Lidle: Bonds' chase not 'legitimate' | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Lidle: Bonds' chase not 'legitimate'

MikeO said:
He would have to BAN half the league. You would have to run investigations on any and every player which there is "reasonable cause" and start doing investigations. Or else the few you do ban, claim "WITCH HUNT" (and they would be correct) then you have a legal battle on your hands the likes you have never seen before.

Nobody cared when the balloon heads of McGwire and Sosa were hitting 70 and 66 homeruns and brought alot of people back to baseball. It seems that people wanna single out Bonds but if I had to guess I would think alot more fringe major leagues used the juice to earn a paycheck rather than the superstars. Barry is singled out because he's a great player and was great even before he used the juice allegedly and because of his personality. As much as people hate him i'm still thinking that they are watching him everytime ESPN cuts to an at bat.
Finfan86 said:
If they seen the people throw the needles why didn't they take pictures or go and collect the needles?

they did, how do you think they knew they were needles?
Nappy Roots said:
I have to ask this question.....

For those of you that believe Bonds should be punished for steriods...

Should Lance Armstrong have his race wins taken away for steriods?
Absolutely. Cheating is cheating. At least Lance isnt a ---- to everyone though.
Boik14 said:
Absolutely. Cheating is cheating. At least Lance isnt a ---- to everyone though.

well obviously, but im not saying should lance have his stuff taken away if caught for cheating. But, do you currently think his stuff should be taken away with all the steriod stuff on him?
djfresh47 said:
Nobody cared when the balloon heads of McGwire and Sosa were hitting 70 and 66 homeruns and brought alot of people back to baseball. It seems that people wanna single out Bonds but if I had to guess I would think alot more fringe major leagues used the juice to earn a paycheck rather than the superstars. Barry is singled out because he's a great player and was great even before he used the juice allegedly and because of his personality. As much as people hate him i'm still thinking that they are watching him everytime ESPN cuts to an at bat.
People cared but at that point it couldnt be confirmed though it was suspected. Part of the problem with baseball is that its always reactive instead of proactive...that is they wait for bad stuff to happen before they do something. It took the Black sox scandel to ban gambling, a grand jury to ban steroids, etc. there are other examples as well. Why does it take a handful of premier players being suspected/caught with roids to toughen the drug policy?
Nappy Roots said:
well obviously, but im not saying should lance have his stuff taken away for cheating. But, do you currently think his stuff should be taken away with all the steriod stuff on him?
I said yes already. You play to compete on a level playing field. If you cant do that get the ---- out of sports. Its athletic competition, not win by any means necessary.

I mean if I wanted to I already know ways to cheat if I was good enough. Point is your accomplishments are tainted and irrelevant if you do it.
Boik14 said:
I said yes already. You play to compete on a level playing field. If you cant do that get the ---- out of sports. Its athletic competition, not win by any means necessary.

I mean if I wanted to I already know ways to cheat if I was good enough. Point is your accomplishments are tainted and irrelevant if you do it.

ok, i just wanted to make sure you didnt think i meant if he tested positive for roids.
Nappy Roots said:
ok, i just wanted to make sure you didnt think i meant if he tested positive for roids.
fair enough.

I hate taking the hollier than thou stance but I love sports too much. I hate seeing baseball ruined by this. :fire:
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