Does Rick Spielman stay on? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Does Rick Spielman stay on?


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May 20, 2002
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Phins had a great draft this year, and his scouting department helped and Saban said he did everything asked and that the scouting dept was very detailed and organized. Saban apparently stuck with Spielman's chosen QB, not sure if that was a vote of confidence though.

Anyway, thoughts?
Well, who else is available? Rick is a hard worker, and that's something Nick values. I think he stays. His role will be diminished some, but he will stay.
I think RS stays as well... unless some other team comes along and hands him the keys.... the guy is young and needs to get seasoned... a couple of successful drafts under Saban would get RS career back on track... that and IF AJ can prove he is an NFL QB....
I think he stays...and I've been saying that from the moment Saban took over.

If he doesn't stay, it will be HIS decision to leave.
I think he will stay. That is JMHO, but now is the time for movement of the scouting and FO types in the league (since the draft is over)....So, if it's going to happen, it'll happen fairly soon...
I hope he stays I think he has done a good job in the last draft and Nick we use his knowledge and not let him make the calls ala Wanny.. GreenMonster
I wouldn't mind if he stayed but as a glorified scout only...and Saban should have another person as his Scott Pioli type of personnel guru. Spielman could then work for whoever that person turns out to be. As long as he doesn't have too much authority (but provides advice/scouting), I'll be ok to have him...not that I'm in any position to evaluate him. heheh.
I hope he stayed. I've liked his work ever since he started. He's a great talent evaluator, espcially on the defensive side of the ball, and I just don't think we will get anyone better at this time. Keep Rick!
You would have to assume that if he was going to get fired, he would have been by now. That being said unless he steps on Saban's toes I would say he stays w/limited job responsibilities like many posters here already suggested.
It may be too soon to tell. There was no point in releasing him before the draft. That's why we couldn't sign a GM prior to the draft. Does it really matter at this point? His authority's been greatly reduced and he's the GM in name only, a glorified scout.

Now, Nick may look elsewhere to get a Pioli-type but that guy may not be readily available as yet. Could be a yr, maybe more. RS is probably safe unless he either f's up royally or leaves of his own accord for another job.
KB21 said:
Well, who else is available? Rick is a hard worker, and that's something Nick values. I think he stays. His role will be diminished some, but he will stay.
Thats how i see it. Ricks dept. obviously did some strong work. IF RS is willing to stay in his current role he'll likely stay put. Wouldnt make sense to dump him now unless its a personality thing. Maybe RS will be at his best in the new environment? I really like our draft and would like to see more of the same in the future. I'd like to see him stay on and be successful with Saban just to anger the people that dont like him. :tongue:
before everyone ganged up on rick, he was known as one of the nfls best capologists...he got mixed up in the world of wannstedt and that will forever be his downfault...i always liked him...and if he stayed i think he could be an asset...
Saban hired Scott O'Brien to handle what Spileman was doing. I think he's gone unless he can stay on as a scout. I doubt he would do that.
aj13 said:
before everyone ganged up on rick, he was known as one of the nfls best capologists...he got mixed up in the world of wannstedt and that will forever be his downfault...i always liked him...and if he stayed i think he could be an asset...

Agreed. However, I've never doubted his ability.

Too many stone throwers on this board, unforturnately. They'd rather kill two birds with one stone (Wanny/Rick) instead of doing a little homework and judging the story behind the story.

So many incorrectly assess previous years' results as his. He was only in control last year: the worst offseason in franchise history I might add. But, unlike the coach, he didn't quit. And, he apparently got a big vote of confidence from Saban.

Saban did not draft a QB. I think fans should stand up and recognize the real message. Saban is giving Rick a fair shot. He is allowing Feeley a chance to prove himself and Rick's scouting abilities.

In this day and age, you can't expect to receive more than that.

It's time the fans aligned behind the coach AND the QB. This NEW ERA is not about whining becuase your guy didn't get the start or picked. This is about WINNING. This is about the return to prominence.

I hate to see fans bickering to the point it splits the fan base. Feeley is a gutty kid who has the tools. He just needs time and confidence. Give him the chance, a REAL chance. Give him one WHOLE year without contraversy.

This is a NEW ERA.
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