Does anyone question the hiring of Saban? | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Does anyone question the hiring of Saban?

When we were searching for a coach i'll have to admit i wanted Charlie Wies as our coach. But Saban was second on the list. You expect teams like Ohio state, Oklahoma, Hurricanes, Florida State, USC, and Florida teams like that to win Championship. For LSU to come out of no where to win the Championship is awesome and remarkable the more i think about it the more i'm impressed. Saban was a cordinator for the Browns and under the best coach in football BB when they were with the Browns so he has experience. Saban was the best choice by a team in the last 5 years IMO. He has us competitive and under the cap with a chance to have us way under the cap for next year to sign better players.

I think Zach and the team like him. The way Zach gave him the game ball you know he respects him. Zach asually knows what a real coach is .

good post, as usual

i was sold on saban when belichik had no comment about having to face saban twice a year

thats all i needed. i remember reading the article that said how when a coach was asked about Wanny, they said he was a great coach, etc. i.e. the worse the coach, the better the praise

and belichik didn't want to talk about facing saban :goof:
this thread was simply a way of me posting how happy i am to have such a great coach....he has far surpassed what i expected from him me i 110% support the saban hiring.
Maynard said:

good post, as usual

i was sold on saban when belichik had no comment about having to face saban twice a year

thats all i needed. i remember reading the article that said how when a coach was asked about Wanny, they said he was a great coach, etc. i.e. the worse the coach, the better the praise

and belichik didn't want to talk about facing saban :goof:
Thanks man.

BB has had nothing but nice things to say about Saban ever since that interview. They go back 20 years. Hopefully Nick will be as successful for us as BB has been for NE! In Saban we trust :)
Phin-o-rama said:
this thread was simply a way of me posting how happy i am to have such a great coach....he has far surpassed what i expected from him me i 110% support the saban hiring.
i think some people only took it the wrong way because of all the Ronnie Brown talk (which i dont buy into). Im sure youve seen all the Ronnie threads that people have made calling RB a bust and the like. In general there's a few people that are a bit oversensitive imo but I guess it might have helped them if you had put this in the 1st post because people dont like to read the whole thread before posting it seems :(
Phin-o-rama said:
this thread was simply a way of me posting how happy i am to have such a great coach....he has far surpassed what i expected from him me i 110% support the saban hiring.

I also am happy that the Dolphins once again have a great coach. I've never been so excited about this team since Shula was in charge and I believe that the franchise is once again headed in the right direction.

At first, I too wanted Charlie Weiss. But there's no looking back now and I'm glad we got Saban onboard. The future is looking real good now.
Phin-o-rama said:
I didn't know much about the guy prior to him coming here. I do remember at the end of the 2003 season when people were callin for dave's head that some were throwing his name around along with stoops and tice and others.

Anyways the point of this thread is to see if any people (i know there were some) that still question going after nick. I saw few, if any, people totally opposed to him, but the type of coach he is and pretty much everything he's done since he got here couldn't have been any better.

Due to the awesome new Fins Insider thing off the main site we are given a whole lot more access to things like daily pc's and stuff and this guy's approach to the game and everything involved is awesome. I realize that we aren't going to win the superbowl this year but there is no doubt in my mind that we will be competing for it soon. thanks to nick for coming to miami . so anyone not think he was the best man for the job?

edit: and if you caught his pc today the line about "oh yeah and we won't win in new york because the statue of liberty will curse us" killed me :lol: thats not an exact quote but it was hilarious.

the only question i have is why didn't we do it 2 years ago!!!:fire:
All I know is that I wasn't sure about Saban but now how I see how he handles everything and making a huge man cry. I can't be happier with him. But Don will always be the best coach EVER!!!
Boik14 said:
I know people that question their birth parents after a dna test more then I question the hiring of Saban as HC.

The Giants wanted him as far back as the pre Jim Fassel Era 8 years ago! they wanted him again when the Fassel era ended. He denied interviews to a handful of teams while he was coaching at MSU and LSU. Im not saying "so many people cant be wrong" but I am saying that a lot of teams were prepared to offer the house to the guy for a reason. They all saw something in him that said hes going to be an excellent HC.

I see things in him to that re-assure me of this. I see a coach who saw a stale 4-12 team and turned half the roster over. Thats what you do when your last team was 4-12.

I saw a HC that played the FA market right and didnt fall into the trap of handing out mega deals.

I saw a coach do a excellent job drafting. We've pulled at minimum 3 starters from this draft and thats not even including Roth and potentially Vickerson or Alabi one day.

I see a coach who likes things kept within the small circle of a team and I like that. I like a coach that takes responsibility and we have that as well. Very few coaches do this.

I saw a coach play the preseason as bland as a coach can and not show anyone anything and then come out like a comeleon opening day and denver didnt recognize anything they were looking at other than the fact we were in a 3-4.

Even in a loss I saw a team that had a chance to win vs another good team who was a kicker away from the AFC title game. Even on what for him was a bad day he kept a mediocore group playing respectable and hard.

I see a coach who works meticulously at every little detail of a gameplan, which is what he was noted for when we got him.

I dont just believe we have a winner for a HC, Im 100% sure we do. It may take this year and maybe even next year before we see it but its there.

Best post thus far I think. I remember a few years ago my Dad had told me about teams pursuing him. I was ecstatic when I found out that he was going to be our coach! I've never been more excited about our team than right now.

He has more contacts and affiliations within the college and NFL ranks, more friends than most have in football. He knows how to delegate -- most people with a staff his size would be in utter SHAMBLES! If there is one thing you can say about Saban, he has run a tight ship since he's gotten here. The entire franchise has undergone transformation, right down to the locker room. You can argue that this has to do with the new business side, but it seems Saban has his hand in everything. And it isn't a matter of being a power freak -- its a matter of leading an efficient organization.

I have to knock on wood, but it seems like all these coaches are doing something for our training program. Look how much better we have avoided injuries! Likely the result of better practices with focuses on strategy rather than too much contact.

This guy is a winner, plain and simple. We have had to be patient for too long, and we won't have to wait too much longer.
I was one of those throwing his name about after the 03 season...

delighted to have him, I fail to see how he has in anyway disappointed.
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