up there as well.
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