Differant perspective | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Differant perspective


Practice Squad
Jul 28, 2002
Reaction score
Defiance, OH
As a two year member and now a premium member of this site I want to "claim" a moment of personal privelage.

For weeks now I have read comments about Ricky's retirement, the myriad injuries, the upcoming season, etc. I joined this site in late July of 2002 when my wife was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Football, especially the Miami Dolphins, had become my escape from the rigors of being a caregiver and watching my wife of 31 years have one major health problem after another.

In the past couple of weeks as Ricky demanded the freedom to light up and we all screamed mightly about this injury or that, my 54 y.o. wife has slipped into a delirium where she now no longer recognizes either our daughter or myself. She has been transferred to the University of Michigan research hospital in Ann Arbor where Oncologists, Nueroligists and infectious disease specialists are struggling to discover the cause of this set-back and prayerfully reverse it. All the time we are still struggling with the underlying lung cancer and her childhood bout with polio which still looms in the picture.

Sure entertainment is important, I appreciate the release it brings better than most, but it is still on the game side of life.

Thank you for letting me vent. While I have never met any of you, in the two years here, I have gotten to "know" many of you and am frankly reaching out into ALL the arenas of my life for support and an oppurtunity for cathartic release.

As a Christian and more specifically a Lutheran Pastor, I do have a community of support which succors my family but I do feel the need to elicit your thoughts, prayers and well wishes for my wife and indeed us all.

Thanks a lot
very sorry to hear of your real world troubles. i have lost both parents to cancer and my wife has had cancer in one breast but i think we have got it out before it spread. you have my prayers and well wishes.
Wow, I sort of know what your going through man. I watched my mom just recently go through a battle with breast cancer. It's tough on a 14 yr like myself to watch their parent go through that. Even though your wifes situation is a lot worse, I just wanted to let you know at least understand a bit. My hopes, prayers and deepest sympathies go out to you, your family and your wife. May things get better for you all.
Good luck man!

Hope everything turns around
My prayers go out to you and your wife. Hang on to God. His word and your faith will see you through this.
My prayers are with you. I lost my mom and my uncle one week apart last year and they were both viewed in the same place in the same casket. I don't think i will ever get over that. My prayers are with you though.
My only reaction is, Wow! I am deeply moved. I feel for you. I truley hope things work out well for you and your family.

My prayers and my family's go out to yours!
In all things, keep your eyes on the prize. I ask the Lord to give you his peace as I pray for you and yours. Sometime things like this reminds us what's really important in life, thanks for sharing yours. Your brother in Christ and your fanmate on this site. Be blessed and rest when you must..I'm one who agrees with you, she share be healed. Amen.
My prayers are with you. Be strong and keep your faith. God will get you through this.
Ohiophinphan said:
As a two year member and now a premium member of this site I want to "claim" a moment of personal privelage.

For weeks now I have read comments about Ricky's retirement, the myriad injuries, the upcoming season, etc. I joined this site in late July of 2002 when my wife was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Football, especially the Miami Dolphins, had become my escape from the rigors of being a caregiver and watching my wife of 31 years have one major health problem after another.

In the past couple of weeks as Ricky demanded the freedom to light up and we all screamed mightly about this injury or that, my 54 y.o. wife has slipped into a delirium where she now no longer recognizes either our daughter or myself. She has been transferred to the University of Michigan research hospital in Ann Arbor where Oncologists, Nueroligists and infectious disease specialists are struggling to discover the cause of this set-back and prayerfully reverse it. All the time we are still struggling with the underlying lung cancer and her childhood bout with polio which still looms in the picture.

Sure entertainment is important, I appreciate the release it brings better than most, but it is still on the game side of life.

Thank you for letting me vent. While I have never met any of you, in the two years here, I have gotten to "know" many of you and am frankly reaching out into ALL the arenas of my life for support and an oppurtunity for cathartic release.

As a Christian and more specifically a Lutheran Pastor, I do have a community of support which succors my family but I do feel the need to elicit your thoughts, prayers and well wishes for my wife and indeed us all.

Thanks a lot

You more than have it. Best wishes to you and your family.

WOW!!! I've never seen or met anyone in your family, but I must say that this nearly brought tears to my eyes!

I'm logging off and putting you and yours in my thoughts right away.....
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