I see a difference between this DOlphins team and past teams | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I see a difference between this DOlphins team and past teams

The signing of Junior Seau was huge! He has brought an intensity to this team that they lacked in the past.

Junior Seau is a huge asset to our team!

Yes Jaws, he still has a lot left in his tank!
Originally posted by inFINSible
Lots of good points here but, one thing that I noticed was when they scored that TD in the Red Zone, I thought Larry Chester was going to have a fit! He was jumping up and down PISSED that they scored...It wasn't a game ending TD or anything like that, he// it didn't even give them the lead but, watching Chester you would have thought that they just lost the game. That was some intense pride that exploded out right there.That's emotion that I can't recall seeing from this team before this season.

I didn't get to see the game on tv, but I saw what you are talking about on highlight footage. You are 100% right. Chester was LIVID! That kind of emotion and pride is EXACTLY what the Phins have been lacking for more years than I care to recall. I would like to see more of that same emotion on offense, but as long as the Ws keep coming, I've got no reason to bitch.
*High Five* 1972.....You saw it too!....I loved it!!!

And I totally agree....I don't care who played bad or who played well, if they just keep racking up Ws, I haven't got one reason to complain.
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