Mcintosh aggrees to Deal/Fins working hard to get Boston per PBP | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Mcintosh aggrees to Deal/Fins working hard to get Boston per PBP

Originally posted by Trackstar#6
Yup, It's looking more and more like we are gonna get Boston. Wow! We do not need Steussie now. If we do end up getting two first rounders, draft Rivers and an O-lineman. :D

We sure do need steussie or someone else. We had 3 holes to fill and only have 2 so far, that can play. I hope we do get a 1st for ogun but i haven't heard a peep about it for awhile. Any news on it?
Re: Re: Mcintosh aggrees to Deal/Fins working hard to get Boston per PBP

Originally posted by DeDolfan

I like McI as a player but I have a bad feeling that this could hurt us down the road. With this chronic ankle problems he's had, who knows if we'll get any real worth from it. 1.2 mil in the 1st yr seems a bit steep for a player likely to be on IR this yr, but then again, we don't know the details yet. I do at least hope that there is some clause in it that protects us and contingent upon if he can actually play a minimum # of games. If so, I'll feel more at ease with it. ;)

Will earn as much as 1.2mil. Thats the most he'll earn. I'm sure based on playing time.
Re: Re: Re: Mcintosh aggrees to Deal/Fins working hard to get Boston per PBP

Originally posted by fins1

Will earn as much as 1.2mil. Thats the most he'll earn. I'm sure based on playing time.

This aMs SS said som'n about it being a 23 mil total 6yr deal with JUST a 300k signing bonus [GREAT, only 50k/yr hit] with a 650k salary for 04 along with about a half mil incentives. I take it as you do, he'll get that if he plays. at least my dream came true on this deal that it winds up being a low risk move in that even if he can't ever really play for us and we have to cut him, there is very little cap hit. Almost none at all in "football" $$. this deal, i like that RS did. Hind sight or fore sight, it doesn't matter cuz i don't see much of a risk involved for us. Also, you would have to commend McI and his agent for realizing the fact of the kind of situation they faced and they all worked together instead of playing hard ball. Sometimes the hard ball tactic may work, but usually only for the $$ aspect as it often creates alot of animosity.
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