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Dolphins emphasizing YAC amongst skill players - Per Rotoworld

We don't need to build a team of choir boys, we need to build a team of playmakers and talented football players. Marshall isn't a model citizen, but he certainly isn't a head case on the level of T.O. He never pulled anything close to the **** that T.O. used to in SF or Philly. Marshall's "antics" are being severly overblown by people on this board that are simply using tactics of revisionist history to justify a bad trade.
I'm not really sure I understand what point you are trying to make either when you say "all he does is help us immediately". First of all he's still in his prime so it's not like he couldn't help us beyond "immediately", secondly is it somehow a bad thing that he makes us a much better team this season? I don't think that we were really a "win now" team with Marshall anyway, but I'd definitely have a lot more faith in this team if we had a real shot to score some points to go along with a pretty good defense.
I'm just saying, I hope I'm wrong but I think our offense is going to be a **** show this year. Marshall was not only a big time playmaker but he also opened up our running game because defenses had to respect Marshall on the outside. Now that our primary offensive threat is Bush, teams are going to put 8 in the box and take away the run. We won't be able to pass either because we have an extremely mediocre receiving corps and a very average QB. I just have no faith in our ability to score points this year, and I think Marshall would make that big of a difference. He would have opened up so much for everybody else.
He helps immediately because he can play with the vet Qbs on the team. He doesn't help a young tannehill reach his potential. thus immediate help vs long term help.

btw you're right, he doesn't have To's antics on the field, he has worse antics off the field.
No, which means wasting $11 million on a poor route running, women sucker punching, touchdown dropping, mental case of a WR is not a great idea.

OK so since we don't have a great quarterback that means everybody else on the team who demands a decent salary is a waste? We should have still made an effort to win this year instead of dumping off our best offensive player.
I just love how you say Marshall is so terrible when A. I guarantee you did not have this opinion when he was on the team and B. If Marshall is a waste of money then what the hell are Hartline and Bess? To your point about Fasano as well, I guess because he caught as many TDs as Marshall in the last 2 seasons, that means he's just as much of an offensive weapon. Right? What's your point? Marshall wasn't perfect but he was a lot better than anything we have. Thought our offense was bad last year? Just wait.
He helps immediately because he can play with the vet Qbs on the team. He doesn't help a young tannehill reach his potential. thus immediate help vs long term help.

btw you're right, he doesn't have To's antics on the field, he has worse antics off the field.

I really don't wanna go on and on about this all day, but I originally thought that we traded Marshall because the coaching staff knew something that the fans didn't about his night club incident this off season. I thought he was going to have a big suspension coming and from that I (initially) figured that the trade was justifiable. I, of course, was wrong to think that we had intelligent people running the show here.
Whether or not you think Marshall did something wrong that night or not is really irrelevant becuase he has been exonerated. Like I said, he's not a model citizen but who cares? There are no charges and there is no suspension. IMO that's just terrible on our part. You can't dump a player of his caliber for two 3rds if he isn't in trouble, there is no justification for it.
Have you not read on this board that Hartline is the second coming of Jordy Nelson? lol

Hartline is a good route runner with reliable hands I expect him to do well in an offense that spreads the ball around. Hartline can get open and if he's covered by a shutdown corner then u find someone else to throw to.
I really don't wanna go on and on about this all day, but I originally thought that we traded Marshall because the coaching staff knew something that the fans didn't about his night club incident this off season. I thought he was going to have a big suspension coming and from that I (initially) figured that the trade was justifiable. I, of course, was wrong to think that we had intelligent people running the show here.
Whether or not you think Marshall did something wrong that night or not is really irrelevant becuase he has been exonerated. Like I said, he's not a model citizen but who cares? There are no charges and there is no suspension. IMO that's just terrible on our part. You can't dump a player of his caliber for two 3rds if he isn't in trouble, there is no justification for it.

Marshall didn't do anything to help this team win, all he did in miami was drop passes, get stabbed, get into other off field incidents, throw temper tantrums...

I could care less he's gone.
OK so since we don't have a great quarterback that means everybody else on the team who demands a decent salary is a waste? We should have still made an effort to win this year instead of dumping off our best offensive player.
I just love how you say Marshall is so terrible when A. I guarantee you did not have this opinion when he was on the team and B. If Marshall is a waste of money then what the hell are Hartline and Bess? To your point about Fasano as well, I guess because he caught as many TDs as Marshall in the last 2 seasons, that means he's just as much of an offensive weapon. Right? What's your point? Marshall wasn't perfect but he was a lot better than anything we have. Thought our offense was bad last year? Just wait.

$11-12 Million for a mental case WR is not "decent" , it is obscene.

A) I'm 110% sure that I did not want Marshall here, I though two 2nd round draft picks were too much for him and $11-12 million per season was certainly too much for him. B) Marshall was making twice as much as Fasano, Hartline and Bess combine. C) Fasano did not whine and complain and demand that the passing game go though him and expect the football even when he was covered. Fasano did not spend two weeks telling the world that he was "going to go into Beast Mode" and then get punked by D Revis for a 101 yard TD losing the game against the Jets. D) I'll go so far as saying that Marshall LOST more games for us then he won. Not only did he give the jet's one TD, he also cost us a dozen more in his two season here. Not to mention we could of had two, 2nd round drafted players instead of him, either which could have taken his place and been a better player at a fraction of the cost. Plus his huge cap hit cost us $11 million worth of Free Agents.

Get over your man crush on Marshall, the Bronco fans did pretty quick. Phiblin and Ireland realized that he was a loser and dumped his ass. While I'm sure that you believe that you know more then they do about Marshall and this football team, on this one, I'm going to go with our Head Coach and our GM.
We don't need to build a team of choir boys, we need to build a team of playmakers and talented football players. Marshall isn't a model citizen, but he certainly isn't a head case on the level of T.O. He never pulled anything close to the **** that T.O. used to in SF or Philly. Marshall's "antics" are being severly overblown by people on this board that are simply using tactics of revisionist history to justify a bad trade.
I'm not really sure I understand what point you are trying to make either when you say "all he does is help us immediately". First of all he's still in his prime so it's not like he couldn't help us beyond "immediately", secondly is it somehow a bad thing that he makes us a much better team this season? I don't think that we were really a "win now" team with Marshall anyway, but I'd definitely have a lot more faith in this team if we had a real shot to score some points to go along with a pretty good defense.
I'm just saying, I hope I'm wrong but I think our offense is going to be a **** show this year. Marshall was not only a big time playmaker but he also opened up our running game because defenses had to respect Marshall on the outside. Now that our primary offensive threat is Bush, teams are going to put 8 in the box and take away the run. We won't be able to pass either because we have an extremely mediocre receiving corps and a very average QB. I just have no faith in our ability to score points this year, and I think Marshall would make that big of a difference. He would have opened up so much for everybody else.

When was Marshall a playmaker? What games did he win though his great talent? How many points did he score?

He was not even being double cover most of the time. WRs like A Johnson ate his lunch and corners like Revis stole his lunch money. No one played 12-15 yards off of Marshall, he was never a threat to take a pass and score on a long TD. He was never a threat in the RedZone.

I do not care he if played in a uniform made out of pet animals that he had killed and skinned, I dislike him because he cost us two, 2nd round draft picks, $12 million per season and he dropped passes, ran poor routes and did not score TDs.

The only reason that he had so many catches is that we threw him so many passes.
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