Dolphins NT Paul Soliai is expected to be in high demand in free agency | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins NT Paul Soliai is expected to be in high demand in free agency


Active Roster
Aug 26, 2009
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Southern California
Dolphins NT Paul Soliai, an impending free agent, is expected to be in high demand in 2011.
Originally penciled in as a backup to Randy Starks at the beginning of the season, Soliai has keyed a run defense that has allowed just 54.5 yard at 2.3 per carry over the past four games. At 6'4" and 355 pounds, he has ideal size for a 3-4 nose tackle. Pro Football Focus ranks Soliai as the 13th best interior lineman in the NFL this year.
Source: Palm Beach Post

while he has improved a lot and i do like him i dont think we should break the bank for him especially with odrick, merling coming back next year and i think we could go back to starks at NT , with odrick and merling rotating at the ends.

We should think about either franchising him and trading him for a 2nd rounder if its possible
Soliai is the FA they can't let get away. It takes several years for a NT to develop in to a dominating force and Soliai is on that path. You don't let a beast walk from the most important and hardest position to fill on a 3-4 defense.
right now i'm sure they're low balling him hoping for a home discount before free know this...if i couldn't get him signed long term to a decent deal i would seriously consider placing some kind of tag on him before i just let him walk...assuming there is a tag process with this next cba

and young nose tackles who can play are few and far between and take valuable time to we have so many other needs why not fill one question with the bird in hand instead of adding to the list
i do think we will franchise him instead of ronnie brown if worse comes to worse.....

i still do believe that starks can play NT and odrick and merling will be back healthy next year at the ends.
tagging ronnie brown over solai doesn't even make fiscal sense let alone production on the field sense...browns going on 29 at rb where the shelf life gets shorter as you approach 30 and solai's finishing his 4th year in the league in his prime and ascending to a new level as a player...

no brainer...i'm tagging solai

that said if solai gets paid on a long term deal i can envision possibly complacency on his part...but its a chance i'd still take...if you tag him though he's still hungry to get a long term deal while playing for the tag 1 year amount so there's incentive there
These guys are idiots if they let Solia get away... especially for the sake of bums like Phillip Merling...

Seriously, Phillip Merling? Why am I not surprised.. :lol:

Quality nose tackles are too hard to come by, and Miami has already invested too much time in developing him to just turn him loose once he finally gets there....

Basically that amounts to being a farm team... might as well be good at something I suppose...
I think he's going to cash in, not top money, but top 10.

He's taking on double-teams more & more. What sets him apart is he's very active & nimble for a big man, exploding into the backfield often.

Against Buffalo, he ran down QB Fitz to the outside & beat him to the corner ... when have you ever seen a NT do that. We yowled with joy & amazement over that.
if this regime is still in place i would not be surprised whats so ever if they let him test the market. if this happens heads have got to role
First off should the cba not come to some kind of an agreement prior to free agency,Soliai is currently
in his 4th yr.As it stands now,even without a deal Soliai is under the yr requirement in the league(6).

W/out a deal Soliai is a restricted free agent of the Dolphins,and I highly doubt anything less then a 1st and 3rd round tender placed on Soliai aswell as a team actually pursuing Soliai in said case.
First off should the cba not come to some kind of an agreement prior to free agency,Soliai is currently
in his 4th yr.As it stands now,even without a deal Soliai is under the yr requirement in the league(6) to be and unrestricted free agent.

W/out a deal Soliai is a restricted free agent of the Dolphins,and I highly doubt anything less then a 1st and 3rd round tender placed on Soliai aswell as a team actually pursuing Soliai in said case.
They should let him go and pick up a draft pick or 2. Why all sudden he is playing so good on his last year of the contract. I think after he sign he'll go back being a bum.
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