Hey everyone. My girlfriend and her family and I are heading down to Florida for Christmas and New Years and I just found out that we got 6 tickets in Sec 446 to the Dolphins/Jets game on the 25th. I can't explain to you all how excited I am to be going as it'll be my first time attending an NFL game. I have been going to CFL games for over 30 years and love it which is why I am anxious to experience your flavour of football LIVE.
:finfan72: So I am curious if some of you can give some advice to a first timer about things like when is the best time to show up at the stadium, where are the best tailgates, what are the best restaurants in the area, etc etc. Thanks in advance, this trip to Florida just got a whole lot better.
:finfan72: So I am curious if some of you can give some advice to a first timer about things like when is the best time to show up at the stadium, where are the best tailgates, what are the best restaurants in the area, etc etc. Thanks in advance, this trip to Florida just got a whole lot better.