Interview Questions You Would Ask Jonathan Martin?? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Interview Questions You Would Ask Jonathan Martin??

Martin wishes he had the tools to deal with his situation. Fact is Professional football is not for everybody. Not everybody can handle the stresses directly attributed to the job. Martin could not handle the stress end of story. Doesn't mean that somebody else is at fault for Martin's inability to handle HIS JOB.
#1 Why didn't you just talk to your O-line Coach, OC or Head Coach about the nature of the bullying?
#2 Did you have a mini breakdown?
#3 Are you on medication to help control your behavior?
#4 Were you taking medication at the time of the incident?
#5 It was reported that you texted a teammate saying that you were "glued to the couch with Mary Jane" - How much marijuana do you consume each week? $?
#6 How is your physical condition?
#7 Do you expect to be released by the Dolphins?
#8 Are you really a snake?
#9 Who is your favorite stripper at Tootsies?
#10 Stanford is considered amongst the best universities in the world. How are you currently using your Stanford education?
Response to spiketex's probing questions
#1 Why didn't you just talk to your O-line Coach, OC or Head Coach about the nature of the bullying?
A: Hiss
#2 Did you have a mini breakdown?
A: Hiss
#3 Are you on medication to help control your behavior?
A: Hiss
#4 Were you taking medication at the time of the incident?
A: Hiss
#5 It was reported that you texted a teammate saying that you were "glued to the couch with Mary Jane" - How much marijuana do you consume each week? $?
A: Hiss
#6 How is your physical condition?
A: Hiss
#7 Do you expect to be released by the Dolphins?
A: Hiss
#8 Are you really a snake?
#9 Who is your favorite stripper at Tootsies?
A: Hiss
#10 Stanford is considered amongst the best universities in the world. How are you currently using your Stanford education?
A: Hiss
Why do you think not a single teammate corroborated your story? Why did they speak support of Incognito and include him in that supposedly terrible OL annual trip? Are you or your parents and handler's planning a legal suit and if so, against whom and on what grounds? Are you "gender conflicted?" It has been alleged by someone close to one of the teammates you are close to that you abuse drugs and have threatened suicide several times ....if it ever comes the time in a courtroom under oath, would you swear that these assertions are untrue and had no bearing on what appears to be relative to your peers, unnaturally inadequate coping abilities?
Why do you think not a single teammate corroborated your story? Why did they speak support of Incognito and include him in that supposedly terrible OL annual trip? Are you or your parents and handler's planning a legal suit and if so, against whom and on what grounds? Are you "gender conflicted?" It has been alleged by someone close to one of the teammates you are close to that you abuse drugs and have threatened suicide several times ....if it ever comes the time in a courtroom under oath, would you swear that these assertions are untrue and had no bearing on what appears to be relative to your peers, unnaturally inadequate coping abilities?
He is highly intelligent but in all the interviews that I watched (and I saw them all), he never smiles. His old nickname (before the snake) was Big Weirdo, and it was pretty well deserved. He was intense and maybe there is a bit of a personality disorder that came with the depression and high intellect. Maybe the teammates just didn't like him that much.
I strongly doubt that there is a gender conflict from the pic at Tootsies.
He is highly intelligent but in all the interviews that I watched (and I saw them all), he never smiles. His old nickname (before the snake) was Big Weirdo, and it was pretty well deserved. He was intense and maybe there is a bit of a personality disorder that came with the depression and high intellect. Maybe the teammates just didn't like him that much.
I strongly doubt that there is a gender conflict from the pic at Tootsies.

Well isn't the building block of his specious contentions that he was trying to fit in before it got to him? Do we know the Tootsie trip with his teammates ended up being more go than for show? And wasn't Rock Hudson married? There's a telling dorm room pic at Stanford with 3 teammates all chummy with him standing at an arms-length apart. Yeah I agree he is likely suffering from dysfunctional socialization issues but I've speculated before that the reason has less to do with interpersonal clumsiness and more with being pressured by his dominating A -type personality mother to uncomfortably live a lie.
Well isn't the building block of his specious contentions that he was trying to fit in before it got to him? Do we know the Tootsie trip with his teammates ended up being more go than for show? And wasn't Rock Hudson married? There's a telling dorm room pic at Stanford with 3 teammates all chummy with him standing at an arms-length apart. Yeah I agree he is likely suffering from dysfunctional socialization issues but I've speculated before that the reason has less to do with interpersonal clumsiness and more with being pressured by his dominating A -type personality mother to uncomfortably live a lie.
Vaark - I know that you are highly creative but I grossly underestimated your perceptiveness. Richie may be looking for a therapist before he leaves town - do you have any openings in your schedule for a heavily tattooed musclebound sociopath?
Many have mentioned J-Mart's Mom and you could be right. To be Assistant General Counsel for Toyota - in the US, she is in the big time and probably doesn't have much time for Jonathan. Maybe flipping the tray in the cafeteria, was a feeble cry from an attention starved 300 lb son. (Hey, it probably worked when he was 4 years old).
Seriously, I think that he does have problems and the suicidal chat may not be too far off base. Hope that he is taking his medication. Most depression can be successfully treated.
Vaark - I know that you are highly creative but I grossly underestimated your perceptiveness. Richie may be looking for a therapist before he leaves town - do you have any openings in your schedule for a heavily tattooed musclebound sociopath?
Many have mentioned J-Mart's Mom and you could be right. To be Assistant General Counsel for Toyota - in the US, she is in the big time and probably doesn't have much time for Jonathan. Maybe flipping the tray in the cafeteria, was a feeble cry from an attention starved 300 lb son. (Hey, it probably worked when he was 4 years old).
Seriously, I think that he does have problems and the suicidal chat may not be too far off base. Hope that he is taking his medication. Most depression can be successfully treated.

heh, it would be the blind leading the blind as I'm about as qualified to fix behavioral dysfunctionallity as Stevie Wonder is to give archery lessons. :idk:
I'd ask him why he waited until he lost his starting job at LT to whine and cry like a little bitch???
Mr. Martin if you were to goto the bathroom do you go to the men's or do you goto the women's?
"at what age did you realize you were a woman trapped in a mans body?"

"when you slammed down your tray and threw a hissy fit, was it "that time of the month"?"

"does your mother still breast feed you?"
"is it true u used to have to have your diaper changed at half time?"
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