how good could we be if.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

how good could we be if....


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Jul 31, 2004
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we signed ty law, traylor and feeley played really well this year. could we be super bowl contenders? i know it sounds crazy but if feeley plays well and the o-line does good why not what would we be missing? am i being to optimistic?
That's an awful lot of's intriguing, but not realistic to think they will all happen together...stranger things have happened though...
rickysux said:
we signed ty law, traylor and feeley played really well this year. could we be super bowl contenders? i know it sounds crazy but if feeley plays well and the o-line does good why not what would we be missing? am i being to optimistic?
In todays day and age, with free agency etc. IMHO the head coach is the deciding factor (unless you have Peyton Manning).

YES, we have a chance IMHO.
rickysux said:
we signed ty law, traylor and feeley played really well this year. could we be super bowl contenders? i know it sounds crazy but if feeley plays well and the o-line does good why not what would we be missing? am i being to optimistic?

Rookie RB, Rookie Coach, new scheme, Very suspect Oline, and as of now, pretty bad QB...

.500 is were you should shoot for.

But even with your "ifs" how would yo get past, ..say the colts, or the cheifs?

They have way to much offensive firepower and your secondary is a eal weakness.
Fins 34 said:
In todays day and age, with free agency etc. IMHO the head coach is the deciding factor (unless you have Peyton Manning).

YES, we have a chance IMHO.

I havent watched peyton manning be the deciding factor in a superbowl yet have you? heck all I've seen him do is choke trying to get there !!!
Losman7 said:
Rookie RB, Rookie Coach, new scheme, Very suspect Oline, and as of now, pretty bad QB...

.500 is were you should shoot for.

But even with your "ifs" how would yo get past, ..say the colts, or the cheifs?

They have way to much offensive firepower and your secondary is a eal weakness.

I have to agree--it is optimistic, but who thought that the Bills would end up the way they did after an awful start last year
Whitedolphin54 said:
I have to agree--it is optimistic, but who thought that the Bills would end up the way they did after an awful start last year
we kept the same system but hired a new OL coach. It takes times for the OL to gel plus the Willis factor.
As much as I'd love to see us a SB contenders, I think we'll be extremly lucky if we even make the playoffs this year.
But here's hoping!
Losman7 said:
Rookie RB, Rookie Coach, new scheme, Very suspect Oline, and as of now, pretty bad QB...

.500 is were you should shoot for.

But even with your "ifs" how would yo get past, ..say the colts, or the cheifs?

They have way to much offensive firepower and your secondary is a eal weakness.

As bad as I hate to agree with a Buttaholeo fan any thing better than 8-8 should be considered a good year. The playoffs would be a reach.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
IF we sign Law and IF he is healthy and returns to old form and IF we sign Traylor and IF Feeley plays great I think we would have an ok shot at the playoffs but with our safties both being new and with a new system and everything I just don't think we should have much expectations this year. Next year is another story though. I think we have a great chance at making the playoffs in '06 and maybe going all the way but that is a long way away from where we are right now.
rickysux said:
we signed ty law, traylor and feeley played really well this year. could we be super bowl contenders? i know it sounds crazy but if feeley plays well and the o-line does good why not what would we be missing? am i being to optimistic?
That definitely is a lot of big IF's. But if we do sign Ty Law, Keith Traylor, and AJ played really well this year... (Assuming we can keep most of our guys healthy), I feel that we would be a playoff contender if all of those things happened added with what we have now. And I know for fact if we reach playoffs, we have a 1/6 shot of going to Super Bowl and a 1/12 shot of winning the Super Bowl .I like those odds. :cooldude:
i think we can compete for a playoff spot. with the weak schedule, and new coach. but will not do much after that. 8-8 is a realistic goal.
welderpat said:
As bad as I hate to agree with a Buttaholeo fan any thing better than 8-8 should be considered a good year. The playoffs would be a reach.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I think with new coaches, players etc that an 8-8 record would be commendable--i would then expect us to go on into the playoffs the following year----But--what if--we end up with a losing record--will Saban be the pits then ,just like Wanny was--what do you think guy's
Dan13Marino said:
i think we can compete for a playoff spot. with the weak schedule, and new coach. but will not do much after that. 8-8 is a realistic goal.

According to the analysts, we ha=ve the toughest schedule in the league. I remember it being said in an article somewhere...
But I think its easier than they are saying
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