Icing the Kicker Rule | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Icing the Kicker Rule

SF Dolphin Fan

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May 27, 2005
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This rule has always bothered me. Not the rule itself, but the execution. I'm fine with calling a timeout prior to the snap, but once the ball is snapped it's too late.

This is one rule I'd like to see modified a bit so that kickers aren't having to kick field goals twice. Just my opinion, but hate seeing dramatic field goals made and then the timeout accepted. IMO the timeout should be well before the snap. Opinions?
They can't call timeout after the snap. They just time it right before the snap so it appears that way. I like that they limited it to one timeout - beyond that, i'm not sure what else could be done that would not cause its own set of problems
I dislike it but sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Double edged sword.
I think "icing" is a bit silly, but it's typically called on longer FG attempts and if it has a chance of working, even if it's only 5%, it's worth trying.
It's all fine and well until the opposing kicker misses the game winning kick and has another shot at it because you called a timeout, and then makes the second attempt
It's a fair and square rule that could end up being to each team's benefit or detriment. However, like all rules are subject to change, I'd prefer to see this one modified that if a time out is called before a field goal in the last 90 seconds, the LOS is then advanced at least 5 yds. In some cases, that's enough to make the defending HC give it some strategic thought rather than it being a no-brainer.
It's a fair and square rule that could end up being to each team's benefit or detriment. However, like all rules are subject to change, I'd prefer to see this one modified that if a time out is called before a field goal in the last 90 seconds, the LOS is then advanced at least 5 yds. In some cases, that's enough to make the defending HC give it some strategic thought rather than it being a no-brainer.

A 5 yard difference in a field goal is too much. No coach would ice a kicker if it means making the kick 5 yards easier.

As for last night, I think the timeout not only acted to ice the kicker, but it also gave Denver a chance to see the Chargers kick blocking scheme and come up with a good rush strategy. I think the kick itself was ok and would have been good if it wasn't blocked. The extra look gave Denver a chance to see where they could slip through the blocking creases.
It is a flaw in the nfl rule book.

There are many...

Half the distance to the goal line - flawed.

Offensive holding should not be repeat the down...if you got sacked you lose the yards and the down - so technically committing a penalty is beneficial. Flawed

Kicking timeouts should be IMO 3 seconds before kick and no later....

You can ice em but 3 seconds obliterates confusion like what happened in the dolphin jet game last year - Rex Ryan tried to ice our kicker but failed...if that were bellichik...????

That referee subjectivity is death knell and I hate it...

I believe in eliminating every possibility of referee bias - if possible - especially those that are obvious and easy to fix. The refs often have way too much influence in a game...they always will but when an obvious way to clean some of it up makes itself known....I say do it...
They can't call timeout after the snap. They just time it right before the snap so it appears that way. I like that they limited it to one timeout - beyond that, i'm not sure what else could be done that would not cause its own set of problems

I mean sometimes it backfires, the kicker misses and they get another chance. I just don't think the intent of the rule is really being followed. I think the timeout should be well in advance of the snap.
It's all fine and well until the opposing kicker misses the game winning kick and has another shot at it because you called a timeout, and then makes the second attempt

Which happened to New England and helped them go 16-0. Rex Ryan was the one who called the timeout.
It is a flaw in the nfl rule book.

There are many...

Half the distance to the goal line - flawed.

Offensive holding should not be repeat the down...if you got sacked you lose the yards and the down - so technically committing a penalty is beneficial. Flawed

Kicking timeouts should be IMO 3 seconds before kick and no later....

You can ice em but 3 seconds obliterates confusion like what happened in the dolphin jet game last year - Rex Ryan tried to ice our kicker but failed...if that were bellichik...????

That referee subjectivity is death knell and I hate it...

I believe in eliminating every possibility of referee bias - if possible - especially those that are obvious and easy to fix. The refs often have way too much influence in a game...they always will but when an obvious way to clean some of it up makes itself known....I say do it...

Well said. The unsportsmanlike penalty against New Orleans is another good example. That hit on the Minnesota receiver essentially cost the Saints a couple of yards since it happened inside the 10 yard line. Maybe that should be half the distance and then added to the kickoff to make up the additional 15 yards.

I also have never liked the spike rule. With the passing game being so easy now, giving up a down to stop the clock is such a huge offensive advantage. It's essentially a timeout for a loss of down. It does allow teams to come way back and that's exciting unless you're the team trying to hang onto the lead.
I think this thing where coaches sit there trying to time it is ridiculous, but how do you create a rule for that?

Sometimes a coach legitimately wants to call a time-out when the other team is lined up in field goal formation.
It's all fine and well until the opposing kicker misses the game winning kick and has another shot at it because you called a timeout, and then makes the second attempt

this happened to us against the jets in 2012. jets missed fg in ot but philbin called timeout, 2nd try is good and we lose.

leave it to philbin lol

He successfully iced the kicker at the end, but seeing him in the HC role didn't make me miss Joseph at all. His team collapsed at the end and barely escaped with a game they should have run away with. Makes me wonder if that's why our D seemed soft at times.
Let's not forget the old onside kick rule where after failure to kick it ten yards, the kicking team got backed up and GOT TO TRY AGAIN!!!!

No, no......you screw up once, you get no do over!! Glad that got fixed.
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