Last year at this time!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Last year at this time!!!


Tailgate Central (E12 Orange Camry Zone)
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL
DO you think the fans in this community have begun to take it a little easier on JF? Especially on QAM last year, every call seemed like they were calling for LUCAS to become the starter! Is Jay finally getting the respect he deserves?
I pose this question....
Were more people calling for Lucas last year or Griese this year to become the starter?

Just a thought!
I dunno... I think it was about even.... allthough here at FinHeaven it does seem as though people have finally realized how good Jay really is...

well, at least most of us have. ;)
i think that fiedler has so much respect now, because everyone saw what he can do when he was healthy.. Also with the second year under Norv turner''s offense, he will be pro bowl,,!
Originally posted by Dolphins12thMan
DO you think the fans in this community have begun to take it a little easier on JF? Especially on QAM last year, every call seemed like they were calling for LUCAS to become the starter! Is Jay finally getting the respect he deserves?
I pose this question....
Were more people calling for Lucas last year or Griese this year to become the starter?

Just a thought!

I believe Griese is getting far too much press coverage, period. He has yet to earn such exposer IMO. Espeically how well Jay has been playing so far this training camp period.

Let's face it, those ppl, news ppl are always going to look for something to bitch about and cause contention, because when that is the case they sell more papers, more ppl watch their shows, and more ppl listen to their shows.

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If you've been to training camp, you have to support the guy (Fiedler). Pleasantly suprised by his performance.
I think this is a little misleading. This forum has raged for the last seven months with threads that show the population about half divided on Jay. Some polls show the majority of Fin fans do not believe in Jay.

I think the chance is there for him. Its all in his hands. Its put up or get out time for Fiedler. He has to play better and get to the next level or he won't be here.

I don't think Lucas being so bad is going to shut anyone up. It was a reflection on Lucas, not a positive effort by Fiedler. Jay's production was terrific before he was hurt and horrendous after he came back.

Who will we get ? The 2002 pre-injury Jay or post injury Jay?

His whole career has been that he is great for a week or two and then he disappears for a week or two. Up and down.

Lets all hope this is the year he puts it all together and does his part.

I hope for it. I will embrace him as our starter as long as he does his part. I won't embrace any player or Coach that keeps our beloved Fins from taking this team to the next level. We have waited too long and have been disappointed too many times.

The time is now.
I hope for the Phins sake we get the good Jay. I was ready for Lucas to come in prior to last year. After that debacle, I reevaluated Jay and what I expected from him. I loved his toughness and hated his long ball (or lack of one). He seems to do good when on the run but couldn't hit an open receiver when standing still. I think he's getting better. I (we) were spoiled with Dan and expected all our QB's to have his fire and gifts. The truth I had to come to terms with is there is and only will be one Dan.

The name Griese itself begs haters to call for Jay to sit. I am no longer one of those. I think Jay will improve and make this team special. Hope fully he will not make a liar out of me. This year if Jay hits a rough patch I wont be so eager to call for his head.
It is not a black and white subject. Jay deffinitly has his strengths, but just as many weaknesses. I think Fin fans have accepted that he is deffinitly the only QB option we have, but some also wish there was a better option. I think we are all rationial about the fact that as long as Jay is healthy this season he deserves to be the starter. We will see what happens by the end of the season when Brian gets the offense down, and we revaluate the postion next year.
Originally posted by Dajesus
We will see what happens by the end of the season when Brian gets the offense down, and we revaluate the postion next year.

Yep, then we hand the reigns to Sage "The Cannon" Rosenfells. :tongue:
Man i hate how everyear we get so pumped in pre season and do AWESOME in september and october, then jus fade when it counts:(
I think most of the fans here recognize that Jay Fiedler should be the starter, but the media still doesn't give him the credit he deserves and in ESPN magazine they had Griese as the favorite to win the starting job. Some of these media people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, it makes me wonder how they have jobs doing what they are doing.
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