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Differant perspective

MY thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family...my wife and my children are what are most important to me...I feel like a fool being so down these past few weeks about Ricky and Boston....Thanks for reminding me that I love the Dolphins...but my world is my family...and my God lighten your load and bring you peace in this terrible time.

Ohiophinphan said:
As a two year member and now a premium member of this site I want to "claim" a moment of personal privelage.

For weeks now I have read comments about Ricky's retirement, the myriad injuries, the upcoming season, etc. I joined this site in late July of 2002 when my wife was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Football, especially the Miami Dolphins, had become my escape from the rigors of being a caregiver and watching my wife of 31 years have one major health problem after another.

In the past couple of weeks as Ricky demanded the freedom to light up and we all screamed mightly about this injury or that, my 54 y.o. wife has slipped into a delirium where she now no longer recognizes either our daughter or myself. She has been transferred to the University of Michigan research hospital in Ann Arbor where Oncologists, Nueroligists and infectious disease specialists are struggling to discover the cause of this set-back and prayerfully reverse it. All the time we are still struggling with the underlying lung cancer and her childhood bout with polio which still looms in the picture.

Sure entertainment is important, I appreciate the release it brings better than most, but it is still on the game side of life.

Thank you for letting me vent. While I have never met any of you, in the two years here, I have gotten to "know" many of you and am frankly reaching out into ALL the arenas of my life for support and an oppurtunity for cathartic release.

As a Christian and more specifically a Lutheran Pastor, I do have a community of support which succors my family but I do feel the need to elicit your thoughts, prayers and well wishes for my wife and indeed us all.

Thanks a lot

your post really puts this football thing into perspective. I sincerely hope and pray that these specialists are able to help your young wife and that she pulls through this. My prayers are with you and your family and keep us updated. We all here are kind of like "family" and when one family member is hurting, we pull together in support. God Bless you.

I stand with you in prayer Ohiophinphan...knowing the source from which help comes (Psalm 121).
Our prayers are with you as well. My wife just lost her father 11 days ago to cancer.
She has needed support and has to return to Arkansas to deal with other problems that are really stupid. Keep the faith!
Praying for you bud

I hope they find a way to help her out, and when they do, I hope you guys have more good times together.
I thank you for that post. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. It's moments like these that put life and what it's really about in perspective. I pray God's will in your life and for the strength to carry on! God bless you!
You have my sympathy and prayers, Ohiophinphan. I hope things get better for you.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. I am going up to Ann Arbor now and don't know when I will have computer access again but as soon as I do I will post what is happening.
Father I thank you for Ohio, I thank You for him allowing us to be a part of his life for a moment, I thank You for his boldness to speak out on this board. There are times when we don't want to tell people we are christians and express our faith to people for thought that we may be persecuted or made fun of. God I pray that You would bless him right now in the name of Jesus. God I pray that you would be with the doctors as they try to find out whats wrong with his wife. I pray father that You would touch his wife in the name of Jesus. God I pray that You would help his family members in this time. Father I pray that You would comfort him give him a clear mind, and that you make his yoke light that You would take it upon you. Father You said that You would never give us more than we can bare and that all good things come from You and I am trusting in You in the name of Jesus that his wife be healed and strengthend in Your Sweet and Precious Name I pray...... Amen

Ohio I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers and my church will be praying for you. I to thank you for posting this as a finfan I am always optimistic and still believe that we will be successful this year but this really does put things back in perspective.

Be Blessed
My prayers go out to you friend. Its true, the NFL is entertainment, at least for us. Real life is the only real thing we're involved in, and it is tough.
Hey JF

jesusfreak26 said:
Father I thank you for Ohio, I thank You for him allowing us to be a part of his life for a moment, I thank You for his boldness to speak out on this board. There are times when we don't want to tell people we are christians and express our faith to people for thought that we may be persecuted or made fun of. God I pray that You would bless him right now in the name of Jesus. God I pray that you would be with the doctors as they try to find out whats wrong with his wife. I pray father that You would touch his wife in the name of Jesus. God I pray that You would help his family members in this time. Father I pray that You would comfort him give him a clear mind, and that you make his yoke light that You would take it upon you. Father You said that You would never give us more than we can bare and that all good things come from You and I am trusting in You in the name of Jesus that his wife be healed and strengthend in Your Sweet and Precious Name I pray...... Amen

Ohio I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers and my church will be praying for you. I to thank you for posting this as a finfan I am always optimistic and still believe that we will be successful this year but this really does put things back in perspective.

Be Blessed

I don't think, in this day and age, that anyone should be persecuted for believing in our Lord and having faith, as well as for other things people are persecuted for. It's sad to see people who are scared to reveal their faith fearing ridicule and persecution. I appreciate your prayer for Ohiofinfan and am also keeping him in my prayers.

njfinfan said:
I don't think, in this day and age, that anyone should be persecuted for believing in our Lord and having faith, as well as for other things people are persecuted for. It's sad to see people who are scared to reveal their faith fearing ridicule and persecution. I appreciate your prayer for Ohiofinfan and am also keeping him in my prayers.


I agree. But it does happen. Some people are afraid to express there faith. They are afraid of what people might say or think.
Thanks for your heart warming story... It really puts life in prespective.. I would like to leave this passage that will bring you comfort: Give your worries to the LORD,and he will take care of you... He will never let good people down.. PSALM 55:22
You have my prayers. May god help you and your family through this very tough time.
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