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Differant perspective


Thanks for the dose of perspective. It is a tragedy when a family is hit with deep issues like this. Your wife is lucky to have you and the support and love you all give her. When my time comes to deal with life threatening issues I hope I am lucky enough to be surrounded with the same kind of support.

Me, my wife, and son all send our prayers to you and all of your family. May God touch your heart and heal your hurting.
God Bless you and your family. You will be in my prayers.

Strength from one another is about all we have in times like these.
God Bless You Brother

Its times like these that I re-read I Corinthians 13 (the famous love chapter - I'm sure you're very familiar with). As a Christian, you know whatever happens that victory is ours - we're more than conquerors. I will pray for you and I admire your courage to come forward and share your pain with us. As your Christian brother, I'm always here for you.
Dear friends,

This has been a terrible week. My wife has slipped further and further into a delerium which despite their best efforts, medical science can not identify let alone treat. There are a few tests still outstanding but at this time, I am arranging a permaneent nursing home placement for a clompletely bed-rideen, virtually non responsive 54 year old women who happens to be my wife of 31 years.

The one constant in all of this has been our faith and the response of communities of concern and faith such as this one. I thank you and I thank God for you and for all your notes, prayers, and expressions of support.
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