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Fiedler Supporters?

I think Jay played very poorly in the first half overall, but played very well in the second half overall. We got the win, the defense was there, and we had other players step up and contribute to a win. I saw nothing in this game that calls for the QB getting benched.

Thompson...well, I'm begining to wonder, but won't call for it yet. But I suspect 86 is on speed dial somewhere for week 10 or whenever he can come back.
there are some things about Jay you have to love. and being this is south florida, and i been drinken... there is something about his last name that i think ticket buyers around here like. i think our #3 is also a ticket seller.

he's a big guy though, and i'd like to see Sage under the heat a little bit.

but on to BG.
he lived in the house across the street from me in pembroke pines growing up... i think if he could realize his heroic childhood visualizations of Dolphin greatness, he might make up for the one thing Jay has on him.... Balls.
I see no reason to complain about Fiedler until the team loses again.....although I have to bring something up.....remember when he was playing really well in 2001? When he was winning games for us, like a comeback in Buffalo, a game against Carolina, throwing bombs to Chambers against the Colts, etc......? What happened to that?
Originally posted by Muck
I gotta disagree. At first glance (I haven't watched the game again on tape yet), it seemed like Jay had pretty good protection today for the most part. I think the Giants just had good coverage and/or the WRs failed to get open (when Fiedler seemed to hold the ball and whatnot).

Muck I only saw the second half and Jay had no time to throw..I don't know exactly what happen the 1st half, but I know Griese not the answer, please no..we would have lost today with Griese in there, facing that much pressure. Blitzes galore today by the Giants to stop Ricky and the passing. With all the bashing of jay, who deserved it today, who else do we with it and cross your fingers every time he goes back to pass.

Originally posted by Muck
I gotta disagree. At first glance (I haven't watched the game again on tape yet), it seemed like Jay had pretty good protection today for the most part. I think the Giants just had good coverage and/or the WRs failed to get open (when Fiedler seemed to hold the ball and whatnot).

Jay had good protection from the middle, but the Tackles were both getting beat like red headed stepchildren out there.

That and the Giants had good coverage as well, and the recievers couldn't hold on to anything placed in their hands.
Originally posted by chambers84
Does anybody get tired of people bitching even when we win??? I get real sick of it, nothing makes some of these posters happy, always something to complain about, win or lose. 3-1 and some are calling for Griese to play.....why?? What has Griese done that has people calling for him to play?? I don't get it. 3-1 overall record, 2-0 division record, Division lead, and 2 wins on the road. But Jay sucks and we need Griese.......wake the hell up!!!

Actually yeah. I get really tired of it. I sat back and watched the game. We won 23-10, and I was pretty happy. I figured I come to Finheaven and share the joy. What joy? When I come to this board I feel like we lost the game. So much for sharing the joy.
Originally posted by FinFan84
Listen. Im just as gald as anybody else we won, but Im very concerned about fiedler. Evry time he drops back to pass, Im thinking bad thoughts. He doesnt look good, plain and simple. Why the undying devotion to him, dont you want to win the Super Bowl, which wont happen with Fiedelr I believe. Its time to at least consider using Greise as some point.

I Know you will all bitch, not another fiedler thread, but if anybody is dragging this team down, it will be him, its uncomfortable to watch him pass.

:fire: I'm Pissed :fire:

Ok a couple of you Fiedler supporters have it right on the head, and i'm here now to nail those points home (I live for things like this). I won't call out no names (and just because i'm qouting you doesn't mean i'm saying you are) but I hear alot of girls on this board crying. My question is for what?

"If the DB would of caught that ball in the endzone we would of lost". "If Griese comes in we'll win more games." well just like a writer on said, "If my aunt had balls, she'll be my uncle." Who wins games and all week long says "If, if, if, if...." that makes no sense. The fact is we won the game, the fact is, fiedler had one turnover and it was not a int, it was a fumble. The fact is Fiedler do the best he could with limited help.

Here Are a few reasons while Fiedler had a good game. The Giants pass rush was all over Fiedler today! I don't think anyone here will say that our O-line played well. When your a Qb and you have to make throws before the recievers even finish their route running, bad things are going to happen (and we have witnessed this with other teams). Also can Griese scramble on 3rd and long (9) and run for a first down? I DON'T THINK SO. The coaches wouldn't even let that play cross their mind. Not only can Greise not run for first downs, but he can barely scramble to avoid a sack, which is something Fiedler can and has done.

Look around the league how many PURE pocket Qb's are left in the league? Pocket QB's are getting smaller and smaller each year, and ususally find themselves in a back up role. And whalla! that happens to be the case in Miami. We have a Starting QB who can make tough throws, and scramble, and we have a pure pocket Qb as our backup.

In closing, Fiedler bashers call out Fiedler supporters, well they will not acknowledge good decision making and tough throws that Fielder did make during the game. How about the pass across the middle to Thompson that was thrown right on his hands? Or how about sitting in the pocket long enough to hit Mcmicheal wide open on the game clenching drive? O sure a screen pass is probably the easiest play a Qb can throw, but how many Qb's set it up better then Fiedler? (and proof of this is the effectiveness it has had) Griese simply can not move around in the pocket.

"If our O line could of Opened holes for ricky this would of been a blow out, bench everybody." "If our recievers could get open 90% of the time Feidler would be in the pro bowl." "If another reciever other then chambers would step up then maybe they'll stop double teaming him." Blah Blah Blah Blah. Fact is we pulled out another tough one and "IF" we keep on pulling out tough ones, maybe just maybe, we'll be a superbowl type team. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Mcnight said it best "We've got a lot of guys on this team who can make plays," McKnight remarked minutes earlier. "You haven't seen the best of the Miami Dolphins. Stay tuned."
I have one question.....

Who was the last team to win a SuperBowl with a quarterback controversy????

Ricky makes a difference!!
Re: Re: Fiedler Supporters?

Originally posted by DolFinatic718
Fact is we pulled out another tough one and "IF" we keep on pulling out tough ones, maybe just maybe, we'll be a superbowl type team. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Mcnight said it best "We've got a lot of guys on this team who can make plays," McKnight remarked minutes earlier. "You haven't seen the best of the Miami Dolphins. Stay tuned."

:up: :up: :up:
Go watch how Couch responded.
MD and B, you guys might be right. I watched the first half pretty closely. But the 2nd half I got busy with the chat room and honestly was very distracted. So I will see definitely get a better idea tonight.
I'm not a basher. I'm not a supporter (well, I guess I am in the sense that I support everybody on the team). But I think something needs to be said.

The reason why people say "coulda woulda shoulda" on those potential INTs is because you can't get away with that stuff forever. We faced a good team today and won. Yes. But eventually, another team is not going to drop those INTs and they'll make you pay. ESPECIALLY in the playoffs.

People just want the areas in which we are weak/potentially damaging cleaned up. Some are more tactful than others. But the point is valid. While we got away with a few today, Washington (Bailey/Smoot), Philly (Vincent/Taylor) and Buffalo (Clements/Winfield) would likely have made us pay.
Muck, how many times does Jay gift wrap INT's to the defenders? Those throws today were terrible, but honestly I don't see Jay throwing sure fire interceptions on a regular basis.

The same reason why Jay was hurried, is the same reason why Ricky got NO WHERE, the O LINE SUCKED!!!

I can't even believe that we are having so many discussions about Jay, when our star RB gained TWO yards through three quarters!

Ya think the O line had anything to do with it? Do you think that same O line who couldn't run block also couldn't pass block?

I know that this team will clean it up on offense for next week. That same o line will open holes, pass protect, and Jay will be his usual gutsy self. Ricky will bust it for 100+ yards.

RELAX, damn Phin fans are a pain in the ***.

He threw near picks in all four games. Look he is gutsy but he cannot make a defense pay and that is a problem.
Originally posted by Jaj
Go watch how Couch responded.

I believe that Couch tossed a blanket on the ground, pulled out a picnic basket and after having a nice quiet meal, got up, cleaned up, and then threw a pass. It's amazing how good an O-Line can make a QB look when it does it's job.
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