How do these teams do it? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How do these teams do it?


Pro Bowler
Club Member
Jan 5, 2005
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How does a team like the eagles lose some of there players to FA? resign most of there veterans? are in great cap shape and one of the favourites to go to the SB this year.(new England does this very well also) What are they doing that we are not?
You dont see the huge prolonged bonuses on their teams. If TO keeps it up and holds out he will be watching from home.
FIREMEDIC822 said:
You dont see the huge prolonged bonuses on their teams. If TO keeps it up and holds out he will be watching from home.
Actually it's due to a smart cap-ologist who knows the loop holes to the system. It has been documented already how they do this. In short, each year they offer ridiculous one-time performance bonuses from their remaining cap surplus to players they know won't reach that performance in a single game (example: Dhani Jones gets a $500,000 bonus for getting 6 INT's in the last game of the season). When they don't reach them it then becomes "credit" the next year on their cap. Do that a few years in a row and that's how you sign TO and Kearse to big deals and still have a strong cap base.
There have been links to a few articles posted here before that explain how they've done something with incentives that has allowed them to apply credits from previous years to the cap in the following year. Sorry, don't have a link.
They both build through the draft. They dont re-sign players to huge contracts, they spend wisely, and they arent afraid to let guys go through fa, or trades. Through fa they get compensation pix, and trades they get picks as well.
FIREMEDIC822 said:
If TO keeps it up and holds out he will be watching from home.

TO is never going to be happy. I like his competitive nature and play-making ability but I'm sick of his whining. In San Francisco he whined about how he didn't get the ball enough, and that Jeff Garcia wasn't good enough, and that the team wasn't good enough. So they set up a trade to Baltimore and he complains about that until he gets it blocked. Then he gets traded to Philly, sets some Eagle single-season receiving records, and helps them almost win the Super Bowl, and now all he wants to do is whine about his contract. He also does all of these pubilicity stunts (standing on the Dallas star, Sharpie, pom poms, Desperate Housewives MNF Intro) and then whines about all the negative press he gets. I think he's the type of guy who could win a 100-million dollar lottery jackpot and soon after he would start whining that the jackpot wasn't 125 million.
they also redo the contracts (7 year deals) of young emerging players to keep them around during their most productive years. They don't pay big bucks to older players with less productivity ahead.
Easy really.

Draft VALUE not need, ensuring you always grade out higher in terms of overall talent.

In Free Agency put a set value on your player and DO NOT go over that price come hell nor high water.

You accumulate draft picks, don't keep trading them away.
The Eagles have a few high priced players (NcNabb) and a lot of guys with average to below average salaries...they just interchange a lot of guys. I think a lot of people are fed up with T.O., and his comments...I would not be surprised if he gets moved before the season starts.
So what does Philidelphia do with TO. Fine him, ignore him or trade him. They obviously cant give into his demands or can they? Is a superstar above the law when it comes to holding out and running your mouth every year? If they trade him do you think any team would take another shot at him and at what price? I say they ignore him and force his hand to show or sit out. A guy with an ego like his wont sit at home and let his team do it without him.
How do they do it? Simple. They don't have Dave Wannstedt as their coach, and neither do we anymore... so maybe we can be just like those teams now! :wink:
finmann said:
How does a team like the eagles lose some of there players to FA? resign most of there veterans? are in great cap shape and one of the favourites to go to the SB this year.(new England does this very well also) What are they doing that we are not?

Try actually hitting on some high draft is a short list of busts: Y. Green, J. Fletcher, JJ Johnson, J. Avery, Eddie Moore(jury still out), B. Kelly, etc...

Those teams you mentioned definitely didn't miss that many players in those first 2-3 rounds....they were built cheaply, through the draft and with quality FA's.
build through the draft, and dont overpay for too many high priced free agents... their entire secondary is young (except for dawkins) but the key is they all have been with the eagles their whole career... they just play the draft/FA smart...
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