I see a difference between this DOlphins team and past teams | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I see a difference between this DOlphins team and past teams

Originally posted by ckparrothead
Man, and who here was panicking when the Phins lost to the Texans? Virtually meaningless now, ain't it?

Yeah but having that win would be handy coming december...

We would be in great shape in the division with that win:

2-0 against AFC east.
3-0 against the AFC.
2-0 on the road.
Having all sort of tie-breakers.

We really need the bye week in the playoff and that loss could hunt us late in the season. On another hand it was maybe the eye-opener we needed.

I guess we'll have to wait to see...
Well the real question is, FinsGotoGuy, would the Dolphins have beaten the Jets, Bills, and now the Giants if they had WON that Texans game? If we learn from our mistakes and beat the Jags, would we have beaten them without that glaring reminder that you have to show up ready to play at ALL games?

I doubt we'd be 4-0 if we beat the Texans. I think the Phins needed that wake up call. Talent alone does nothing, and our talent is comparable to a lot of NFL teams. We need to win with guts and heart.

Today was a good day, because we proved that on a day where Jay Fiedler was playing badly, on a day where Ricky Williams played badly, we can still run the ball and win. That is the benefit of having a good defense.

6 interceptions in the last 60 something pass attempts. Now THATS the kind of defense I wanted Miami to have when they got Sammy Knight and Junior Seau.
There was a definate change in attitude for the Defense after that Texans Loss. The way everyone came down on them I don't think they want that feeling again. I don't think they'd be playing like this if they won that game. They've strung some wins together in the past and gotten big heads after reading about how great they are. It's important that they continue to play as a team on D. I don't think Seau will let them do otherwise.
Ya really Barney you have a handle on the game......if Jay's two DROPPED ints are realized then this is a much difference game. Miami caught a break here. Phew!
Re: Re: I see a difference between this DOlphins team and past teams

Originally posted by Ozzy

Two is probably the biggest point! This is already two big wins ON THE ROAD!!!!!!!

2 Wins on the road in NY! :D

Dosen't get any better than that.
Funny today there were zero Jet Jerseys and car flags in S. Florida. Not normal at all! To top it all off there were massive amounts of Giants jerseys and car flags everywhere. Hmmmmm.
Funny, never seen that before down here.


Funny thing is that we beat both!
One more game to go against the YETS down here and I won't have to hear any smack from these vile fans for one whole year!:D
Originally posted by ckparrothead
Well the real question is, FinsGotoGuy, would the Dolphins have beaten the Jets, Bills, and now the Giants if they had WON that Texans game? If we learn from our mistakes and beat the Jags, would we have beaten them without that glaring reminder that you have to show up ready to play at ALL games?

I doubt we'd be 4-0 if we beat the Texans. I think the Phins needed that wake up call. Talent alone does nothing, and our talent is comparable to a lot of NFL teams. We need to win with guts and heart.

Good point CK. That's what I was talking when I said eye-opener. We usually have our wake-up call late in the season but it's often too late. Now I hope they will carry this momentum all year long.

Originally posted by ckparrothead
Today was a good day, because we proved that on a day where Jay Fiedler was playing badly, on a day where Ricky Williams played badly, we can still run the ball and win. That is the benefit of having a good defense.

6 interceptions in the last 60 something pass attempts. Now THATS the kind of defense I wanted Miami to have when they got Sammy Knight and Junior Seau.

I wasn't really a big fan of Seau when he was a the top of his game in San Diego but when they start talking that he could come in Miami I was thrilled.

Our linebacker corps has been a one man show for the last few years and he really brings a lot. And he doesn't have the pressure anymore to be the "feature" guy in the defense like he was in San Diego.

As for Knight I always like him in New Orleans.

Both bring agressiveness on this defence, something that was lacking here.
Originally posted by Samphin
Muck brought up a good point. We finished the game. We took the game into our own hands and didn't let it slip away. Think about this: We have already equalled our road wins total from all of last year. Unbelievable. This team is offically back on track.

I want to agree with your last sentence, but let's be a bit careful for now. When they show they're consistent, fine. Don't want to look like alot of Bills, ya know !!! :lol:
Originally posted by DeDolfan

I want to agree with your last sentence, but let's be a bit careful for now. When they show they're consistent, fine. Don't want to look like alot of Bills, ya know !!! :lol:

Finishing games is a biggie. There are other glarring corrections we're forgetting about. Remember all the droped int's we had last year. That looks like it's been corrected so far. Another thing that's different about this team and last years team is the penalties, especially on special teams and the OL. That's also been corrected. Thats why we're winning.
Originally posted by ebozzz
The most important thing that I notice is that neither the offense or defense is playing their best football right now. How scary can this team be if they start to peak late in the season?

This has been one of the things that I've been harping on (to myself) and that I take comfort in. Neither side of the ball is on fire yet. And as odd as it sounds, I'm sort of glad that's the case.

How many years have we started out on fire?? 12?? And what happens?? We flame out down the stretch. Look at the recent SB champs. Baltimore was 5-1, lost 3 straight, then never lost again. New England started 1-3. Finished 10-2. Last years Titans started 1-4 and finished 10-1. And the Bucs, while starting 5-1, were very similar to the Phins in that their defense carried them and scored while the offense struggled to beat poor/mediocre teams. They caught fire down the stretch and dominated everyone.

The Bucs OL bordered on terrible last year and had been for some years. But in the last few games of the season, they did a complete 180. One of the most amazing things I have seen.

So it's not out of the question. Fortunately we're winning games. But we are nowhere near playing our best. And we know it. Guys like Fiedler, Thompson, Ricky (yes Ricky), the interior OL, Jason Taylor..... all of those guys can play better and have done so in the past.
As McKnight says

“ We've got a lot of guys on this team who can make plays. You haven't seen the best of the Miami Dolphins. Stay tuned. â€Â
â€â€Dolphins WR James McKnight
I know CK must be relived as he felt this could be a trap game for us. To me, Jacksonville is the trap game for us. I made a comment after the Texans game that I wouldn't offically believe this team was on track unless they came back and took the next three games. They did just that and I am loving every minute of it.

Does anyone know why teams are trying to pick on Surtain? Dude has four ints this season and yet they keep throwing his way. I mean, I will take it all day long since, Surtain will pick them off, but I am surprised they aren't going after Madison more.

Madison's coverage has been lights out, as has Surtain's. I think it's just a case of just happening to be looking at Surtain's man. But neither guy seems to be seeing a lot of action there way.
These are all great post and very positive!!! I Like it!!! Too bad others on this board have to call out a benching for Jay Fiedler every single game!!! GO MIAMI!!! GO JAY!!!! RUN-RICKY-RUN!!!!!
Originally posted by Sherif

Finishing games is a biggie. There are other glarring corrections we're forgetting about. Remember all the droped int's we had last year. That looks like it's been corrected so far. Another thing that's different about this team and last years team is the penalties, especially on special teams and the OL. That's also been corrected. Thats why we're winning.

I can/will not argue with anything you said. Everything so far is starting to point in the right direction, but I still want to see a few more games and gaining in consistency. That's why I said earlier on to wait til 11/1, then I'll make a more informed judgement. Til then, let's just say that I am cautiously optimistic. ;)
Lots of good points here but, one thing that I noticed was when they scored that TD in the Red Zone, I thought Larry Chester was going to have a fit! He was jumping up and down PISSED that they scored...It wasn't a game ending TD or anything like that, he// it didn't even give them the lead but, watching Chester you would have thought that they just lost the game. That was some intense pride that exploded out right there.That's emotion that I can't recall seeing from this team before this season.
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