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Kenyan Drake and Devante Parker

And the coaching staffs that have dealt with these two players have been hot garbage. I’m no fan of Parker. He can’t atay healthy, he has no body control on the sideline, he drops passes and just seems to be a generally lazy POS. you’ve got him cheap and he definitely had the tools to be at least serviceable. If you like Preston Williams for his upside there’s no reason to not like Parker other than the high draft pick.

Everyone told me Damian Williams was a scrub but he goes to a real team that actually uses him and look how he exploded in KC. If he stayed healthy he’d be doing just as good now and Drake is a far superior talent, that once again we have cheap.

Being tall is not a talent and 4.45 speed is not elite.

The combination of size and speed is considered talent. It’s more “talented” for a bigger frame to move as fast in and out of cuts, or similar on staraight line speed. It’s why the equivalent of a circus midget grant running a 4.3 or whatever is useless compared to Parker.

If Parker stays healthy, learns to take care of his body like a pro and learns to prepare like a pro, he can be top level player. We’re already pot committed to him as we’ve already paid the unrefundable price of admission, the initial draft pick. There’s nothing to be gained from dealing him for a low draft pick. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t draft him but that bell has been rung.
No reason the both can’t be here next year on team friendly deals. Both can be serviceable parts
Gardner Minshew was a 6th round pick, and is lighting it up in Jax.

If anyone offers a pick for draft pick for either of the two, ill take it
Honestly this board is lacking on stimulants like crack or meth if they thing Drake worth an even a late 3rd. Expect a 4th at best based on potential and not the **** team around him. That being said passed the psychedelics if you actually believe in your hearth Rosen will start next year.
I think they will give Ballage and Drake more games to prove themselves before testing the others. Why would keep so many RB’s on the roster

I hope that there are consequences for the poor performance by Ballage. The following breakdown would send a message about gametime performance:
  • Drake 50%
  • Walton 30%
  • Ballage 20%
Parker is under contract. Drake is welcome back but at the right price. Good player, good speed, when we have an o-line and a defense he can be a part of the offensive weaponry.
Considering the situation, I've got no problem with the way Parker's played so far this year.
Drake is an elite talent that has been misused since he’s been here. Gase was a horrible playcaller, coach and human being. This team has another horrible coach and playcaller.

Parker is an elite talent that has been wasted potential since he’s gotten here. He doesn’t take care of his body properly as evidenced by injuries and comments I’ve heard from reports that he didn’t know his way around the weight room when he was a rookie. That’s a failure of scouting and interviewing before the draft.

Both guys are young enough and should be cheap enough to keep. The upside is much better than the returned value, mostly because you won’t get anything for them on the open market. If someone gets stupid and gives you a crazy deal, take it. Odds are they won’t though. You need some of these guys to pan out if you don’t want to be “rebuilding” for another decade. Drake, Preston and Parker is a lot of physical talent for a solid young QB. I vote keep em all, fix the line and get your QB.

Not sure what games you’re watching but Rosen sucks and Drake is elite talent??? LOL Drake ****ing blows donkey balls. Chokes the ball up at the goal line time and time again.
I think both could stay. It keeps continuity. Drake won’t command top 10 money he fumbles too much. Parker might have found a HC he relates to. However if they leave when their contracts run up so be it. I do believe we kept so many RB’s to give them all an audition.

Keep them for the sake of keeping “continuity” ???? OMG that was the funniest line I’ve ever read here. Those guys are bums plain and simple. You need to watch a few games and see what we all see.
Keep them for the sake of keeping “continuity” ???? OMG that was the funniest line I’ve ever read here. Those guys are bums plain and simple. You need to watch a few games and see what we all see.

Drake should be a back up and Parker is good enough as a number 2/3
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