Dolphins talking with NFL about logo change for 2013 | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dolphins talking with NFL about logo change for 2013

they should let the fans decide which new design is chosen or give us a part of the selection process. we are the ones buying the merchandise , at the end of the day thats what its all about, $$$$$$$$$
Leave our logo alone.Its not the reason we've sucked all these years.We can blame the suffrage on Parcells,Ross,and Ireland.A new logo won't make our 'Boys play any better or worse.I can't stand the thought of Nike coming in with their stupid looking,hip-hugging unis.New unis/logo isn't the answer.Better players/attitudes is!!! I think Philbin and the new Coaching Staff will bring the "W"'s back!!!
I just don't see Ross or Dee creating a tough looking appearance. I mean this is the guy that thought pink and purple polka dots was appropriate on the stadium. It'll prolly be a dolphin wearing a bowtie jumping over a rainbow while sipping on a margarita.
For the love of God, if you're going to change the uniforms, it is the 40th anniversary of the 1972 perfect season. This is a NO BRAINER. Give us throwbacks!
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For a while I wanted a new, fresh look... but as of late, I've been digging the throwbacks. That Chambers picture sealed it for me.
Screw all of this "out with the old" crap. That throwback uniform, as seen in the Chambers pic, is about a million times better than any alternative design that's been floated-- particularly the stadium logo which doesn't belong anywhere on the uniform, much less as the main emblem.
the current logo right now sucks, looks like a Hanna Barbara cartoon character drawn by a 7 year old and the helmet is so 1960s before the internet when people were dumb as seaweed and had to be spoon fed this is a Dolphin with a helmet because it belongs to a football team.

I also want to get rid of the stupid navy blue and the raised lettering on the numbers.

Anyway my point is simple it is time to change. Either an updated classic look are some thing totally crazy like a bar of soap on the side of the helmet.
I doubt they are just going to roll out some steaming pile of a design that hasn't been focus grouped to death by people before they finalize the idea.
people say, oh, the baltimore orioles just went back to their classic cartoon bird. but they really didn't, they went to a modernized version:


I'm sure the miami logo will take a similar approach. graphic designers are paid a lot more to make these decisions. I find it funny people in here that during the season spend their time talking about how they "broke down the film" are the same people that in the offseason apparently take design classes and know about that too. It's not like if they came out with a crappy logo in your opinion that you would stop cheering on the team, so settle down and see what they come up with.
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