I think the Media and some fans are misssing the point. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I think the Media and some fans are misssing the point.


Active Roster
Aug 19, 2002
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Northern California
Even though Marion is Spielman's boss, the personnel decisions would be made by Rick Spielman so why is the Media and some fans are criticizing and focusing so much attention on Marino and not nearly enough on Spielman?

I admit that after such an extensive search for GM, the promotion of Spielman to fill that vacancy was carried out at the end almost as an afterthought (second fiddle) to the hire of Dan Marion as VP of Football Operations.

But as far as getting players is concerned, the focus should be on Spielman and not on Marino. So why the focus is in the wrong place or on the wrong person? If anything, adding a Marino is a bonus or gravy.
The reason the media and the more observant fans have a problem with the Marino hire is twofold:
1)The most likely scenario is that Marino was hired as window-dressing, and that means there really hasn't been any significant change despite the team missing the playoffs two seasons in a row. That ticks me off and it should tick off anyone who cares about this team. Huizenga needs to rock the boat if he wants the Dolphins to win a Superbowl. Wanny and Spielman have not gotten the job done, it's that simple.
2)If Marino was NOT hired merely as window-dressing, then it's a truly boneheaded move because he is certainly not qualified for the position. Bring him into the organization, fine---at some lower level, where he can learn the business end of football.

Either way, the hiring is a spectacularly bad idea.
Rick 1966,

If that is the case then the focus and criticism should be on Spielman because he is the one promoted to handle the personnel decisions not Marino. He is the one that filled the vacancy that could have gone to a "bigger" name.

It seems that the Media and some fans are confused that Marino and not Spielman will run the personnel department.
Oh, I agree. Too many people are ready to give Spielman a free pass. Not me...if it's true that Wanny dominated him in the drafts, then I have not seen evidence that won't still be the case. Maybe the job descriptions have changed, but how do you tell a guy who has worked under someone else for years that suddenly they are going to work "with" this person but they will have the final say? It ain't gonna work.
Question Rick. If fans don't agree with you, then they are not one of the more observant fans?

That don't wash. Tell you what. Tell me why he isn't qualified for the position when no one even knows what the Job will entail. Oh that's right, because some reporter said so.

I'll take Wayne and his business savy against what some smuck in the paper has to say...

Also, think about this as far as the 'nothing has changed, Dave will still draft defense 'cause Rick is a punk', if Rick says he want's Rivers, Dave says 'no, I need a new CB, it seems some here think Rick will crumble. 1) I doubt it, otherwise Rick won't have this carrer for long. 2) Do you think Dan will allow Dave to do that?

I think the Dan situation is a very smart one, for 2 reasons. Not only the Miami pride, love of Marino, season tickets, etc, but also knowing that Dan doesn't like Dave, do you really think Dave is going to argue with Dan about getting offensive players? Dave is walking a tight rope, he will keep his damn mouth shut because Dan is just waiting to fire his butt (or have fired)
i love how everyone has already labelled it a good/bad move, when there are so many unknowns.
-no one really knows what marinos job entails
-no one really knows spielmans player scouting/drafting ability as a legit GM since before he HAD to yield to dave (maybe he still will, we don't know yet)
there are countless other unknowns i could bring up, but im sure you guys get the idea.

My personal view is that the move IS window dressing, but also, it makes sense. As for intentions of wayne and the organization, im not sure what the thought process was.

clearly it is a figurehead position because his job won't entail much of anything this season. However, it makes sense for several reasons.
-he could help to lure free agents with his star power
-he could offer up his opinion on a QB
-he can learn from eddie jones to take over as president in the near future
-it allowed spielman to fly in under the radar, all the articles are question marino, instead of the highly regarded, but unproven spielman, allowing him to not have as much pressure on him and do his job to the best of his ability in the early goings.
-also, it gave a face to the dolphins front office and and added someone with actual football knowledge to the equation.
huizenga is a very successful, intelligent, hands off owner, but he doesnt know crap about football, thats where marino comes in, someone with power, who knows football, who in the future will be able to take the reigns of the organization rather than having a group of guys who arent football savvy.

I think it was a figurehead position, but will offer a lot of benefits, nonetheless, no one can really claim it's absolutely good, or bad for quite sometime (at least until we see our first draft/offseason acquisitons and departures and how they pan out this year)

just my two cents
"clearly it is a figurehead position because his job won't entail much of anything this season."

Explain to us clearly "why/how" you KNOW his job won't entail much of anything this season?

Originally posted by Rick 1966
Oh, I agree. Too many people are ready to give Spielman a free pass. Not me...if it's true that Wanny dominated him in the drafts, then I have not seen evidence that won't still be the case. Maybe the job descriptions have changed, but how do you tell a guy who has worked under someone else for years that suddenly they are going to work "with" this person but they will have the final say? It ain't gonna work.

Been there....done it....got the rank.

It works as long as everybody involved can show a little maturity and not be cry-babies about switches in the balance of power.
Originally posted by Ross
"clearly it is a figurehead position because his job won't entail much of anything this season."

Explain to us clearly "why/how" you KNOW his job won't entail much of anything this season?


like i said, no one really knows... but let's be honest, does anyone even know what eddie jones did and how successful he was at it... He's basically being groomed to take over that position, but he wont be handling those duties yet since jones is around, plus this is an entirely new position that the dolphins created for marino. Do you believe that they said, lets create this position, bring in someone whos never been in a Front office before, adn then give them a ton of responsibilities?
How can you say:

"clearly it is a figurehead position"

and then when called on it you say,

"like I said, no one really knows."?

Either it's "clearly" a figure head hire or its not.

figurehead, schmigurehead, who freakin cares.

Marino DOESN'T HAVE to be able to be a scout......that's not his job. Rick and co. will continue to do that, and if they can't do it good enough, Dan will get someone who can.

Marino DOESN'T HAVE to coach......that's DW's job and he'll either do good enough with the talent he has to keep his job, or he'll be looking for another one.

Marino will be doing something however,.......to what extent I don't know.

What I do know is that the man has 17 years playing experience and another 4 analyzing the league's teams. What I do know is that Wayne has entrusted Dan to help guide this organization and keep DW and RS focused and to help them come to terms in common ground, and to provide a 3rd party with authority to help make decisions that neither DW or RS would concede on.

I do know that Dan has a better feel for the "game" and how it is "played" and what is needed to "succeed" then 99% of people out there. I don't give a rat's a-- if he knows how to push a piece of paper. All I want him to do is when DW says he wants a LB and RS wants a receiver.....is for Dan to say.....well.....we really need the receiver.....get him.

That's what Dan's job is. And I know he is MORE then qualified to say what pieces/positions need to be addressed more then others on this team. The question then is, can Rick find them (within the cap restrictions) and can DW put them in a position to win.

....? Am I missing something here? I don't think so. There is no "figurehead" position and for anyone to label it as such without seeing what happens might as well predict the winning lotter numbers for tomorrow's drawing .....cuz you're wrong. If all DM does is the above.....then he's done his job and our team has improved.
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Originally posted by Ross
How can you say:

"clearly it is a figurehead position"

and then when called on it you say,

"like I said, no one really knows."?

Either it's "clearly" a figure head hire or its not.


youre misunderstanding me
clearly it is a figurehead hire because he has no experience and there was no position like this prior to his hiring... they created the position for Dan Marino, simply because he is a name and a face for the miami dolphins.
When i said, no one really knows, i meant as to what his actual job will entail this season...because we don't know. In my opinion, and in all likelihood, it won't entail too much since the dolphins wouldnt create a new, unnecessary position for someone with no experience and then entrust him with all sorts of responsibilities. he will likely gradually be brought along.

so the way i see it, a figurehead hiring, that could very well pay off more than people think and maybe even more than was intended by huizenga and co. down the road

how do you feel about it ross?
Originally posted by Ross
Question Rick. If fans don't agree with you, then they are not one of the more observant fans?

Has nothing to do with who's saying it, has to do with what's accurate. I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it was accurate.
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