Marino discusses Tannehill-Wallace chemistry | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Marino discusses Tannehill-Wallace chemistry

Daytona Fin

Queeks Draw
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Dec 5, 2002
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Daytona Beach
From the Finsiders

Here is a link to the video.
In an interview with Finsiders, Marino spoke about the connection that a quarterback and a receiver need to have to hit on deep passes. Marino believes that there’s one very important thing that they need to do together to be successful. And that’s practice, practice…and practice.

“Practice. You have to do it in games, you’ve got to do it in game speed. Ryan Tannehill has to make Mike Wallace understand what he wants to see in a route and how you run that route according to different coverages.”

The two were really close on a lot of throws, and Marino thinks that the timing between the two will eventually get there. A lot of things have to go right on a deep throw, and the more time the players spend together, the better their connection will become. He believes that they’ll be better in their second season together.

“Mike Wallace needs to find a way [to do it]. He’s fast, he gets open. It’s timing, it’s a timing thing,” said Marino. “You’d think over a year they would be in perfect shape as far as that’s concerned on the connections. And they did, they got better all year and they will get better. Next year, I’m sure you’ll see a lot of it, a lot of big plays from those two guys.”
I love his answer: Practice. He is right.
I sure hope so! They should be practicing all offseason starting weeks ago.
While I'm hopefully it improves dramatically, it did not get better as the season went as one would expect. I believe the problem was two fold....accuracy and chest catching wideout. If it was a player of Fitz caliber where they attack the ball I have no doubt the connections would of doubled. This is why I would advocate drafting another WR in the draft. There are a ton of good prospects this year that should be available in mid rounds.
While I'm hopefully it improves dramatically, it did not get better as the season went as one would expect. I believe the problem was two fold....accuracy and chest catching wideout. If it was a player of Fitz caliber where they attack the ball I have no doubt the connections would of doubled. This is why I would advocate drafting another WR in the draft. There are a ton of good prospects this year that should be available in mid rounds.

It's a timing issue not a talent issue.
Who was the receiver(s) with whom Tannehill had a "timing issue" in college, when his deep accuracy was no better?
I love the fact that during the season Mike Sherman said they didn't really practice the deep ball as they essentially didn't have enough time to. Let's hope that changes with a new OC

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I love the fact that during the season Mike Sherman said they didn't really practice the deep ball as they essentially didn't have enough time to. Let's hope that changes with a new OC

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How do you not have time to practice a specific route? That just seems like a bunch of BS from Sherman to be honest. Or the players just didn't care enough to put in the extra time after practice to work on that stuff. I hear about Peyton Manning working on routes and plays with his receivers and backs all the time after practice so that little piece from Sherman seems completely ridiculous.
It is practice, but also play design....most successful deep balls are thrown within a 1.5 seconds, trying to do it after play action allows Wallace to get very deep and out of the range of normal accuracy.
I like The receiving corps the phins have now. With Gibson probably being healthy, Mathews proving he belongs there are 4 guys who can all be threats. If that Deep ball gets more consistent that opens the other guys because a safety will look first at Wallace to see where he has to go. lots of practice is needed to get the timing right. The throws weren't horrible but Wallace is just that fast that the ball was under thrown. Get them going in unison LAZOR!
So one would think his deep accuracy would've been better, correct? It wasn't.

Didn't you get caught trying to compare Tannehill's deep ball from college to the pro's while only comparing his college career, to his 2013 NFL season, and not including his 2012 NFL season, which showed his deep ball % actually improved quite a bit?

Tannehill has actually had a decent % while throwing to everyone but Wallace in the NFL. Which most former NFL players and coaches as well as current NFL players and coaches attribute to a lack of chemistry between the two. Hell even Tannehill and Wallace themselves have come out and said it. But to you, a number cruncher, who takes offense to anyone who asks questions about your research, of which I know you put a great deal of time into, that could never be the case.

Also, you might want to do some research into scientific theory. When you post a theory, it is not the masses job to disprove it. It is your job to answer the questions that may disproved it. That is my biggest issue on your stat threads. People asking you legitimate questions about your research and how it was conducted and then you not responding to them, or worse responding with a question yourself saying why don't you do the work. IT'S YOUR THEORY, YOU PROVE IT!
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