John Beck draft redux... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

John Beck draft redux...


Apr 28, 2007
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Here is a reminder of why the Dolphins picked John Beck, and why he was so highly thought of...

Now pay close attention to Jaworski's comments regarding how the best QB's go through their progressions and will check down to keep the chains moving. Interesting concept and something that I think has been missing from the debate on Becks value.

Why is Beck checking down as much as he has? Why is this behavior considered a weakness on his part vs actually smart play by a savvy QB? The Blogosphere camp reporting made it a point to place this part of his game as a huge weakness. This IMO shows more the lack of insight as to what is going on during each play. Beck was a master of seeing the field and going through his progressions and taking what was available. The fact that he checks down so much during practice IMO has more to do with the reality that Miami's receiving corp last and so far this year suffered from:

1. Getting jammed at the line
2. Not finishing or being taken off of their routes
3. Not acheiving separation
4. Dropping balls.

So as a QB, do I force the ball into coverage even though I know that the guy is not going to get open, the guy will most likely bobble, tip or drop the ball and thus waste a down or cause a turnover, or I will get picked because the 3 guys covering are on him like glue? The check down keeps the chains moving. Now thrown in an enemic running game and voila you have the makings of a disaster. The fact that John had trouble syncing with his center on the bulk of his fumbles and the chain of bad things escalating out of control certainly makes him an easy target of criticism.

All this IMO means that trading Beck might do allot more for Beck than it would do for the Dolphins. Why?

1. What kind of trade value does he really possess at this point? I am afraid that coaches are seeing a great get, without having to fork over much. Parcells is not negotiating from a position of strength here.
2. It would be shocking to find another team with the kind of fragile issues as Oline, receiving and continuity that Miami possesses. Let us not kid ourselves, 1-15 does not become winning season over night. .500 ball would be amazing. IMO I see Miami winning 5 games this year. With another draft some off season acquisitions we could see Miami into winning territory with an outside shot at the playoffs. So with that said, Beck wins because the team he ends up with will most likely be stronger in the areas that plague the team. Checking down out of necessity won't be a problem anymore.
3. Trading Beck does what for the Dolphins? It does not free up a position, it does not create depth as we are talking Beck for future draft picks (late ones at that), and it does not help the team become better in any way. If Beck were traded next year after having another year of seasoning, time under center late in games when the result is already given, the Dolphins keep someone who plays smart, is available if disaster strikes and Pennington goes down and Henne does as well (assuming Beck is the number thee), and whose trade value increases to create a stronger deal to heal what ails the Phins.

Beck leaving is Beck getting the most out of the deal and should concern IMO fans as to what Parcells is actually accomplishing. Sparano may be a rookie, but Parcells may end up poisoning the well in regards to Sparano's ability to preside over the team. If this ends up biting Miami in the butt, I am afraid that we might continue the vicious cycle of waiting for the 2nd coming of Dan Marino while Miami wallows in the squalor of another losing season.
just so you know dj, my acid reflux has nothing to do with your's more that i know this may become another battlefield thread like all the other beck ones have become.

the one point i will make is that early in training camp pre penny arriving the reports were that the wrs were having trouble getting open. i just read today that since chad pennington has arrived omar says the wrs are catching more balls. he said his reasoning was a competent qb had arrived. that he has heard the same thing from the dbs and that the wrs were much more confident in the huddle. that guys seem to be open more.

that could be a knock on henne and beck and mccown.

just food for thought.
Beck started training camp with the opportunity to win the starting job. All he had to do was beat out a rookie and play at least as well as a journey-man QB. Instead, he started throwing picks and getting frustrated by a 3 second buzzer. The guy is just not ready. I hope we hang on to him, because it's too early to ditch a 2nd round draft pick at QB, but we will probably trade him if we can get an offer.
Beck camp with the opportunity to win the starting job. All he had to do was beat out a rookie and play at least as well as a journey-man QB. Instead, he started throwing picks and getting frustrated by a 3 second buzzer. The guy is just not ready. I hope we hang on to him, because it's too early to ditch a 2nd round draft pick at QB, but we will probably trade him if we can get an offer.

Yep you are correct:hi5:, Henne will be a better QB period:up:
It's a great post man, don't let the bash brothers get you down. They will talk about proof Beck sucks, and argue all sorts of non sense, but in the end the only thing they have is silly signatures and links to youtube videos which they cofuse for substance. You post is right in every regard. I hope we keep him, if not I think he will be a good QB for another team.
just so you know dj, my acid reflux has nothing to do with your's more that i know this may become another battlefield thread like all the other beck ones have become.

the one point i will make is that early in training camp pre penny arriving the reports were that the wrs were having trouble getting open. i just read today that since chad pennington has arrived omar says the wrs are catching more balls. he said his reasoning was a competent qb had arrived. that he has heard the same thing from the dbs and that the wrs were much more confident in the huddle. that guys seem to be open more.

that could be a knock on henne and beck and mccown.

just food for thought.

No worries, :) . I understand that many will come in and try to rape this thread. The ignore feature is the bomb in keeping things a discussion vs. the pending storm that some are renting sackcloth over.
If John Beck has any chance of finding a job in the NFL it is going to have to be with a team that runs a west coast offense. I don't know how the hell Cameron and Mueller expected him to run the air coryell offense when he never throws any routes over five yards.

He was a second day prospect going into the Combine, really did nothing to change that, and just rode the hype machine into the draft where he was suddenly "a steal in the second round," and that "we were lucky he FELL to us." I have nothing against John Beck, he seems like a great guy and I was pulling for him to improve this season and possibly hold down a starting job. But I think it is time to be realistic here, he has no future with this team whatsoever. If you still actually believe that he has a chance to do anything with this team, open your eyes, it's over.

Once you start complimenting his checkdown ability, you know you're really grasping for straws.

He brought up good points and I didn't see anything related to an apologist.
You have always been shortsighted when it comes to this issue.
In fact, I remember Jaworski heaping praise on Beck when he was picked.
But, I guess you are better at evaluating QB talent than Jaworski.
and again, this isn't an issue of Beck vs Henne as all you Beck bashers like to turn it into. :rolleyes:
the 1,000th Beck thread YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

If John Beck has any chance of finding a job in the NFL it is going to have to be with a team that runs a west coast offense. I don't know how the hell Cameron and Mueller expected him to run the air coryell offense when he never throws any routes over five yards.

He was a second day prospect going into the Combine, really did nothing to change that, and just rode the hype machine into the draft where he was suddenly "a steal in the second round," and that "we were lucky he FELL to us." I have nothing against John Beck, he seems like a great guy and I was pulling for him to improve this season and possibly hold down a starting job. But I think it is time to be realistic here, he has no future with this team whatsoever. If you still actually believe that he has a chance to do anything with this team, open your eyes, it's over.

Once you start complimenting his checkdown ability, you know you're really grasping for straws.

Please dispense with the falsehoods. He was not a second day prospect. The argument is NOT whether he has a future as the starting QB of this team (and never has been). It's an issue of whether he has the ability to play in the NFL.
Some Beck basher on a prior post made the asinine comment that he belonged in the arena league. Comments like that are what make the fair minded fans get defensive.
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