Joe Philbin's Power Play | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Joe Philbin's Power Play


Lifelong Fin Fan
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Feb 19, 2008
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Mahtomedi MN
It was a power play that fooled the masses! It was genius and I applaud Joe, Ross and Aponte for keeping it under wraps, as well as Joe having the guts to push all of his chips into the center of the table and say "I'm all in".

Most of the posters on this board, due to an obscene amount of nefarious twatter and blog reports, were sure that Dawn Aponte was the devil and the reason that some of the GM candidates decided to not interview for the job or not take the GM job once it was offered to them. But now, since the dust has cleared and you connect the dots it is plain to see that Philbin was the puppeteer pulling the strings all along.

There are many rumors about how the relationship between Ireland and Philbin began to sour. First there are the reports that Philbin was not happy with how Ireland addressed the offensive line this offseason. Then there were reports about how Ireland was unhappy with how Philbin was using his draft picks. Then there is the report of Ireland going off on Ireland in the press box with other Dolphins hierarchy in the room about how he can't coach. When the relationship crumbled, Philbin probably know only one of them would be around for the 2014 season. What Joe then had to do was convince Ross that the problem wasn't with the coaching staff but with the players Ireland provided. In the end Joe won the argument. We know this because Ireland chose to resign after some of his power on deciding the final roster was going to be stripped away and given to Philbin.

However, somewhere during that argument I believe that Ireland was also able to convince Ross that Sherman was a huge part of the problem. Ross then told Joe that Sherman has to go. Philbin (who I don't blame one bit for his choice as this will probably be his only HC opportunity in the NFL) then let go of his mentor, knowing that he would be able to hire whomever he wanted as OC. His choice, Bill Lazor. A very competent QB coach who has worked with some of the biggest coaching names in the NFL. Philbin has shown he is a very hands off HC when is comes to his coordinators so he needed someone that he 100% trusted. Lazor had proven he was able to handle many responsibilities in the past as both a HC and OC at the college level so he was a natural fit. Add in the fact he showed he was able to curtail his offense to his players strength/defenses weakness as well as run an up tempo system and I believe Joe did about as well as he could on this hiring.

Now comes the interesting part, the hiring of Hickey. Hickey was a name 99% of us didn't know. Hell, when the report first came out, on him hitting his interview out of the park from Armando many, including myself, totally disregarded it. But when you look at what Hickey has done in Tampa it is pretty easy to see that he is probably pretty good as what he does but also a conformist as well. You don't spend 18 years in one organization, with multiple FO and head coaching changes without being able to do that. You have to be good at what you do or the new regime will replace you with someone they have a personal/professional relationship with. This is the exact kind of GM Ross/Philbin were looking for. One that didn't want to upset the apple cart but who would conform to the task already at hand. The task outlined by Philbin to Ross. Which is why Ross wasn't willing to give the new GM the ability to hire/fire the head coach. The GM in this situation will be implementing Philbin's plan, not the other way around.

Now if we dig a little deeper into Hickey's past we can also probably see that him and Philbin more than likely may have had a working relationship as well. From 1999-2002 Philbin was an assistant at Iowa under Kirk Ferentz. During that same time, 1998-2004, Hickey was the Midwest scout for the Bucs. Now there is no mention off them ever having a personal relationship but one can definitely assume they spoke on a professional level at least a few times. This is where I believe Joe would have first become impressed with Hickey. Not at an interview they shared years down the road.

Taking a look back this is probably the best way the OC and GM search could have turned out. We are continuing with one vision, Philbin's vision. Ross has given Philbin all the rope he needs. He will either hang himself with it or scale the mountain. Hopefully for all of our sake Philbin doesn't leave us once again, crying at the gallows, waiting for a new GM/HC to be hired to right the ship.
I was wondering when this post would show up.

I have as well ;) Finally had enough time to put it together for myself. Do you dispute it? Because when I look at how everything transpired that is the opinion I now have.
Nitpick: Lazor has never been a head coach.

Nitpick #2: The only real 'new regime' in Tampa during Hickey's time there was Bruce Allen. Allen did not blow out the entire staff when he was hired. Much like Hickey is not likely to do here. When Dominik got promoted, he and Hickey had already worked together for years.

I think Hickey is being oversold by some here, just as I think he is being undersold by some Bucs fans who want to believe they have just jettisoned the worst personnel man in the universe.
I agree it is a good thing that these guys don't have very long to show something.
Philbin and Hickey get 2 years to show they can succeed. If this teams tanks this year maybe not that long.
I have as well ;) Finally had enough time to put it together for myself. Do you dispute it? Because when I look at how everything transpired that is the opinion I now have.

It's a convoluted tale of behind-the-scene geniuses. You've combined a bunch assumptions and speculations to concoct this glowing bit of fan fiction that paints a picture of a wonderful "happy ever after" out of a what, to most of us, looked like a fustercluck of ineptitude. I congratulate you on your creative writing ability but I question your ability to discern and articulate the truth.
The OP is just as correct as any other poster on this forum. The only difference I see is he is optimistic. Unlike the rest of the forum.
It's a convoluted tale of behind-the-scene geniuses. You've combined a bunch assumptions and speculations to concoct this glowing bit of fan fiction that paints a picture of a wonderful "happy ever after" out of a what, to most of us, looked like a fustercluck of ineptitude. I congratulate you on your creative writing ability but I question your ability to discern and articulate the truth.

Please show me where I stated something wrong. Other than Lazor as a HC that is it. The rest are the facts that came out after every person on this forum cried chicken little. Facts that most ignore because it suits their agenda.

So in the future, you might want to not listen to all the bull **** that is fed to and gulped up by the masses, look at the events that actually transpired and formulate an opinion yourself. Something that you obviously can't do.

And it's not a happily ever after. No where do I even come close to writing such a statement or prediction. I have no idea what is going to transpire over the next 12 months with the Fins. They could fall on their faces just as easily as they could become legit playoff contenders. But unlike you, I am able to wait until the smoke has cleared to voice an opinion that isn't based upon lies, deceit and reporters with an agenda.
Great post OP, but I just can't find myself doing all this research prior to everything playing out like some of you. I'll build up my opinion after everything has officially played out into 2014.
Good, it's all on Principal Philbin now. Sink or swim buddy!
It's a convoluted tale of behind-the-scene geniuses. You've combined a bunch assumptions and speculations to concoct this glowing bit of fan fiction that paints a picture of a wonderful "happy ever after" out of a what, to most of us, looked like a fustercluck of ineptitude. I congratulate you on your creative writing ability but I question your ability to discern and articulate the truth.

I believe you are referring to the GM search, which was not even mentioned in the OP. But people like you always need to piss on someone to make yourself feel better.
I have as well ;) Finally had enough time to put it together for myself. Do you dispute it? Because when I look at how everything transpired that is the opinion I now have.

Let me're applying to one of the local papers to become a beat writer or ESPN...maybe're opinionated, generalizations and conjecture fit right in.
We have Philbin and Aponte doing more for this organization than their job titles state. I don't see that as a bad thing. As a result we needed a GM that would adapt and not step on toes. So we didn't get the best candidate as GM but we now have several competent people with overlapping responsibilities that will hopefully be on the same page and work together, unlike Philbin and Ireland. Now maybe we will see more of our draft picks on the field and positions filled that need filling.
Regarding the OP: I agree that's how it went down with the firings, and I also agree that Hickey will likely work well with Philbin. I think these hires have more to do with getting the right people to fit Philbin's vision of the team.
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