If Ross succumbs to media pressure and gets rid of Philbin | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

If Ross succumbs to media pressure and gets rid of Philbin

philbin is a joke and next year we will be an even bigger joke. mr.magoo wont do a thing about it because hes the dumbest owner in all of sports. how anyone with two eyes and a few brain cells could say philbin is a good head coach is beyond me.
Have we not been doing this for a decade? Saban was the forceful genius to be our savior. Cameron was the offensive genius that would solve our offensive woes. Parcels was the proven genius that was finally going to end the suffering. Mind you, all of these gets were homeruns at the time.

We blame Ross for not hitting homeruns but the truth is that we have been severely unfortunate as an organization. You can believe it or not. Some stand by the ardent belief that one creates their own luck. thats bull$hit. Luck is a relevant part of life and we have been unlucky. We've hit "homeruns" with hires only to see failure. Who knows why? What is the science?

The truth is that we can debate it to no end, lift strong opinions, and regurgitate statistical analysis to no end but in the end, we have no idea what life will throw at us.

Keep Philbin, fire Philbin. Does anyone really have a clue?

Nope, but they will write about how terrible a decision is in hindsight with complete disregard.
To me the buck has to stop with the head coach. Yes, it was Ireland who brought in Pouncey, Incognito and Martin, but shouldn't a head coach know what is really going on in the locker room?

Would stuff like this happen under Lombardi, Shula or a modern coach like Belichick? Where is the accountability?? I think it is probably too late to give Philbin his walking papers at this point, but I havent seen anything in Philbin that convinces me he is head coaching material.

Philbin seems to be a lot like Wanny, Cam Cameron, Sparano, etc. Nice guys, but guys who don't seem to be able to lead a team of men. Maybe Ross doesn't care and will just be happy to stay with the status quo? Things may not change until we get a new owner and start having some accountability. We got Dummies throughout the organization....Top to Bottom. :(
The Dolphins will officially join the ranks with Dallas and DC as jester teams.

Ross should just eat his caviar and stay the F away from all Dolphins decisions.

He should let the GM be the GM and sell real estate or whatever it is that he does well

because making ANY Dolphin's related NFL decisions is not something that he does well.
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