Does anybody still like Jeff Ireland? | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Does anybody still like Jeff Ireland?

When he traded Marshall, I was worried . . . but when he traded Vontae I just knew I was done with Jeff. You get rid of your 2 best skill players and you have no clue on how to replace them. He hasn't earned the right to rebuild again. Jeff Ireland?? This is the same clown that signed Gerbil Wilson and Eric "Toast" Green and Ernest "Where are they now" Wilford. Gave Jake Grove this huge contract and brought in Marc Colombo. He can't even find a ****ing RG to save his life. His only chance at redemption is Ryan Tannehill and he's giving the guy no weapons and a crappy right side of the oline to work with . . . if he fails the complete demolition of the Miami Dolphins will have been completed

Jeff Ireland sucks
I will never ever agree with the Vontae trade, but all in all, yeah I like him as a GM. He perfected cap budgeting. I always hated how Spielman, Millen and Wanstach spent everything to just end up with nothing. It was a huge pet peeve of mine in the past years. You can sign all the free agents in the world for a 1 year run(Jets) or stand pat and draft your players for long term runs(Pats), point is none of this will make the fans happy; unless you're actually winning. I like the way he goes about handling the free agency period, never over spending on overrated players with bloated asking prices. He usually picks up cheaper options just for depth. Also he is actually a pretty good drafting GM. People have to step back and look at the success rate in the draft for the entire league, it's just not that good. Look at the Pats drafts the past 2 years.. Name me a star from those lasts 2 drafts. I'l wait.....

That sounds all well and good in theory but in reality the stadium is going to be half empty AGAIN this season and thats with a rookie first round QB and a new head coach. NOBODY can afford to take a year off for rebuilding in this league anymore especially not a guy on the hot seat. The other problem is players are not immune to this feeling of despair. Losing breeds losing and Brandon Marshall is a perfect example.

I say a little window dressing could go a long way even if its just a Braylon Edwards on a one year contract.
I still like Ireland. I liked his draft this year quite a bit. He did something the team has not done in 30 years which is draft a quarterback high in the draft. We had to get better at RT and QB and we filled those holes. Trading VD was a move that no one stood up said "Hell no!" when it was proposed. We have the a really good front 7 on defense. In the past couple of years we drafted 2 O-lineman that are quality starters. When did that happen last?
Well I for one have been a supporter of Ireland. I have loved his toughness, and the way he doesn't overpay for FAs. But the proof is in the pudding. Whether he was in charge of all the drafts the last few years or not he had a part in them and we will start out this year with the fewest weapons/playmakers in the entire league. His 2nd round picks have been a disaster.

I hate change for the sake of change, and if we bring in someone else there is a good chance he could be even worse. But if this teams finishes the season with less than 6 wins, which seems like a virtual lock, then I think we have to look at bringing in a replacement. The next draft could be a very important draft for the future of this once proud franchise.

The sad part is that I am looking forward to next years draft the week before this season's first game. That in itself speaks volumes.
Sometimes I like Ireland. Like when he stole Reggie Bush from the saints for like a 5th round pick. When He refused to cave on the Orton trade, and when he refused to over pay for Flynn. He's showed that he has balls trading for Brandon Marshall, payed big money for Karlos Dansby (even though he isnt a elite LB, he is still a solid LB, especially compared to what he had before) He also had the balls to take Tannehill with the 8th pick.

But Im tired of him over valuing O-lineman and our O-line still has holes. Seems like the best WR we've drafted in recent years in Brian Hartline, unless you count Bess who was signed as a UDFA. A lot of team draft WR's in early rounds, even when they have solid WR depth like the Giants drated Rueben Randle this year in like the 3rd round and they have two excellent WR's. Ireland never did/does that.

I believe we wouldnt be in this mess if we drafted more skill postion players outside the first round, mainly the WR position.
guess what people, we need to draft Olinemen and stop bitchin about it. Draft OL every friggin year. you need 7 good ones in this league.

So WR, 2 OL, LB, CB, S is on the docket for next year. build your board. stick to it. get you positions of need based a BPA.
My biggest complaint with Ireland this year has been his utter disregard for the wr position this offseason. I truly hated his approach to free agency but his draft was as good as its been since he has been here. The main problem with draft was waiting until 6th round to draft a damn receiver
I have been a homer in the past. Mostly because I was willing to see how the rebuild process played out before acting like an unhinged sociopath teenage girl. But at this point I have to admit I am very unhappy. Sure Ireland has not been in charge for the whole process and you can throw any excuse in the direction of Tuna, but bottom line is he has been a big part of rebuiling a team that is still under heavy construction several years down the line. I hope I am wrong and this team shows up this year but I do not see it. And based on the extreme areas of weakness and the unexplainable attempt to even systematically address them I have given up hope that Ireland will get us going anytime soon.
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