i think they will swap picks with tampa and then select carnell williams, then in the 2nd take alex smith, matt jones, or elton brown. what you guys think. also what do you think of the bears and what will their record be. i say 10-6
You think Alex Smith will drop to the 2nd round? :roflmao:nWo said:i think they will swap picks with tampa and then select carnell williams, then in the 2nd take alex smith, matt jones, or elton brown. what you guys think. also what do you think of the bears and what will their record be. i say 10-6
Nublar7 said:You think Alex Smith will drop to the 2nd round? :roflmao:
nWo said:laugh at your self dumbazz. im talking about alex smith te stanford. shows how truely stupid you are, anyone that pays attention at all to the draft would have known i was talking about the te moron. please never post here again, everytime you post you just embarass yourself.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, but you got a real attitude for a newbie. Plus with your threat in the "Introduce Yourself" forum, your stay here doesn't seem like it will last long. I suggest you calm down.nWo said:laugh at your self dumbazz. im talking about alex smith te stanford. shows how truely stupid you are, anyone that pays attention at all to the draft would have known i was talking about the te moron. please never post here again, everytime you post you just embarass yourself.
"Destroy the dolphins message board and make it the new world order board"nWo said:my threat? what threat. thats not a threat when i introduced myself. so stop saying that. and for the chico that says ban. ever here of.......of never mind i gotta chill out.
and so what if im a newbie, does that matter, ive been on the bears board for years, just go over there and ask them about the nWo.
nWo said:laugh at your self dumbazz. im talking about alex smith te stanford. shows how truely stupid you are, anyone that pays attention at all to the draft would have known i was talking about the te moron. please never post here again, everytime you post you just embarass yourself.
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nWo said:laugh at your self dumbazz. im talking about alex smith te stanford. shows how truely stupid you are, anyone that pays attention at all to the draft would have known i was talking about the te moron. please never post here again, everytime you post you just embarass yourself.
Nublar7 said:You think Alex Smith will drop to the 2nd round? :roflmao:
_dan24 said: