This is just a personal take on Flores, I wish he wouldn't try to protect what he says so much. This reporter was trying her best to say are you tanking, you are getting rid of veterans and gaining picks yadda yadda yadda, and he just doesn't veer outside the corporate lines. I don't think he is being dishonest he just couches his answers in this PC Cocoon. Just say "yeah, these veterans were costing millions against the cap and we could get younger players by maneuvering through the draft" or whatever, quit with the bullshit.
Actually not difficult to see it as not protecting anything, but Its sadly just the Truth.
Like he said every team tries to bring in players to help improve (build) the team. Sad fact is Miami as a team needs more players than less, and even more than most other teams due to the decades of ineptitude of that so called plugging holes (or rebuilding a few bricks here and there, when actually as we know the whole foundation (SYSTEM) needs massive overhaul)...
He most likely and understandably will go out there trying to win every game, just in reality the amount of upgrade to strengthen this team can not come in a season for even a Shula or a Lombardi to be successful enough, and thats not a mystery...
He's just saying whats pretty damn obvious, but in a way that still has some level of dignity and not exhibiting the complete and utter need of blowing up and putting together a team that is truthfully not in the mentally stable "we are going to kick your butt " stage and not wanting to promote even more of that losing energy of ' Ya we suck, we're losers and we ain't going to even try attitude...
So far signs of Flores ability as little as they been show we may have really lucked out with a guy who at minimum is miles ahead of us in the approach. And if he can put out and run a team on Sundays with some of this natural insight shown, We as Dolphins fans could have scored BIG TIME with Flores.....
Getting the #1 pick ? Damn a a couple more loses and one less miracle and this team could have had the #1 pick this year...
And " IF " we get our QB in next months draft, we could see the current plan kicked up a notch or two for that need being filled and 2020 QB class possibly not in the cards ....