I think the Media and some fans are misssing the point. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I think the Media and some fans are misssing the point.

Originally posted by Rick 1966
Oh, I agree. Too many people are ready to give Spielman a free pass. Not me...if it's true that Wanny dominated him in the drafts, then I have not seen evidence that won't still be the case. Maybe the job descriptions have changed, but how do you tell a guy who has worked under someone else for years that suddenly they are going to work "with" this person but they will have the final say? It ain't gonna work.

poeple ready to give Spielman a free pass? what the hell are you talking about? He applied for the job, he had the job before, and he portofolio'd his azz three times into Waynes office to show them what he was going to do. He had a plan man. give it up rick. your wasting your own time rehashing this crap. spielman is da man.
Originally posted by jbond
figurehead, schmigurehead, who freakin cares.

Marino DOESN'T HAVE to be able to be a scout......that's not his job. Rick and co. will continue to do that, and if they can't do it good enough, Dan will get someone who can.

Marino DOESN'T HAVE to coach......that's DW's job and he'll either do good enough with the talent he has to keep his job, or he'll be looking for another one.

Marino will be doing something however,.......to what extent I don't know.

What I do know is that the man has 17 years playing experience and another 4 analyzing the league's teams. What I do know is that Wayne has entrusted Dan to help guide this organization and keep DW and RS focused and to help them come to terms in common ground, and to provide a 3rd party with authority to help make decisions that neither DW or RS would concede on.

I do know that Dan has a better feel for the "game" and how it is "played" and what is needed to "succeed" then 99% of people out there. I don't give a rat's a-- if he knows how to push a piece of paper. All I want him to do is when DW says he wants a LB and RS wants a receiver.....is for Dan to say.....well.....we really need the receiver.....get him.

That's what Dan's job is. And I know he is MORE then qualified to say what pieces/positions need to be addressed more then others on this team. The question then is, can Rick find them (within the cap restrictions) and can DW put them in a position to win.

....? Am I missing something here? I don't think so. There is no "figurehead" position and for anyone to label it as such without seeing what happens might as well predict the winning lotter numbers for tomorrow's drawing .....cuz you're wrong. If all DM does is the above.....then he's done his job and our team has improved.

AMEN!!!!! Absolutely perfect.
Originally posted by Rick 1966

Has nothing to do with who's saying it, has to do with what's accurate. I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it was accurate.


Who defines what is accurate?
i doubt that wanny will be giving speilman any flack over personel. rick has dan and wayne h. looking over his shoulder and i'm pretty confident that wanny is just thankful he is not beating the bricks to look for another job.

as far as spielman crumbling to dave wanting D over O that's crazy. ricks only power was to suggest players to be signed/drafted. wanny had FINAL say on all personel. rick organized the department and has clear ideas on what the team needs.

i'm sure after interviewing several candidates they all pretty much said the same thing. wayne h. probably came to the conclusion that instead of bringing in someone new to do the same that rick would, why not just keep it inhouse.

he probably thought that most people would not get this and be upset at the lack of apearant change in the organization. bringing in mariono to "learn" and be a part of the organization was brilliant as it difused the obvious hiring of spielman. i belive that both were a smart hire.

marino, for the moment is a "figure head" hire, but i don't believe that will last long. as he gets to know his way around i believe he will have more and more say in what goes on in the organization and that solves two problems for wayne h.

eddie jones is gonna eventually retire, he has tried for the last two seasons. marino in a year or two should be ready to take over for him. marino also give PR help to organization. just remember that though he is not like jerry jones, wayne h is still incharge and it starts with him.
Is RicK ever happy with anything the Dolphins do ? Since his first posts; it's all been bashing against the Organization. Oh well, personally Since I can't do **** about what happened, I will support it until I see it's a completely failure. Knowing the type of owner we have this will turn out to be a great decision.
Originally posted by CRAZYDOLFAN305
Is RicK ever happy with anything the Dolphins do ? Since his first posts; it's all been bashing against the Organization. Oh well, personally Since I can't do **** about what happened, I will support it until I see it's a completely failure. Knowing the type of owner we have this will turn out to be a great decision.

I was wondering if anyone else saw that!
It's a great decision as Dolphan 1 said, the hiring of DM, cover the promotion of RS to GM. Everyone here has given RS credit for helping get a lot of the talent here, most here always jump on Wanny about not getting the best of a TALENTED TEAM, so from a position of suggesting players to Wanny, weather D or O and Dave which, If this team is that Talented, I'd say 10-6 is pretty talented, then RS has brough good players to Dave to choose from. Now the order and person choosen was Dave. I really think if RS had final say last year. Boldon would have been here or Calio. So I for one have not lost faith in RS ability to find good talent, now I'm looking forward to see in what order he ranks his talent, by how he drafts. This year should be easy as the O is oblivously hurting..Now who does he think can help us the most as a number 1 pick. if it's qb, then it's grooming time, if it's a WR, then it has to be an impact guy. So we're see, things have certainly changed in Dolphin land. I actually think this will work better. JJ was the personel guy for Wanny when Wanny for the D coord of Dallas, now Rick's his Personnel guy where he coaches.
Originally posted by CRAZYDOLFAN305
Is RicK ever happy with anything the Dolphins do ? Since his first posts; it's all been bashing against the Organization.

Of course you're wrong and haven't been paying attention. My first posts were in the beginning of the 2002 season and I was VERY happy with the Dolphins bringing in Ricky Williams. I also was happy with the drafting of Randy McMichael and I thought bringing in JR Seau and Sammy Knight were good moves. But the front office made a HUGE mistake retaining Wanny and Spielman after the 2002 NE loss and compounded that mistake by not firing them after this season. Those blunders outweigh the good things they've done.

Oh well, personally Since I can't do **** about what happened, I will support it until I see it's a completely failure. Knowing the type of owner we have this will turn out to be a great decision.

You mean like his decision to bring in JJ? Or to let JJ make Wanny his successor? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by DOLFANMIKE

I was wondering if anyone else saw that!

You mean you were wondering if anyone but you made the same inaccurate assessment of my feelings towards the Dolphins? Congratulations, you're not alone.
"You mean like his decision to bring in JJ? Or to let JJ make Wanny his successor?"

Why yes. of course. JJ was the biggest prize of a head coach when we got him. He hand picked wanny. Of course it was right to support those decisions. JJ's opinion is still looked upon whith awe by some.

No one has 20-20 foresight. It's awful easy to sit here and say that what a team is doing isn't going to get it done. You have 31 chances out of 32 of being right...
mark it down here. rick always bashes everything but never gives an idea or what he would do. never. Because then his reality would be challenged.
Originally posted by finfan54
mark it down here. rick always bashes everything but never gives an idea or what he would do. never. Because then his reality would be challenged.

Mark it down here that finfan54 is either lying or hasn't bothered to actually read my posts. Because I have given suggestions OVER AND OVER, which he would know if he actually read my posts.
Do a search, bud...look under ANY thread that asks "Who would you hire as coach?" "Who would you bring in at QB?" or "Who would you bring in as GM?" I've given my suggestions many many times.
Originally posted by Ross
No one has 20-20 foresight. It's awful easy to sit here and say that what a team is doing isn't going to get it done. You have 31 chances out of 32 of being right...

No, your odds are wrong. Six teams make the playoffs in each conference, which means I only have 20 chances out of 32.
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