honestly, who think that we'll make the playoff this year? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

honestly, who think that we'll make the playoff this year?

The season's half over. The last 8 games the Fins have to win at least 5 proably 6 games to get a wildcard spot. The Redskins and the Jets should be wins, O wait they're home games. Can we beat the Titans, Cboys, Eagles, Patriots, Ravens, or the Bills? At this point I don't know, it will be another interesting Nov. and Dec.
I know some of you are diehard finfans but face it we suck and we will never win with this team it has to be rebuilt from the ground up there is just no way around it. We can not win tough games every time we are in a close game we lose. We only score 2 pts against SD in the second half. We get a turnover on the 15 yrd line against Indy and we give the ball right back, we have two chances to put away the Pats and miss two automatic field goals then give up an 80 yrd TD play what is the team suppose to build on? WHAT? We are so bad that we have fans from teams and games we aren't to play for six weeks telling us how bad we are.Sorry, but some of you people need to wake up. After we lost to the Texans on the first week I have not thought whole heartedly that we are good this year and after Sunday the only thing I do know is we are done for the year, and Dave is out.

BTW, I am not busting on the fans or this team I am just sure we have no plan, and no players or coaches to turn this thing around. If we were going to improve we would have by now we are getting worse.
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With the way our season has gone so far, I would say that we should be able to get into the playoffs. We have been one play or two from winning the games we lost.

We use to have an outstanding record for home victories, this year were 1-3 at home. We did not have a season home opening loss in what like 18 years?

We use to have trouble winning on the road, this year were 4-0. I believe we have a better chance to win, if we play all playoffs game on the road. Some how the team has accepted that challenge and have been executing better on the road.

Let's hope this reversal of fate continues and brings us victories in Nov and Dec.


:) :jumper: :bandwagon :hail: :wave:
We are bucking all the trends. Last year no playoffs, winning home opener, winning season opener. There are some others. Maybe we will also break the trend of no success in the playoffs. Yeah, your right. I'm delirious.
"I'm confident Miami will get a wild card spot.. The Chiefs, Colts, Titans and Patriots are locks for playoff spots.. More than likely.. The winner of AFC North will be there too.. Then who??"

hey...remember...nothing is a lock yet. The Pats have been fortunate all year long. if Mare made those freakin field goals...we would be in first place right now....and 3-0 in the division. that's the game that really hurt us. we are in second place...and we'll have to go 5-1 in the division to win it...i think we still can but we desperately need to learn how to run and pass block. can it be done...yes...but changes need to be made on the O-Line. we have been better on the road than home this year...so don't put you're heads down just yet.
I say we can do it...

Titans and Colts are likely there, Chiefs, no question and the winner of the North. Broncos are at a distinct disadvantage playing with backup-backup QB, the rest of the west and all of the North suck. As such it is very likely that the winner and 2nd place in the AFC East will be playoff teams.

Our losses have been close. We've been in a position to win them all using a strategy which allows little margin for error.

The optimist in me is still expecting playoff football and possibly the division. The realist in me gets ever more depressed reading the weekly "we've gotta get better at ..." diatribe from Wanny. Clearly he believes in this group (referring to the o-line especially). More and more, I need them to show me.
I doubt we will make the playoffs. If we do, we will be lucky to win one game with this coaching staff and no running game.
Look I want this team to win as bad as the next guy but "NE JUST BEING LUCKY" is what teams need to get to the next level it's what builds confidence, not losing every close game your in, or losing at home. We are going the wrong way and Dave does not have what it takes to turn this ship around. All of a sudden the Skins look scary to me. I absolutley will not put my hopes of a SB on Daves sholders for the remainder of the year. If there is something I am missing about the way this team looks compaired to the last 4 years please tell me, because other then switching our wins from at home to on the road I don't see it.
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