Dolphins in meetings to address Wells report beyond Ross statement: per mando | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins in meetings to address Wells report beyond Ross statement: per mando

Whatever happened to the committee Ross announced to the nation on Monday Night?
Getting rid of turner earlier in the process would have meant that the Coaching/Org had full visibility of the situation or outputs of the report.

They couldn't release/fire him sooner [that is, if that's the way they go], because it could have been seen as presumptuous and could have blown up in their face had the report been more favourable towards Turner/Fins. And would/could have displayed an element of guilt from within the org.

If, they have recruited the OL coach from Houston [forgotten his name] as a 'next in line' solution fearing Turners departure, then that in itself would indicate knowledge within the Org of either, a. the report, or b. the actual extent of the situation in real time.
I would start shopping Pouncey and if we can get a first I would do it. Idk how much longer he will be in the NFL with his problems.
Whatever happened to the committee Ross announced to the nation on Monday Night?

I think Ross will say he will be consulting with them about the report and we will have recommendations made from them and implement some of them and so on and so on. That's my guess.
Turner is almost certainly gone. The question right now seems to be whether Kevin O'Neill is gone. He did not cooperate fully with the investigation and expressed hostility for the whole process during the Wells interviews.

Not the kind of thing the league or the team is likely to look highly on. Wasn't he the "trainer of the year" or some such last year?

I could see Ross demanding that he go, based on how Ross appears to come across. I think one of the main reasons he is in Philbin's corner, right or wrong, is he thinks he is a man of integrity etc.
The expected result. No matter what we thought the report would say, everyone seemed to agree that Jim Turner would be fired. I think today is the exact reason why he was retained at the end of the season, they needed someone to take the fall after the report was released. Turner is that guy, and the Dolphins have been setting this up for awhile now. Bringing in a respected and good offensive line coach in John Benton makes this move easy. Plus they also lined up Benton's assistant offensive line coach in the hiring of Ben Martin.

The only reason Turner was retained at the end of the season was so they had someone to make an example out of.
they were just fattening him up for the slaughter
I would start shopping Pouncey and if we can get a first I would do it. Idk how much longer he will be in the NFL with his problems.

Not even. Depending on who we land in FA a second or maybe even a third would do it. Like on draft day if you see a guy you really think is worth it and its Round 3 and you call them up and ask, "you want Pouncy?" and they say "yes", its a done deal.
Head Trainer O'Neill is also on thin ice for refusing to cooperate with the Wells Inquiry.
The irony is that Pouncy, Cogs, Jerry and the rest of the oline are called bullies but yet on every sunday tey're the ones that got bullied by the other team's defense.

Ozzy rules!!
The irony is that Pouncy, Cogs, Jerry and the rest of the oline are called bullies but yet on every sunday tey're the ones that got bullied by the other team's defense.

Ozzy rules!!

Yep that's the definition of a bully, pick on those who won't defend themselves and back down against those who punch you in the mouth......
The irony is that Pouncy, Cogs, Jerry and the rest of the oline are called bullies but yet on every sunday tey're the ones that got bullied by the other team's defense.

Ozzy rules!!

HA HA Classic. Seriously, its true. If you told me they were the best OLine in the NFL, beating people up and bullying each other along the way, I'd get it. They are a bunch of crazy men.

That is not the case though....
Unless we get a top 15 pick for Pouncey it's not happening. Replacing 5 offensive lineman is only done by expansion teams, not that the O-line played much better than an expansion level O-line last year. I'm guessing we only have 6 picks (not counting any draft day trades) since we traded a conditional draft pick for McKinnie. My guess is we'll sign at least 2 free agent O-lineman and probably draft 2 others and that's with Pouncey on the team and that doesn't even leave us with much depth either.

Based on our last two games, we are an expansion team at best.
I would start shopping Pouncey and if we can get a first I would do it. Idk how much longer he will be in the NFL with his problems.

Hell, I'd take Pittsburgh's 1st for Pouncey and even throw in our 5th or 6th this year, if we had to. Then we draft a defensive playmaker like Calvin Pryor or C.J. Mosley if he's still there with Pitt's pick.
Statement from Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross on Findings of Ted Wells Report:

“Today, I received the final report from NFL independent counsel Ted Wells and have now reviewed it. I want to first thank Commissioner Roger Goodell for granting our request to have an independent review on this matter. I also want to thank Ted Wells and his team, who conducted a thorough, professional and objective review.

“I now have had a chance to read the report and obviously, the language that was used and the behavior as described is deeply disturbing. Although the report commended Joe Philbin’s commitment to promoting integrity and accountability throughout the Dolphins organization, I told Ted Wells personally during my visit with him that we are committed to addressing the issues outlined in this report. We must work together towards a culture of civility and mutual respect for one another. It is important to me, important to Coach Philbin and important to the entire Dolphins organization.

“We are committed to a positive workplace environment where everyone treats each other with respect. We have reviewed our Code of Conduct and workplace policies and are making enhancements to the areas of sports psychology, human resources and player engagement functions which serve as safe outlets for any player or employee.

“When these allegations first came to light, I wanted to know what happened so we could make our organization better. I also began a deliberative and comprehensive process of determining what I could do to elevate conduct in sports, regardless of the then-unknown conclusions of Ted Wells’ report.

“Three months ago, I announced the creation of a committee comprised of Coach Philbin, our CEO Tom Garfinkel, and respected former players and coaches, who would review Ted Wells’ report and our current Code of Conduct and make any further recommendations. Now that the report has been made available to us, the committee can move forward and begin discussions.

“After the situation came to light, I approached the New York University School of Law and the New York University Center for Sports and Society led by Arthur Miller, as well as the Jackie Robinson Foundation on ideas to address my concerns about conduct in sports. I wanted to tackle these challenging issues head on and be a driving force for change not only with the Dolphins, but in all levels of athletics. In working with their research team and lawyers, and with the cooperation of New York University Dean of Law and former White House associate counsel Trevor Morrison in particular, we have researched, debated and consulted dozens of experts and have created a series of initiatives that we will release next week, along with a policy paper examining this issue.

“We seek to create a curriculum which emphasizes accountability and which educates athletes on a standard code of conduct, appropriate use of language, and the elimination of disrespectful and unacceptable behavior in sports, including discrimination or harassment because of race, gender or sexual orientation. We are also exploring possible legislation and a conduct pledge that would be instituted in all organized sports throughout the country to elevate the core value of respect.

“I have made it clear to everyone within our organization that this situation must never happen again. We are committed to address this issue forcefully and to take a leadership role in establishing a standard that will be a benchmark in all of sports.”
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