Josh Allen's "Victory Lap" Around Hard Rock | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Josh Allen's "Victory Lap" Around Hard Rock

I mean, he's made so many wow plays. No question Allen, at times, can be incredible. But six years in and he's still a turnover machine. He still makes a lot of bad decisions and gives teams a lot of chances. I think Buffalo would have gone 13-4 with Mahomes, Prescott etc. leading that team. They are packed with talent.

What bothers me is how much credit Allen is getting for the win over Miami when really he didn't play a great game. Sure, he had the yards and kept Miami's offense off the field. Give him credit there. But in the redzone he was, honestly, terrible.
People just remember the run where Kohou shat himself to even tackle him, jumps out of his way and makes a weak attempt at trying to cause a fumble. Allen was still nearly 5 yards short of the first down at that point and Kohou made the type of non-effort play that should see him get benched if not for injuries.

That's the play that sticks out in people's mind. That was Josh Allen "carrying his team to victory" in their minds. They will forget about the interceptions, the lucky helmet TD pass or the punt return, it will only be remembered for that run.
The division goes through Buffalo. Do you load up on more playmakers on offense that they just can't match? Do you get physical linebackers and corners who will deliver the type of hits that make Allen, Jackson and those types of quarterbacks think twice before they take off?
Easy choice is Miami needs to blow up the defence. This is mostly the same personnel who weren't great under Flores, Boyer or Fangio against the better QB's. Something needs to change. Look at the Jets and the Patriots, their offences suck and give the Bills offence a million chances yet their defence more often than not keeps them in the game. Miami's defence on the other hand usually folds like a deck chair against them. Ironically, last week was one of their best efforts against them them while missing a lot of starters.

Miami needs better LB's, CB's and depth on the DL at a minimum.
This guy just rubs me the wrong way. I can't recall any other quarterback essentially taking a victory lap around the opposing team's stadium.

I certainly can't imagine Tua doing that after a victory in Buffalo. Of course, Miami hasn't played well recently in Buffalo either.

Am I the only one bothered by that?
He had alot of bills fans there but yeah, he can eat A Giant bag of dicks
If you watched Hard Knocks, Allen told Tua "we'll see you in a few weeks".

Allen obviously thinks highly of Tua and Miami.
That's just QB speak. He likes tua and was just trying to lift his spirits. Nothing more.
Just wanted to thank y’all for selling your tickets to Bills fans to make a few bucks and let your team get embarrassed on national TV. On the phins first drive it was so loud I would have been humiliated to be a dolphins fan.

Josh took his well-deserved victory lap in his second home stadium.

A QB doing a victory lap in YOUR house because there are so many of HIS fans there says more about your fanbase than it does about Josh.
How tf we deal with prime Brady better than we can deal with this douchebag?
Fortunately for us, Brady was never a threat to run. If we got pressure on him, much like Tua, his game was not nearly as good.
Easy choice is Miami needs to blow up the defence. This is mostly the same personnel who weren't great under Flores, Boyer or Fangio against the better QB's. Something needs to change. Look at the Jets and the Patriots, their offences suck and give the Bills offence a million chances yet their defence more often than not keeps them in the game. Miami's defence on the other hand usually folds like a deck chair against them. Ironically, last week was one of their best efforts against them them while missing a lot of starters.

Miami needs better LB's, CB's and depth on the DL at a minimum.
Definitely need to tweak things a little. McDaniel is now 1-4 against Buffalo, but every game except the early one this year was a one score game. The Dolphins have really struggled to finish in those types of games. Have to wonder if the Dolphins win this latest contest with a few less players on the DL? Don't want to use that as an excuse but Miami has been hit harder than Buffalo on the injury front. Much harder. That takes a toll.

The defense is close. There are some really talented players on that side of the ball. Wilkins and Seiler inside are great. Long had a really nice, under-the-radar kind of season and played 17 games. That was the concern with him. Phillips and Chubb are really quality pass rushers. Ramsey is a star. Holland could be. Elliott and Jones have had nice moments. Same with Baker.

I think what Miami really needs is an enforcer type. Someone that gives quarterbacks doubt when they take off to run, knowing they are going to be drilled. The Dolphins need players with more pride, who won't put up with the b.s. we've seen consistently now from Josh Allen.
People just remember the run where Kohou shat himself to even tackle him, jumps out of his way and makes a weak attempt at trying to cause a fumble. Allen was still nearly 5 yards short of the first down at that point and Kohou made the type of non-effort play that should see him get benched if not for injuries.

That's the play that sticks out in people's mind. That was Josh Allen "carrying his team to victory" in their minds. They will forget about the interceptions, the lucky helmet TD pass or the punt return, it will only be remembered for that run.
Right. When they got that helmet touchdown, it was pretty clear the ball was bouncing their way. I don't recall if that was a third down play or not. Take that away and Allen had one offensive score.

Kohou has typically been a pretty good tackler, but he needed to put on his big boy pants and take Allen down. I don't know who the hardest, most nasty hitters are in the draft. But I'd be looking for some of those players.
I've no issue whatsoever with him doing it. It's Miami's fault, they couldn't win the game and the fans sold their tickets to Buffalo fans. Why wouldn't he want to thank all those fans for showing up?
If other players around the league were doing that, I could easily dismiss it as the new normal in the NFL. But I haven't seen any other player do that.
Yeah. I still say we need an absolute head hunter in the middle of this D to boost the physicality of this team. The Ravens and 49ers have that.
Absolutely agree with this. It's not just Allen, but Jackson, all those mobile quarterbacks. These guys would think twice about taking off if they knew they were going to get clocked.
josh allen has allows been a prick... he begs for every call and whines when he doesn't get it.. he's not gonna change..
he's a great QB but you're right, he gets on my nerves and you don't want to see a guy like that win
He also seems to get more than his share of roughing calls. But I do understand the rules protecting the quarterbacks. I just wish they were more consistently applied. Couldn't touch Tom Brady without flags flying.
Let’s be real. If Tua did this at the Bills stadium (yah I know we’d never get that many fans there) we’d all love it.
I can't stand him. He is 2nd behind the Eagles Coach. I hope he gets a round 1 exit.

Josh Allen needs to be hit. I LOVEEED how Wilkins hit him hard when he ran. Hit him a few times. It's hard to wrap his legs.
Right. When they got that helmet touchdown, it was pretty clear the ball was bouncing their way. I don't recall if that was a third down play or not. Take that away and Allen had one offensive score.

Kohou has typically been a pretty good tackler, but he needed to put on his big boy pants and take Allen down. I don't know who the hardest, most nasty hitters are in the draft. But I'd be looking for some of those players.

I think helmet catch happened on 4th down. Not 100% though
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