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Listen to WQAM ..........


Perennial All-Pro
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Mar 2, 2002
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Dolphins pregame show starting at 4:00 eastern time...........
Goldie has Joe Rose on his "Countdown to Kickoff" show.
all we need is Jeff Deforest "Defo" on the show and we have a
WQAM "First Team" reunion.

Great Show, you guys need to tune in!!!!
The First Team was a Great show. By the way, wasn't Joe Rose the one who said he would quit if the Jets beat the Dolphins in the 2nd game last year?
The jets really know how to use all their talent in 2 games out of the season.

Can you say Premature Ejaculation?
Their talking about the OL right now..4:41 pm
Good stuff on QAM now.

Ya'll hear about Dixon?? It's crazy how this guy still needs a few months off and still isn't near 100%......but he still handles Warren Sapp.

That's 4 years straight. Amazing.
I know,..I wish he was 100%..Man would this really be it wouldn't they'd probably put him at LT in a heart beat. Especially if J. Nails have a good game tonight..especially against Sapp..You can make a name for yourself doing good against him.
Oy guess I might have to listen to the game. Was hoping TSN would pick it up here but they would rather show Woman's Tennis???

Is the game on TV at all in Canada?
You guys don't have ESPN in Canada??
Originally posted by Muck
You guys don't have ESPN in Canada??

Just ESPN classics on my digital cable. We have TSN (The Sports Network), 4 channels of SportsNet and the SCORE.

TSN is the channel that shows ESPN's Sunday Night games during the regular season.
Man, Joe Rose is slamming on Fletch. Let's see how he does tonight. I hope they give him extensive playing time for the experience.
Man are they blasting Flechter..They have a point, after Pat and Sam..we have no proven depth at corner back..I bet we will once camps break and the final cuts are make...Do anybody hear D. Greer if he's well and no other good people get cut off other rosters. If he's healthy we should bring him in now so he can learn..if he doesn't work out..cut him.
Originally posted by Agua
Man, Joe Rose is slamming on Fletch. Let's see how he does tonight. I hope they give him extensive playing time for the experience.
amen to that - that was totally down on the phins losing Cousin and then not signing T-buck - they even brought up Drew Brees :eek:
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