Griese's Passer Rating | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Griese's Passer Rating

You still are way, WAY off Becky. I have never ever argued with you about a Davis injury being the fault of Brian Griese. Not once. You are just flat out wrong.

The only injury that would have mattered to me was the one that ended Davis' career, and I never blamed Brian for that. I also you will note, never blamed Brian for the injury to Eddie Mac although many said he DID hang him out to dry, or anyone else for that matter.

You argue with so many people, you don't know who you are talking about anymore.

I was the one who supported Brian, but eventually (middle of last year) said we should get rid of him because our offensive line wasn't good enough to protect him. He was not handling the pressure well, and we were simply not winning games. There were a few that supported the theory that it was in no particular order.. the coaching, receivers, the line, the running game.. etc ad naseum. But the majority of folks imo are of the mind that the problem was simply the QB position.

And I actually *like* Brian, but still wanted him off the team. He wasn't a positive.. he was a large negative, with all the talk and locker room babble going on.

I really do hope he can do well. I won't waver from my opinion though, that he needs excellent protection from the line. If guys get through, he goes down, gets sacked, fumbles, or tosses some bad throws.



>>> He can't understand what audible means<<<

"That must be why the guys in the booth were talking about the fact that he could draw the other team off-sides, just like John Elway?"

O brother.. do you even know what an audible IS?! He isn't talking about how LOUD he is.. but changing the play at the line after he sees what sort of D he is looking at for that play. Ya know.. the thing Peyton Manning seems to do on EVERY play. Griese rarely calls audibles. Almost never. I was going to point that out but I guess there is no need now.

audible.. hee :lol:
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Bronco fox,

>Like I said, I am not getting into it with you Becky. No offense, but I feel you are *way* offbase sometimes with your condenscending attitude. Basically, there is your opinion and um.. well, your opinion. You blast anyone that doesn't agree with you 100%, and then try to back it up with tons of stats and rude comments.<

Have you looked at any of your posts on this Forum recently? Not much meat. Just YOUR "Opinions". Sory little one, but when a stat proves you are all wet in your assumptions about Brian, I will use it.
I blast anyone who doesn't agree with me 100%? Pot calling the kettle black there? The problem seems to be, with YOUR rude comments, I consider the source. With mine, you know you have been found out.

BTW So sorry you have forgotten the game Davis got hurt in that you and I were "discussing" for so long. Kind of convenient memory loss there.
Bronco fox,

I am going to do the legitimate posters on this Forum a favor and ignore you. You simply can't remember yesterday, let alone the last couple of years. Read some of your posts on this Forum and you will see what I mean. Geez! I would bet you have already forgotten what you have posted.

The only way I could prove the rest of it is to bring all your anti-Brian posts here, and I am not about to do that. Much too nice a forum to stink it up like that. By now.
Originally posted by grooves12
The only thing I can think of is to change our cheme slight to give the O-line more help. Instead of having EVERY eligible receiver go out somewhere and wait for a pass. Have them stay in and BLOCK. We finally have a QB that can deliver the ball to the open man... Forget the dumpoffs and get the ball to Chambers and McKnight. The Fullback/Running Back can stay in and block!

If don lee could learn to block, we could take care of this problem no problem. 2 TE's.
Originally posted by finfan54

If don lee could learn to block, we could take care of this problem no problem. 2 TE's.

yeah, he got flagged for a couple of penalties on opening day and hasn't been in as much since. it was good to see him get a couple of catches yesterday.

as for the griese thing: can't the coaches tell him to constantly move the ball forward and back while in the pocket so if he gets stripped we're saved by the tuck rule? j/k.
Originally posted by DPlus47

as for the griese thing: can't the coaches tell him to constantly move the ball forward and back while in the pocket so if he gets stripped we're saved by the tuck rule? j/k.
one thing i did notice about griese though, he sets up too deep. usually when a defender gets a sack, its right up the middle or the defender has to do a little button hook and reach back. but they come straight in on brian!:rolleyes:
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