Marty Article/With Cleo Lemon | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Marty Article/With Cleo Lemon

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Sep 8, 2004
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+ Backup QB Cleo Lemon was long a favorite of Schottenheimer's. Without consulting Schottenheimer, Lemon is traded in '05 by Smith to the Dolphins; Schottenheimer learns of the deal after it was completed. Lemon competes for Miami's starting job next season.

Interesting not only if Schotty ever ended up here but that Cam is now here. Cam should have all the background and personal knowledge on Lemon to know if he can be an option for number 1 qb. Sure looks like Lemon will get a fair shake out of this and if he does not become the starter it will not be because he did not have a true shot at it.
It would b nice t oget Marty..BUT what would he do here? If Cam (his pevious OC) Is the HC and will make offenisve calls..ta hell marty gonna do here?
Interesting details, thx for posting.
I've had a boss like A.J. Smith. He undermines people he can't get along with and ridicules them every chance he gets. This type of person will be your friend one day and your enemy the next.

Eventually, all of Smith's crying and moaning to get power will blow up in his face when he finally has it.... and then there's no one left to blame when the team starts losing or coming up short.

Sometimes, you have to beware what you wish for.
Don't even worry about Marty Schottenheimer. The best thing that could have happened to Miami already did when the over-hyped and under-achieving Nick Saban tucked tail and ran off to Bama. Your team now has a decent, experienced GM to guide the team on player decisions and a new coach who looks like a pretty decent young one (as opposed to a retread like Wade Phillips in Dallas) with NFL experience.

Be glad you're not Cowgirls or Bolts fans.
Every coach would love Cleo Lemon if your first two qb's are Brees and Rivers........
Every coach would love Cleo Lemon if your first two qb's are Brees and Rivers........
What do you mean? You don't think coaches try to have quality qbs at every depth?
Don't even worry about Marty Schottenheimer. The best thing that could have happened to Miami already did when the over-hyped and under-achieving Nick Saban tucked tail and ran off to Bama. Your team now has a decent, experienced GM to guide the team on player decisions and a new coach who looks like a pretty decent young one (as opposed to a retread like Wade Phillips in Dallas) with NFL experience.

Be glad you're not Cowgirls or Bolts fans.

There's a reason Mueller no longer works for Seattle and New Orleans. He too has an ego larger than life. I fear he will become a source of friction in this organization.
There's a reason Mueller no longer works for Seattle and New Orleans. He too has an ego larger than life. I fear he will become a source of friction in this organization.
You know, though, Mueller had some excellent drafts for both Seattle and NO. Perhaps some people in those organizations should have listened to him more often!

Perhaps Mueller is more brilliant than people give him credit for. If he shows me a good draft this year, he can be as arrogant as he wants for all I care!!
They probably only liked Lemon for his personality....
You think NFL coaches make decisions about their future based o the personality of a player only.
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