Is it possible that Miami would draft Edwards on draft day just to trade him to Minn? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Is it possible that Miami would draft Edwards on draft day just to trade him to Minn?


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May 20, 2002
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OK, say its draft day, SF picks a QB, and Minny wont cough up their 2 firsts + for the pick.. You think Saban would draft Edwards just to put pressure on Minnie? I guess Minnesota could hope for Williams to fall, or trade up to get him, but it seems they want Edwards.. And if Minnie still doesnt bite, keeping Braylon wouldnt be a bad consolation prize..

the old San Diego Trick, this is what I've been saying, you can't just say your gonna do it, ya gotta do it.
It's possible to do it with them, or Tampa (assuming Rodgers goes #1).

It's very close, but I think I would give Rodgers the edge at #2 (If we can't trade down w/tampa since AS goes #1... all hyopthetical). It all starts with the QB (and oline) and Nick Saban wants his QB to be playmakers. AJ can have this year to play. If he does well, he restructures next year and Rodgers learns on the bench. It's not like he's 24 or in any rush. Pennington sat 3 years...
the only downside I see with that idea, which isn't a bad idea, is that just like SD with Rivers last year, whoever we pick...if we traded them down...would want #2 money from whoever gets him.

On the flip side....whoever we get in a trade or draft that teams pick will want #2 money. It's exactly why Rivers held out last year. A 1st round hold out for us this coming season, no matter who it is at whatever postion, would look terrible for the team as well as Saban for his 1st draft...not to mention the player will be very far behind.
I want Edwards at #2 to keep! He IS the best player in the draft by far. I would not mind a trade as this is an obvious rebuilding year, but if we don't get a lights out offer, I say keep the best player in the draft!

Booker can eventually transition to the slot. Edwards and Chambers would strech out defenses big time! That will open up the running game. Lineham plays alot of one back sets and a receiving core like that could give him an explosive attack. AJ will be fine as long as he gets some time in the pocket and does not get pounded on every other passing play.
I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. I'm sure it's come across Saban's mind because it could turn out to be a great idea for the simple fact, the worst case situation... We end up keeping Braylon Edwards. ;)
No way, first of all the Vikings would then select the next best WR, Mike Williams of USC, then what? The Fins would be stuck with Edwards, I say stuck because I think he will be a bust in the NFL, just like all the Michigan WR's turn out to be. The Vikings aren't the only team wanting to trade up as the Bucs have also shown interest, more teams will be asking what it will take to move up and I think we can get a player we want and get some additional picks as well.
Very possible, and i like the move. If puts Minny in a no win situation and the worst that can happen to us is we have another awesome reciever.
No way, first of all the Vikings would then select the next best WR, Mike Williams of USC, then what? The Fins would be stuck with Edwards, I say stuck because I think he will be a bust in the NFL, just like all the Michigan WR's turn out to be. The Vikings aren't the only team wanting to trade up as the Bucs have also shown interest, more teams will be asking what it will take to move up and I think we can get a player we want and get some additional picks as well.

Yet, Mike Williams probably wont fall to them.. And Edwards wont be a bust in my opinion.. He is much different than the other bust Michigan receivers.
SkapePhin said:
OK, say its draft day, SF picks a QB, and Minny wont cough up their 2 firsts + for the pick.. You think Saban would draft Edwards just to put pressure on Minnie? I guess Minnesota could hope for Williams to fall, or trade up to get him, but it seems they want Edwards.. And if Minnie still doesnt bite, keeping Braylon wouldnt be a bad consolation prize..


I believe that if we don't trade out of the #2 pick, we will draft Edwards. I know that it's not our biggest need but considering how deep this draft is at RB, we could easily get a quality RB later in the draft (hopefully with Arizona's 2nd ;) )
Michigan receiver or not this guy will not be a bust!.....Minnesota does not want Williams. The system does not fit him. They just lost possibly the fastest receiver in the NFL and need to replace that. Williams will be good but he won't strecht defenses which is the key to their system and now ours!
If pick #2 comes and no trade pick the best player and thats Edwards.
If that happens and Williams goes before Minny picks, they will be DESPERATE! and forced to give up alot if they want Edwards, if not we keep him.......
painnotpleasure said:
I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. I'm sure it's come across Saban's mind because it could turn out to be a great idea for the simple fact, the worst case situation... We end up keeping Braylon Edwards. ;)
And that would likely happen as teams would know we were trying to get him traded with having enough receivers as is (They may try to trade for less value than Edwards). Still might work with a receiver of his calibre.
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