espn reports collins out in ny | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

espn reports collins out in ny

I wouldn't be shocked at Arizona, but it would be a mild surprise. The draft told me that Denny really has partaken of the McCown Kool-Aid.

I think we're looking at the Niners or maybe the Cowboys if Collins doesn't mind starting one year and being thrown away again.
Why would we possibly want to replace Fiedler with a guy who has a passer rating 5 points below his and who put up one two below Fiedler's rating last year when both of them had a sorry OLine?
My money is on him landing in Dallas. Parcells needs an upgrade over Carter, and it's a move that would be fuill of bravado. The drama in that division is amazing.
xuinva said:
My money is on him landing in Dallas. Parcells needs an upgrade over Carter, and it's a move that would be fuill of bravado. The drama in that division is amazing.

I would have to agree, I would like to replace Fiebler with anyone, the waterboy my grandmother, anybody just get him the he** out of Miami.....My hope,

The Sun Sentinal reports:

" Today in a bit of a suprise the Dolphins relase Fiebler and sign Kerry Collins to a one year deal, looks like Dave W really has lost his power in Miami!" :cooldude:
Giants to release QB Collins


Ha Ha!
I doubt Dallas. The 49ers are interesting...if they move more to Eriksons's style pro-set style of offense, he might be a good fit (kinda like it was thought that Jeff George would fit in well at UM), but if they stay with the West Coast offense, Collins does not fit that mold...I would think he might end up with the Raiders....that would be a good fit with NT offense...but he'll want to be a starter tho....
maybe the Mannings told the Giants after the trade that unless Eli starts next season he is going to hold out all season and go to law school... kidding folks, just kidding.
in all seriousness though, i did hear someone on ESPN (Jaworski maybe?) say yesterday that Collins is an "elite" NFL QB if he has line protection, and that he can make "all the throws" well, including the skinny post, for what it is worth. ive never been that high on the guy especially after the way he left Carolina.
Why kidding? It aint like that is not possible from that prima donna. :jk: sorta
CarolinaFishFan said:
maybe the Mannings told the Giants after the trade that unless Eli starts next season he is going to hold out all season and go to law school... kidding folks, just kidding.
Now that is funny.

In all seriousness... If he pulled that crap with SD, what is to say he would not do it again!?
i doubt he would go to dallas..i heard parcells has said good thing about carters off season improvement, and they have henson. It's a possibility but i doubt it...

I can only conclude that the house-cleaning that has happened in SF (Garcia, Owens, etc) was all about installing the offense Erickson likes. I don't see them staying WCO at all...
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