Jets-J. Abraham "sprains" MCL | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Jets-J. Abraham "sprains" MCL


Club Member
Oct 24, 2001
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Ontario, Canada
Apparently he's having an MRI on Monday but if he's out the Jets could be in trouble. I don't cheer for a player to be hurt but considering our TC injuries over the years it's nice to see someone else experience this. Cross those fingers fin fans so it doesn't happen to us, we don't need anymore Yatil Greens.

I'll try to find a link.
You guys are idiots. To root for someone to have a torn ligament in their knee is disgusting. It could ruin a guy's career. To root for him to be ineffective is one thing, but come on. And I know you guys are jealous because he is better than Taylor.
jets blow...................

j.a. is better than taylor? really?

i must have missed something. i always thought it was the other way around.

J-E-T-S: could you post the the career stats on both players to date for us? that would help. i always thought j.t. was the better player. i am willing to look at the stats though.

Originally posted by J-E-T-S
You guys are idiots. To root for someone to have a torn ligament in their knee is disgusting. It could ruin a guy's career. To root for him to be ineffective is one thing, but come on. And I know you guys are jealous because he is better than Taylor.

A: I never cheer for injuries.

B: The Jets don't have a DE better than J Taylor.

Just the facts please.
Well, Abe has been in the league 2 years, so career stats are not that applicable.
BUT, last year
Abraham had 13 sacks, 6 Forced Fumbles,
Taylor had 9 sacks and 4 Forced Fumbles.
Plus Abe started in the Pro Bowl, while Taylor didn't make it.
any football fan that roots for someone to get injured is an idiot...abraham is good but he is not better than taylor...he may have had more sacks but taylor probably had his best all around year of his career...taylor has also been in the league 3 more years than abraham...
Abraham had a better year last year than Taylor but they are both capable of getting just as many sacks and taking over games. The sack story doesn't tell the whole story, as I was pretty sure last time I was able to get reliable data on it, that JT had more pressures, and I KNOW for a fact that JT had far more tackles (he led the league in tackles for a DL), he also had 4 fumble recoveries and a TD, and in general JT holds up at the point of attack against the run far better than Abraham does, who most often makes the tackle when the ball is being run AWAY from him because the OLman disengages and Abraham chases the ball down like a linebacker.

But don't get me wrong. Abraham's a pro bowl talent, however I'd hold my tongue and let him get a year or two more under his belt before I start saying he's better than JT. He's got to stay healthy, which JT does, and so far it looks like, John Abraham does not.
I would be willing to call it even with the stipulation that Jason Taylor has the advantage because he tends to stay healthier...
John Abraham is a good player but he's not the overall talent that JT is. Just like CK said JT is better against the run than Abraham but Abraham is young so he has time to improve if(and it's now a big if)his knee is not injured badly.
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