Fiedler.... or is it teacup? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Fiedler.... or is it teacup?


Jane Gum
Mar 13, 2003
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What's with this guy hurt all the time? How the hell does a pro athlete get a 'back spasm'?
It's a hip, or a back, it sounds like a friggen old man!!!
I like Fiedler but he better tuck that string back into his pants and play ball. I know QB's are little b!tches at heart but he better toughen up for the long haul.
Athletes get back spasms all the time... in fact, Jeff Garcia has the same problem right now.
Check a few injury reports, you'll see it's quite common, and not just with QBs.
yeah the question from the post it questionable, but he is right , this guy cannot stay healthy, although we are still used to see dan who played almost injury free except for that achilles and that pinched nerve that cost him some time in his career
It's no secret he has trouble staying healthy. But he implying that Fiedler is not tough and won't gut it out. If you've watched the Dolphins at any time the last 3 years, you know Fiedler is among the league's toughest players.

I don't know. I guess I just take offense to crude posts that are not well thought out to begin with.
Originally posted by Muck
It's no secret he has trouble staying healthy. But he implying that Fiedler is not tough and won't gut it out. If you've watched the Dolphins at any time the last 3 years, you know Fiedler is among the league's toughest players.

I don't know. I guess I just take offense to crude posts that are not well thought out to begin with.

I agree with you, Muck. Lame post. Fiedler is anything but a wimp. I've gotten back spasms by just bending down the wrong way. If it were the regular season, Jay would have been playing.
Sometimes the reason that he's been hurt is BECAUSE he plays so tough. Even as a blocker when the team runs a sweep, he'll try to knock the **** out of a defender.
Originally posted by lotion
I know QB's are little b!tches at heart but he better toughen up for the long haul.

I am sorry, but I can NOT let this one slide. I have read a lot of crap about Jay Fiedler, but this lame *** statement has got to take the cake.

You want to talk about Jay Fiedlers heart? How about getting the snot knocked out of him, only for him to be picked up by James McKnight (who by the way was frantically trying to get the training staff in there to help him) and have him shake it off, and keep playing. How about breaking his thumb and continuing to play and win the game at Denver.

How about being booed at a Heat game, or constantly taking crap from people like you, simply because he isn't Dan Marino.

This man is all heart, in fact in the heart dept. I rank Jay Fiedler right up there with Marino, Elway, Favre, and McNabb. In FACT if it weren't for Jay's heart, the guy wouldn't even be playing in the NFL.

You can question his arm stregnth, you can question his decisions on the field...but if there is one thing that you cannot question, it's Jay Fiedler's HEART!

BTW, Daryl Gardener missed several games because of...back Spasms. That is a 325lb mountian of a man.
how about throwing the football with a broken thumb and winning the game on top of it (denver 2002) hes been knocked out of the game and has returned when not expected....hes tough
Or how about that 2000 season....with his arms hanging from the go with the hip and back injuries. The guy has big brass ones.
Originally posted by lotion
What's with this guy hurt all the time? How the hell does a pro athlete get a 'back spasm'?

Is this guy for real? I'm for letting everyone speak their mind, but really? Maybe we should have a policy of moving really stupid threads.
LOL. How the hell does a pro athlete even get injured?? :tongue:
Originally posted by Muck
LOL. How the hell does a pro athlete even get injured?? :tongue:

This thread is stupid, well incase lotion hasnt heard, Fiedler will be fine and will practice on limited basis today, and go full practice wednesday if its not bothering him.. Fiedler has heart and guts, especially last season during the Denver's game...
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