Haha read what Lee Evans said about Jamar Fletcher | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Haha read what Lee Evans said about Jamar Fletcher


Go get me a juice box!
Mar 3, 2004
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3. Who is the toughest player you faced in college?

Evans: When he was here, (former Wisconsin cornerback) Jamar Fletcher. When I was a freshman coming in (in 2000), he was an All-American. It was humbling. The most important thing I learned going up against him was being technique-sound and being patient.


Can you believe that? Amazing how he turned out nothing near that level.
i think fletcher never fit our style of coverage. not his fault, i blame wanny on this one.
Maybe he'll do better over there but we're moving on and who's to say that Evans won't end up with us?

Ozzy rules!!
Fletcher was amazing in college... he can still be good in the NFL, he just needs to find the right team and system. He would of never worked out in our defense.
Fletcher didn't make Collage Football top 100 players ever list for nothing.
Originally posted by TerryTate
Tis a shame, Jamar had potential and still does IMO

Cool..........Terry you went to that MXC "Almost Live"?
Archie Giffith won 2 heisman trophies has anyone ever sceen any of highlights from when he was a pro? Many great college players didn't have what it takes in the NFL. The reasons why he was passed on by, what it was 3 nfl teams that picked CBs before Jamar was picked, are the same reasons that he wasn't an sucsess in the NFL. He is short, has average speed, and a small frame. He has great skills that got him to stand tall in college, but his lack of god giving size and speed caught up with him in the NFL. I am not saying he couldn't have overcome this, but apparently he didn't want it bad enough. Maybee he grew comfortable being a great college player, and lost his passion. Maybee he grew comfortable of things comming easy to him in every level of football before the NFL, and when push came to shove he didn't have the gull the mental toughness to overcome being a no one after so long of being a star on every other level. Who knows, but the fact remains he was over matched in the NFL. For those that say he would do better in a zone didn't do your homework. In college he played press coverage, and WRs has a horrible time getting off the line. That is why Miami liked him because he played the same style that Sam, Pat, and T-Buck played under Jimmy when they had what is called make up speed. Maybee if Dave didn't ignore the Rose Bowl when Freddy Mitchell the protypical NFL WR pushed him around so bad that Alvarez took him off Freddy in the 2nd half. It turned out the Freddy was only an average WR that pushed around Jamar, so what does that make Jamar?
Originally posted by Dajesus
For those that say he would do better in a zone didn't do your homework. In college he played press coverage, and WRs has a horrible time getting off the line. That is why Miami liked him because he played the same style that Sam, Pat, and T-Buck played under Jimmy when they had what is called make up speed. Maybee if Dave didn't ignore the Rose Bowl when Freddy Mitchell the protypical NFL WR pushed him around so bad that Alvarez took him off Freddy in the 2nd half. It turned out the Freddy was only an average WR that pushed around Jamar, so what does that make Jamar?

Excellent point.
Fletcher another 1st round BUST by the Dolphins.
Even when Fletcher filled in for Madison 2 years ago he proved he was a bust.
Originally posted by TerryTate
Tis a shame, Jamar had potential and still does IMO
TT....please tell me that's not you in that ani-gif.....:pray:

The thing that bothered me about Fletcher was that he was such an incredible kick and punt returner in college. Even if he flopped at corner, he still could have had value as a return man; Desmond Howard and Mel Gray weren't any good at their respective positions, but they made a huge impact on returns. Fletcher, of course, did no such thing.
I don't know if he stunk in training camp at KR/PR, or if he just never got a shot. Can someone shed some light on that? I think it was the latter, but I'm not sure.
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