Griese's Passer Rating | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Griese's Passer Rating

Calm down, dude. That wasn't a slam -- it was just an observation. What I'm saying is that you can find a positive to push for just about any player out there...
Originally posted by Muck
Mobile QBs get sacked less......what a shocking revalation.

If this is the "same old Griese", I'll take it. He was accurate. He got the ball downfield. He didn't throw any INTs. He made good decisions. This in his second game in the offense after going six weeks without practice. ....which means he's going to get better.

Griese attacked down the field because our offense calls for it more than Denver's West Coast style. And if we could block a little better, I guarantee you we'd see it even more.

Griese got sacked 5 times. With the performance I saw today out of our OL, I'm not suprised. But he made plays. And I'm happy about that. A few weeks ago, we all would have traded our left nut to have a QB who could take advantage of the things we have deep, hit a receiver in stride, and not throw INTs. Now it seems some of us are ready to give that up for the sake of not taking sacks.

Ball downfield meaning 20 yard pass?Fiedler did that on regular basis.I don't Griese as an improvement over Fiedler.Fiedler should get his job back next week.
how about lining up an extra O-lineman as a TE to help the "kid" out for a while. unless we can find a decent vet, there isn't much else that can be done. if the line can be stablized, i think this team may have a chance. if not...then a lot more games like this.
Originally posted by DOLPHAN1
how about lining up an extra O-lineman as a TE to help the "kid" out for a while. unless we can find a decent vet, there isn't much else that can be done. if the line can be stablized, i think this team may have a chance. if not...then a lot more games like this.

Extra help would be nice...but Smith has played well this year. There is simply no old fat vet out there that would have played well against Freeley.

One problem is that Griese is setting up too deep. That gives the DE a better angle at getting to the QB. That's what happened on the 1st fumble. Griese set up 11 yards back from the line of scrimmage in the shot gun.

Also throwing a couple of screens to that side would have slowed him down a bit.
Ya, look, Freeny is a DE that runs a 4.4. That is a freak. The season ain't over guys.
Beckyj, it's funny that you are trying to make people look stupid, using simple math, when you don't understand that it's more complex than that. To the simple mind, like you, it would seem that Griese throws for more yards. But you are going by a flawed stat. Yards per attempt is a useless stat. I don't know why the league goes by that. It favors the dink and dunk QB because completion percentage is a huge factor in that stat. Every incomplete is a 0, which will bring down that stat for any QB that goes down field and has a lower passing percentage. Lets look at some stats to show you that this stat is flawed, and that yards per completion is a much better gauge on how many yards a QB is really throwing for. These are career numbers.

Griese- 7.00 per attempt 11.2 per completion
Fiedler- 6.97 per attempt 11.6 per completion
Plummer- 6.42 per attempt 11.4 per completion (just about all with the sorry Cards)
Beuerlein- 7.23 per attempt 12.6 per completion

Going by that, we can see that Griese is #2 on the list in yards per attempt, but he's on the bottom of the list in yards per completion. Griese throws for less yards than a bunch of guys that have accomplished nothing in the NFL.

Lets look at some at some of the all time greats, and you'll really see how flawed that stat is.

Elway- 7.1, 12.4
Marino- 7.3, 12.3
Tarkenton- 7.3, 12.7
Moon- 7.2, 12.3
Daryle Lamonica "The Mad Bomber" (not an all time great, but proves the point) 7.4, 14.8

Going by yards per attempt, Griese is right there with some of the greats. But going by yards per completion, he gets smoked. He's only .4 behind Lamonica in YPA, but is 3.6 behind in YPC. That's a big difference. He's only .1 and point .3 behind Elway and Marino in YPA, but he's over a yard behind both of them in YPC.

The year Griese threw for 8 YPA, was his only good year in the league. Funny, just like this year, and every other year, he got hurt and missed a lot of time.

So Beckyj, go ahead and be simpled minded, but don't try to school anybody. Leave the stats to people who understand them, because it seems like you stopped at first grade math.

*These are just stats. They do leave out other factors. One big factor is yards after catch, which is what a lot of dink and dunk QBs get a good portion of their stats from. These stats also do not say which QB is better than the other, because there are is so much more than just these stats that makes a QB good. Lamonica has them all beat in this one stat, but nobody will say he's anywhere as good as the great QBs mentioned. But these stats do show that YPA is a flawed stat, and that YPC is a better stat to go by. 1 yard does not seem like much, but it really is. Think about it this way, in most cases, a RB that averages just .5 yards per carry more than another is thought as being a much better back. A back that runs for 4.3 YPC is better than a back that averages 3.8 YPC. It may be a little bit, but it's really a lot.
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Originally posted by Muck
Mobile QBs get sacked less......what a shocking revalation.

If this is the "same old Griese", I'll take it. He was accurate. He got the ball downfield. He didn't throw any INTs. He made good decisions. This in his second game in the offense after going six weeks without practice. ....which means he's going to get better.

Griese attacked down the field because our offense calls for it more than Denver's West Coast style. And if we could block a little better, I guarantee you we'd see it even more.

Griese got sacked 5 times. With the performance I saw today out of our OL, I'm not suprised. But he made plays. And I'm happy about that. A few weeks ago, we all would have traded our left nut to have a QB who could take advantage of the things we have deep, hit a receiver in stride, and not throw INTs. Now it seems some of us are ready to give that up for the sake of not taking sacks.

If Smith causes Griese to be injured to the extent that he becomes inactive, i'm going to assume that the loss of the new found hope for our QB problem will crush Finfans. I think its a consensus that Finfans are comfortable with our QB situation, I gather this from what i've seen in some of these posts.
Originally posted by DOLPHAN1
how about lining up an extra O-lineman as a TE to help the "kid" out for a while. unless we can find a decent vet, there isn't much else that can be done. if the line can be stablized, i think this team may have a chance. if not...then a lot more games like this.
i like the idea of having minor and williams in the backfield at the same time, then the defense wouldn't know who had the ball everytime. at least the runner would have one blocker. plus i'd fake ricky up the middle and throw some swing passes to konrad. he made more on his receptions than ricky. defenses know ricky is our offense!:(
"You guys have to understand that she doesn't pay attention to the game. For two years she tried to convince everyone that Brian hung Terrell Davis out to dry and that was why he got hurt."

Um.. that wasn't me Becky. You were at odds with so many Bronco fans, I'm not surprised you confused me with someone else. I always defended Brian on Davis' injury. You can't blame a QB for a player getting injured trying to make a tackle for an int he threw. That's just silly.. ints happen all the time. And I also supported Griese until the middle of last year. If you remember, I was one of his staunchest defenders.

But I do *not* even want to get into it with you. You toss around stats as if they prove Brian Griese is one of the best QBs in football today. Keep living in your fantasy world.. *shrug*

You showed what sort of fan *you* were when you bailed on the Broncos when Brian left! Some fan! The team may not make the best decisions, but I will stick with them 'til the end even so. But getting rid of Brian? Good decision.

Now as far as Miami goes, Griese may be an upgrade over Fiedler. I've seen Fielder play a couple of times, so I really can't intelligently debate wether or not Brian is an upgrade over him. I have only tried to point out what to watch for with Brian, I wasn't trying to be a troll.

I'm sorry if it seemed that way! :(

But really, good luck. If you can get more out of Brian than Denver could, you are doing well and on the right track.

Originally posted by BroncoFox
I've seen Fielder play a couple of times, so I really can't intelligently debate wether or not Brian is an upgrade over him.

You just broke a cardinal rule of trolling. You admit that you don't know what you're talking about? Jesus Christ, that's just pure amateur stuff. Welcome to ignore, but don't feel too bad; I'm sure we'll meet again when I pull some retaliatory trolls on Bronco forums. Something about Jake Plummer breaking his foot getting up off the couch? That sounds like a good start.
BroncoFox...there are those of us here that have NEVER seen you as a troll. Just so you know....

Keep up the informative, well spoken, open minded posts that you always have.... please. :D
Thank you muchly inFINsible! :)

No, because I really am not trolling. I don't know why people think that I am. :(

I came here before the season started just to get a feel if Brian would do better on this team rather than on Denver's, and see how the fans felt about him coming aboard. I gave my opinions on Brian, and what to expect.

It was just interesting to see how he pans out, and see how fans react, that's all. I'm not trolling, I've never trolled. I don't want to upset anyone, although I know how easy it is to get upset when you are losing. I especially know how this feels the last few weeks. :)

Here is what Pompei says about Brian. This is almost verbatim what I said in my posts before the season started. It wasn't trolling then, and it isn't now. I really was curious if the o-line could protect Brian and let him perform to his potential. Here is what Pompei said (regarding Brian, he also had comments about Jay):

"The robotic cleaner will be highly efficient in ideal conditions. But if the filters get overloaded or the batteries get weak, it is more likely to scuff your walls than clean your floors. "

"How Griese reacts to pressure is what has prevented him from capitalizing on the promise that convinced Denver coach Mike Shanahan to give him a $12 million signing bonus two years ago"

"Griese needs a perfect pocket around him. When he doesn't have it, he often short-circuits. Though there have been issues with the Dolphins' offensive line, pass blocking was not one of them before last Sunday."

"Griese can read from a script, but don't expect him to bring down the house on improv night. "I think the only thing that Brian lacked was the ability to make a play when there was nothing there," Shanahan said in the offseason."

and finally..

"When Griese has time, there might not be a passer in the NFL who is as accurate. But he must have protection. He was under pressure for only two of his 18 completions Sunday-and for eight of his 11 incompletions.

"Who isn't accurate when you have time?" Colts cornerback Walt Harris says. "Any quarterback in this league who has time can be pretty accurate."

Now I don't quite agree with Harris. When he has protection, Brian is BETTER than most QBs. He has a very fast pass, very accurate, and is confident. It is under pressure that he breaks down.

I was not dishonest in any of my opinions about Brian, that is just what I've seen watching him play the last several years. I am (and still) hoping that he can find a groove in Miami, 'cause as a person, I generally like the guy. I feel bad he is somewhat aloof and all, he is a quiet guy. But that shouldn't doom him to mediocrity. I think he can succeed, but he needs to believe in himself. And he needs protection, *especially* blind side protection. His vision sometimes isn't the best at least behind the lind, and blindsided is when he makes most of his fumbles.

Now I suppose some fans here think a fan from anoter team shouldn't be posting their opinions or discussing players with them? I guess ignore me if you like, I really am not trying to be a troll. I just wanted to respond to posts about how it is not Brian's fault. I've heard that line many a times in Denver. It never *looks* like his fault.. but really, like that movie "There's Something about Mary".. well, There's Something about Brian. ;)

Protect him well he will serve you well. :)

Originally posted by dolfan06
is this a slam or what?:confused:

No...none whatsoever. BroncoFox has yet to say anything that hasn't been shown on the field. She doesn't smack, she doesn't get insulted, and she doesn't fight back. She simply repeats what she has always said and she looks smarter and smarter all the time.
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