Haven't loved a player since Dan. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Haven't loved a player since Dan.

I love the team and have never really loved an individual player. The players come and go but to me it’s the team that represents the area I have lived in for the past 62 years is what is important to me.

Jake Scott was my favorite Dolphin player of all time but once he was traded to Washington, I lost interest in rooting for him.
It's hard to get too emotionally invested or attached to players these days, because they usually don't play out their entire careers with one team anymore.
I thought Waddle was going to be the next one but yeah Ricky was the last guy who is one of my all time favs although maybe Wake too.

Achane does have a lot of potential as does Phillips if he can get healthy but coming back from an Achilles in dominant form is gonna be sadly unlikely. Hopefully my skepticism on next year is wrong and the team outperform all expectations. Tyreek would be up there if not for the off the field history.
I’m always a fan of the team first and foremost. I loved Dan, but if he was traded, I wasn’t going to suddenly root for his new team. Where Dan is different is that we could clearly see that we had one of the top-5 or so players in the entire NFL as our starting QB. It was easy to put your fandom on his shoulders. Hard to think that any player since has been in that category.
McDuffie, Madison, Chambers

Haven’t really loved any players since, although I’ve become a big fan of Mostert.
The first player that really got me was AJ Duhe but then Dan came along and there hasn't been an athlete like him since for me. But for conversation some of the guys who I felt strongest about are Taylor, Madison, Surtain
Can't feel you, dude AND MARINO IS MY HERO.

But I fall in love with these guys easy. I loved Ogunleye (had to google spell check that) & the Kraken. Loved Gadsen & McMichael & McDuffie. Loved Bell & Oliver. Rudy, Stoyanovich, Mare, TimBo, Cox, Gardner, Kirby, Ronnie... could go on forever.

I've NEVER loved another QB, though. Kinda impossible to live up to Dan. Tua is working on my heart-strings though. We're 2 consecutive playoff wins away from a make-out sesh.

Andrew the Viking Van Ginkel is my current man crush. That hair, though. Who's not donkey punching that sexy human engine?

Thanks for the thread. Fun exercise. If I had a list it would off the top of my head be:

1) Marino
2) Thomas
3) Taylor
4) Ricky
5) McDuffie
6) Madison
7) Surtain
8) Bell
9) Seau
10) Ogunleye
11) Wake
12) TimBo
13) Will Allen
14) Ronnie
15) Rudy
16) Webb
17) Sims
18) Konrad
19) Gadsen
20) Buckley

There's just too many to list & the rankings except for the top 5 are off cuz it's too damn hard to rate them.

Sorry, Oldtimers. I know I don't have the Kuches & the Czonkas & the Warfields but I'm not like, you know, almost dead. 🤣🤣🤣 I kid you dinosaurs. We love you & miss the moxy of your time.
Van Ginkel might be my current favorite as well. Seiler too.

Mostert was a man on a mission this year. Loved how he played. Hill and Achane are so exciting to watch.

I've always liked Holland, but he definitely had a down year.

Hope there is another level still for Tua.
The closest player was Ricky. Then Zack and JT
I really loved watching Ricky run. But no one has really captured my interest the way Dan did.
Maybe because I'm older and not a nut like I was when I was a kid.
Have you been stuck like me?

Exactly the way I feel. But if another Ricky or Dan come around I’ll be just as pumped as I was back in the day.
McDuffie, Madison, Chambers

Haven’t really loved any players since, although I’ve become a big fan of Mostert.
Mostert is an easy guy to root for @Atila , as a lifelong surfer that "catch a wave celebration" of his is epic! Ties together two of my favorite things, surfing and the Phins. I love that he drives a U-haul up from S.FL. filled with toys every Christmas to give out in his old neighborhood in NSB. I'm hoping he goes all Frank Gore and plays 16 seasons! He's on Sirius radio right now by the way from the Pro Bowl
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