Just For Fun - Pick Em 2002 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Just For Fun - Pick Em 2002


We Are Still Going To The SB
May 24, 2002
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Well guys I think things will go like this:

AFC Championship gameolphins vs. Colts Winnerolphins

People to look for: Broncos, Titans.

NFC Championhip game: Bears vs. Eagles Winner:Bears

People to look for: 49ers, Rams, Packers

Super Bowl: Bears vs. Dolphins Winner Dolphins

I think The Colts will have a very good team next season, with an already great QB,RB, and receiver. They also added Quadry Ismail, who in my opinion is a great receiver. Defense will get better with Dungy there. Tampa's defense was suspect to say the least before he got there. I also think people do no give the Bears enough credit for what they did last season. They will be a force next season. They have a stud running back in the A-train, very good o-line, a very good receiver in the making in David Terrell, and not to mention a very good defense. Yet the Dolphins will pound the teams who get in their way! looking forward to a great season.:eat:
Fins vs Raiders - Fins Win
Rams vs. Eagles - Rams Win (again :rolleyes: )

Fins win SB :band:
Fins in Super Bowl

I agree with Dolphan 39 on his final 4 picks. IMO the Colts and 49ers will also be tough. I really believe this Dolphins team will make it to the Super Bowl, but I like our chances against Philly a lot better than I do against St. Louis. They utterly embarrassed us last year and we were pretty healthy then so there's no excuse (IMO our coaching was terrible in that game). Taylor was nullified by Pace so we had no pass rush. Madison, Surtain, et al did the best they could against their receivers, but Zach Thomas got little help from his fellow LBs in stopping Marshall Faulk. To slow him down you need better OLBs than Rodgers and Greenwood. I hate to say it, but unless the coaching staff can work wonders, a la Belichek, I still wouldn't like our chances against the Rams. I really hope that I'm wrong, of course.
AFC Championship: Pittsburgh at Miami
NFC Championship: Philadelphia at St. Louis

Super Bowl: Dolphins Vs. Rams

Super Bowl Champions: Dolphins
AFC division champs: Miami, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, Oakland
Wild Card: Denver, Cleveland

NFC division champs: Philadelphia, Atlanta (they will sign a WR and surprisingly beat TB), Green Bay, St. Louis
Wild Card: San Francisco, Washington (their defense will be very good)

Surprises to miss the playoffs: Tampa Bay, New York Jets

AFC Championship: Miami defeats Oakland

NFC Championship: San Francisco defeats Green Bay (upset of the year when Green Bay will get their revenge on St. Louis from this year's playoffs)

Super Bowl: Miami beats San Francisco

Of course I am predicting a lot of upsets, because what happens is not what you expect to happen.

My reasoning for San Francisco to make it: Their offense is very good and they will sign a second wide reciever, probably Willie Jackson, which will make their passing game a lot better (and it is already very good). They have a good back in Hearst and a good back up in Berlow. Their defense was good last year, way better than expected. It will improve this year as Andre Carter will become a Pro Bowl DE. Also, I expect Plummer to have a very good season again. They will not win the division, but have a very good record and take the conference by surprise.
Damn, what a bunch of freakin homers you guys are. Sheeezz. :)
I guess I'll pick the fins as well for SB champs.

Even if we do not win the "big game", I still think that it would be considered a successful season if we at least get to the AFC Championship game, or even just get to the SB.

For those of you that have never been to a Super Bowl, there is nothing like experiencing it in person. I have the good forune of being able to have attended two fins Super Bowls, the first one in N.O. against the Cowboys, and the game in Palo Alto against the 49ers. Even though we lost both games, it is still an event you will take with you forever.

Damn, we just gotta get back to the big game, it's been way too long.
Yes even with Fiedler, I think he will do very well in Norv's offence this year.
here's my take...

AFC Playoff teams

Miami, Pittsburg, Indy, Oakland, Buffalo & KC...
yeah i know.... NE is not there and they wont!!!

NFC Playoff teams

Phily, GB, TB, STL, CHI & SF...

AFC CHAMPS - Miami over Kansas-City (my sleeper team)
NFC CHAMPS - Green Bay over St-Louis (i think Favre & Glenn will become the best QB, WR duo)

SUPERBOWL - Miami over Green Bay

I like to make some longshots so that's it!!!;) The only sure thing is Miami SB Champs!!!
Sorry, but I'll bet anyone on this board $50 that the Chicago Bears don't even make the playoffs this year!!!
AFC Playoff Teams(not in any particular rank/order):

New England

NFC Playoff Teams(not in any particular rank/order):

Green Bay
St. Louis
Tampa Bay
San Francisco
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