Dolphins NT Paul Soliai is expected to be in high demand in free agency | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins NT Paul Soliai is expected to be in high demand in free agency

Exactly what I was about to say. We have to consider how much of this is him motivated for a new contract. If it's about the $$$ he could turn back into a turd once he has the cash. Here are three examples from the coaching staffs beloved Cowboys:

Anthony Spencer
Miles Austin
Michael Jenkins

Your examples don't work. Anthony Spencer and Michael Jenkins are both on their original rookie contracts, so they haven't reverted back to anything. Miles Austin got his big contract, but his production this year has been hampered more by the Tony Romo injury and the implosion of that team, not by his money. In fact you could argue that Miles Austin never was a turd, so how can he revert back ?
Thing about Solai is that he's gotten better every year he played.

He was good last year. He is dominate this year.

NTs take a while to develop, hence why in year 4 he's finally coming along.
I did a write up this spring about how Soliai could break out this season because of how his progression during his first 3 seasons compared to the top NT's around the league. Everyone of them Franklin, Picket, Hampton, Jenkins and Ratliff basically had the same stats as Soliai's the first 3-4 years of their career leading up to their breakout in their 3rd or 4th year. The only top NT who was an anomally to this was Wilfork. I just think we have seen that natural NT progression with Soliai and now it's time to lock him up long term..
Soliai gets a deal done, and it will be a big deal . . . I'm thinking more than Randy Starks deal a few years ago. Why would we even accept a 1st round pick for him . . . the guy is the KEY to this defense right now. Your better bet is to trade someone like Langford to a 3-4 team and resign Tony McDaniel . . . or even more ideal see what Merling can pull. Odrick/Starks/McDaniel/Merling or Langford as your 4 3-4 DE's . . . Starks can move to NT if Soliai gets hurt . . . and the Bakers boys that are inactive every week have both shown promise . . both can play NT and both can play 3-4 DE.

Soliai is the TOP priority this offseason and worse comes to worse you must franchise him.

That Odrick/Soliai/Starks DLine could be the best 3-4 DLine in the league.
Soliai is the FA they can't let get away. It takes several years for a NT to develop in to a dominating force and Soliai is on that path. You don't let a beast walk from the most important and hardest position to fill on a 3-4 defense.

they SHOULD have signed him to an extension BEFORE he was in a contract year
Soliai gets a deal done, and it will be a big deal . . . I'm thinking more than Randy Starks deal a few years ago. Why would we even accept a 1st round pick for him . . . the guy is the KEY to this defense right now. Your better bet is to trade someone like Langford to a 3-4 team and resign Tony McDaniel . . . or even more ideal see what Merling can pull. Odrick/Starks/McDaniel/Merling or Langford as your 4 3-4 DE's . . . Starks can move to NT if Soliai gets hurt . . . and the Bakers boys that are inactive every week have both shown promise . . both can play NT and both can play 3-4 DE.

Soliai is the TOP priority this offseason and worse comes to worse you must franchise him.

That Odrick/Soliai/Starks DLine could be the best 3-4 DLine in the league.
Exactly, without Soliai we don't have a true 3-4 NT.
If we don't resign him, it will be a huge mistake. Starks has proven to be a much better end
As good as Starks played as our NT, I seem to like him better as a DE. This year wasnt as great for him as 2008, but once the rest of the Dline is healthy he will go back to his old form. We NEED to bring back Soliai....
Props to the FO for sticking with him this long, I'll give them that. He's finally turned the corner.
Props to the FO for sticking with him this long, I'll give them that. He's finally turned the corner.

I think they saw from the beginning that Soliai had this kind of potential. The man was like 350 lbs . . . and he could move. He just needed to work on technique and get disciplined. I think that is why they stuck with Jason Allen so long . . . dude has the physical tools but he never could stay disciplined, and they parted ways.

It will cost the Fins now, who probably could have gotten him alot cheaper if they threw him a contract last year.

But goes to show you how many people gave up on Soliai on this forum . . . people wanted Dan Williams, even after finding out Starks was moving to NT and after we drafted Odrick. Anytime a player keeps improving year after year, you gotta figure he is doing something right and with what it takes to develop a 3-4 NT I think the patience was there with him and it has paid off with superb play from him this year.
Williams is way too short to play 5 tech..the reason he was put on the nose to begin with.. I was thinking the Bills would go after him too since they have the connection with Edwards...Williams is maybe your best defensive player...He is best suited for a 4-3 I think the Bills would be best served staying with the 4-3.

um Glenn Dorsey did pretty well there this year....hes "too short" too if thats the case
I wouldn't be surprised if the Jets make a run at him, giving the injury issues Jenkins has had over the past 2 years...that would be brutal
I think they saw from the beginning that Soliai had this kind of potential. The man was like 350 lbs . . . and he could move. He just needed to work on technique and get disciplined. I think that is why they stuck with Jason Allen so long . . . dude has the physical tools but he never could stay disciplined, and they parted ways.

It will cost the Fins now, who probably could have gotten him alot cheaper if they threw him a contract last year.

But goes to show you how many people gave up on Soliai on this forum . . . people wanted Dan Williams, even after finding out Starks was moving to NT and after we drafted Odrick. Anytime a player keeps improving year after year, you gotta figure he is doing something right and with what it takes to develop a 3-4 NT I think the patience was there with him and it has paid off with superb play from him this year.

Yeah definitely. I won't lie, I was one of the people that just wanted us to cut him after him being so inconsistent.. I would be slamming my head against the door if I were making the decisions and did that.
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