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Gavin Hardison

Remember, were talking about the 3rd QB position. Hopefully his main contribution will be studying our QB2 on how to properly hold a clipboard/Ipad and carrying Tuas shoulder pads to the locker room.
None of our backup QBs are nothing to get excited about, nor do they push Tua. That's what I would like to see at some point.
He lived up to being a 7th round pick and doing the job that comes along with that. All things considered, I'd say he exceeded expectations.

I'm sure Bady would appreciate that kind of thinking., since he was also a late round pick. - LOL
After watching some film, absolutely nothing jumps out that wows you. I will say that his throwing motion is going to have to be completely changed. He carries the ball on his hip, which leads to easy strips in the NFL. He also has a complete drop down throwing style that is way too slow of a release.

A la Tebow?
Hardison had Tommy John surgery, so it’s all about recovery. But his tape was good. He might surprise us and be more than a camp arm. If so, we might stick with Skylar and Hardison and save a few bucks by cutting White.
Most pitchers who have had Tommy John surgery have come back throwing 2 to3 plus MPH then before the surgery. Gavin maybe walking by a roadside radar gun on the highway and throw a football at it to see if he picked up any velocity. Gavin, just remember, if the speed display is blinking, just wait for a second before you get frustrated and walk away. I guarantee you that you will have your answer once the number stops blinking.
Not sure why the Fins would even have this guy around. I guess they need someone to carry their pads and fetch water.
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