Every year it is the same... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Every year it is the same...


Retired FinHeaven Staff
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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica
March and April, people are talking draft and getting really excited. Certain players have bandwagon fans and everyone thinks we are going to take that certain player. All excitement until the Dolphins make their first pick.

Then the Dolphins pick one player, then their second and third and so on. Suddenly the excitement goes away and dread appears.

"Who is that?"

"What a reach."

"This draft gets a F!!"

"OMG What are we doing?"

"They have no idea what they are doing. Fire them."

"LOL We suck."

......and so on. I remember the Brian Hartline pick last year being blasted with some people saying the Dolphins reached and that he wasn't going to be drafted. Or that he could have been had in much later rounds. What did Hartline do? Went on to become one of our best receivers and will likely start alongside Marshall this season.

Heck, I remember people bashing the Jake Long pick. One person even said this I remember "Why take him #1? He was going to be around in round 2".

Look, I personally can't say the John Jerry pick was an exciting one or that it filled a need, but I do know not to get really attached to players pre-draft or to bash a pick without actually knowing who the player is. Honestly, I never heard of John Jerry before. Started researching him and I can see why the front office likes him.

I think the problem is that fans fall in love with certain prospects and when they don't get picked by the Dolphins, fans start to bash. I would actually be surprised if Miami or any team had a draft where there are not people bashing the pick.

When Miami picks someone that you didn't have as your favorite or someone you haven't heard of. Don't bash right away and go on a rant. Look at the player, research him and have an open mind. Just remember Brian Hartline.
Well said Nubs, people are too emotional during the draft. Cooler heads will prevail and we got three very good picks so far. Granted we haven't filled our biggest needs, the FO has to have a plan and we will fill the needs we have one way or another.
It's a nightmare. I forget every year just how unpleasant it gets around here on draft day. You made a good point with the Hartline pick last year. People were jumping off cliffs for that one. It's been a solid draft so far, and I'm excited about tomorrow.
Heck, I remember people bashing the Jake Long pick. One person even said this I remember "Why take him #1? He was going to be around in round 2".


Got a good laugh out of that!
I agree with you no point in bashing now. Wait two years till you see what they became if they are **** that is when you bash ex. Ginn, Allen. Let these guys get on the field and show us why they deserve to be Dolphins.
Death, taxes, complaining about free agency, complaining about play calling, and complaining about the draft.

Life in a nutshell for FH members
Agreed with all of the above.

This is the point every year where it gets bad, late 2nd through the 4th round. We've reached the point where most of the guys being drafted have received little or no hype prior to the draft on this site, yet there are still hyped guys on the board who have fallen for whatever reason, or players from popular schools who play a position we need. So people are inevitably up in arms when we don't take one of those guys.
I am not bashing the player or players. I am questioning using a pick on guard when we have a glaring need at FS. No I don't think Culiver or Clemons are the answer, I think they would be weaker then GERBIL.
I totally agree. People BITC%IN the whole draft. By the way my favorite pick is Jerry so far.
Well said Nubs, people are too emotional during the draft. Cooler heads will prevail and we got three very good picks so far. Granted we haven't filled our biggest needs, the FO has to have a plan and we will fill the needs we have one way or another.
Misi fills a need at OLB and the pre-draft trade for Marshall fills the need for a #1 WR. We all knew Smiley was on his way out and Jerry takes his place.

Odrick is a special player, and while not a "need" player makes the defensive line so much better. With talk of our defensive schemes changing a bit, a true NT is no longer such a huge need. Would be nice to add one, but suddenly not a major hole anymore.

FS is really the only position we haven't addressed. The nice thing is that even if they don't get someone in the 4th round, there are still some options out there in free agency.
March and April, people are talking draft and getting really excited. Certain players have bandwagon fans and everyone thinks we are going to take that certain player. All excitement until the Dolphins make their first pick.

Then the Dolphins pick one player, then their second and third and so on. Suddenly the excitement goes away and dread appears.

"Who is that?"

"What a reach."

"This draft gets a F!!"

"OMG What are we doing?"

"They have no idea what they are doing. Fire them."

"LOL We suck."

......and so on. I remember the Brian Hartline pick last year being blasted with some people saying the Dolphins reached and that he wasn't going to be drafted. Or that he could have been had in much later rounds. What did Hartline do? Went on to become one of our best receivers and will likely start alongside Marshall this season.

Heck, I remember people bashing the Jake Long pick. One person even said this I remember "Why take him #1? He was going to be around in round 2".

Look, I personally can't say the John Jerry pick was an exciting one or that it filled a need, but I do know not to get really attached to players pre-draft or to bash a pick without actually knowing who the player is. Honestly, I never heard of John Jerry before. Started researching him and I can see why the front office likes him.

I think the problem is that fans fall in love with certain prospects and when they don't get picked by the Dolphins, fans start to bash. I would actually be surprised if Miami or any team had a draft where there are not people bashing the pick.

When Miami picks someone that you didn't have as your favorite or someone you haven't heard of. Don't bash right away and go on a rant. Look at the player, research him and have an open mind. Just remember Brian Hartline.

Hartline panned out but just based on production and workouts it was called a reach by everybody. I still contend we could have drafted Hartline later although I admit he seems a good prospect. You could do all the research u wanted on him and he would have still seemed like a reach until we played the season. I disliked the White and Turner picks also. Felt White was a horrid pick and still do and thought we took Turner way too high for his production. I had better hoped Turner would turn out ok. After one season which is way too early they both seem like huge misses. Most people thought Murphy was a reach and they turned out quite right.
I think the problem is that fans fall in love with certain prospects and when they don't get picked by the Dolphins, fans start to bash. I would actually be surprised if Miami or any team had a draft where there are not people bashing the pick.

The truest statement I've ever heard in my lifetime on FH
I am not bashing the player or players. I am questioning using a pick on guard when we have a glaring need at FS. No I don't think Culiver or Clemons are the answer, I think they would be weaker then GERBIL.

that's all good and well, but do you really think the 10th rated safety has a bigger immediate impact than Clemons or Culver?
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