Feeley v Frerotte | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Feeley v Frerotte


Seasoned Veteran
Feb 2, 2005
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Obviously Saban is comfortable letting Feeley and Frerotte sort out the starting QB. I don't think having Frerotte start is necessarily a bad thing - he's familiar with the offense, he did well when Culpepper was out. He, admittedly, had more weapons than we did, but still - whoever is the best option to win games should start. I think Frerotte could start for two years. Just an opinion.
cowtowndick said:
Obviously Saban is comfortable letting Feeley and Frerotte sort out the starting QB. I don't think having Frerotte start is necessarily a bad thing - he's familiar with the offense, he did well when Culpepper was out. He, admittedly, had more weapons than we did, but still - whoever is the best option to win games should start. I think Frerotte could start for two years. Just an opinion.

If Frerotte starts, I hope to God he's only a one year solution. I don't think he'll start anyway, but I guess there's a chance. As far as coming in for Dante, yeah, he did a pretty good job with Minnesotta's high powered offense. I'm not so sure we have the same talent level to make him look as good as he did there. I've seen him plenty of other times in his career, and he did not look like somebody that I would want to be our starting quarterback.
I hope Frerotte wins the job. That will wake Saban up if nothing else will. The man has GOT to know how limited these 2 guys are, I can't believe he thinks they are adequate to go with a entire season. Unreal. I am POSITIVE he does not want to have to resort to feeley in there.
DiepatriotsDie said:
If Frerotte starts, I hope to God he's only a one year solution. I don't think he'll start anyway, but I guess there's a chance. As far as coming in for Dante, yeah, he did a pretty good job with Minnesotta's high powered offense. I'm not so sure we have the same talent level to make him look as good as he did there. I've seen him plenty of other times in his career, and he did not look like somebody that I would want to be our starting quarterback.
To be sure, this is only a temporary thing, and it does assume the worst - that Feeley is a dud, which may or may not be the case. Obviously the coaching staff didn't feel that QB was an area of immediate concern, because there were options in the draft (Rodgers, Orton, Greene, etc. among others). In any event, I'm pumped for next year - I never believed we were as bad as our record was, so a quick turnaround is possible.
Ferrotte is older but he did go to the pro bowl in 97 with washington, take it for what thats worth.
dolphingator said:
I hope Frerotte wins the job. That will wake Saban up if nothing else will. The man has GOT to know how limited these 2 guys are, I can't believe he thinks they are adequate to go with a entire season. Unreal. I am POSITIVE he does not want to have to resort to feeley in there.

I disagree, I hope that A.J keeps the job, since it is his to lose. Also I think Saban has better knowledge of them then we have. and it wouldnt take a football guru to see that the problems were beyond that of Feely. I mean ya you need to make quick smart moves as a QB, but watch the games again. Not too many QB's could make a smart decisions with the time A.J had. Give him a real shot, under a legitamte system before you write him off.
kthurmus> its not aj's job to lose. its on open competion between the two and i personnaly think or you could say hope ferrote wins.
If Frerotte is our QB then we wasted a pick on AJ. We should all hope AJ is our starter and plays good.
byroan said:
If Frerotte is our QB then we wasted a pick on AJ. We should all hope AJ is our starter and plays good.

Exactly what I was thinking.
I have my doubts that AJ can lead this team but not for the reasons you may think. I believe it's critical for Nick to quickly name AJ or Gus the starter and it should be done well before pre-season games begin. In '04 there were way too many current Dolphins who failed to support AJ when he started for this team. The fact that these players used mass media outlets to let their opinions be known is a dividing issue that needs to be addressed.

Gus in my opinion is nothing more than a career backup. He can get you thru some games but he's not a guy you want to rely upon for 16 games. As far as AJ, it's been said many times before, we don't really know what the guy has to offer. Time will tell.

Whomever Nick decides upon will get my backing. I certainly don't want to go thru another "Anybody but Jay" type civil war with my fellow Dolfans.
DolphinsRising said:
Whomever Nick decides upon will get my backing. I certainly don't want to go thru another "Anybody but Jay" type civil war with my fellow Dolfans.

I couldn't agree more. I hate bickering with my fellow Dolfans. We're wasting so much venom that should be directed at the Jets.

I personally am happy to see Brock Berlin come on as a free agent, I think in a year or two he could develop in to a starter. Does anybody else think this is possible with his telent level or am just living a pipe dream? :confused:
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