Did anybody go to the mini camps? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Did anybody go to the mini camps?


Jan 13, 2005
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I'm planning on going on sunday and was wondering if anybody signed anything or did you see anything.
im pretty sure mini camp that the public can go to isnt for another week. june 10th to the 12th.
now thats cleared up, is anyone going?? I have to work all day friday, but Im going to go down saturday I hope with my dad all day. Let me know if your going.
dolfan348454999 said:
I'm planning on going on sunday and was wondering if anybody signed anything or did you see anything.
Off topic, but just wonderiing... do the numbers in your name represent anything or you just picked them randomly? I was thinking 34 (Ricky Williams), 84 (Chris Chambers), 54 (Zach Thomas), and 99 (Jason Taylor) but not sure why there's an extra 9. Jay Fiedler perhaps? :lol:
I'll be there saturday and Sunday. Saturday I'll be wearing a finheaven shirt (old logo) and sunday I'll be on the field or in the VIP section cause of a coaches confence they are having. I hoep to meet some of you all there
Me and my girl both took Friday off. Were driving down Thursday night(Hotel) to attend the Friday morning and afternoon sessions.

I'll be on vacation with my family in Orlando starting June 10th. My dad and I will be driving down to Miami to see the minicamps on the 11th and 12th. My first taste of live Miami football. I'll keep a lookout for the FH shirts.
awing_pilot said:
I'll be there saturday and Sunday. Saturday I'll be wearing a finheaven shirt (old logo) and sunday I'll be on the field or in the VIP section cause of a coaches confence they are having. I hoep to meet some of you all there
Awesome! Don't forget to inform us with updates! :tongue:
I might be going, not sure if I can yet. I'll probably be wearing a JT jersey so I'll look for any Finheaven shirts.
TerryTate said:
I may make a public appearance friday and/or saturday


people will be looking for a 6'3 black man...

Terry Tate "minicamp stands LB"
bakedmatt said:
people will be looking for a 6'3 black man...

Terry Tate "minicamp stands LB"


That's exactly what I did last year. He and AJ walked by me about 5 times, and I thought to myself, na that cant be them.

Only to find out different at the FH party....
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